A Sudden Stevepiphany

Comicpalooza Houston TX March 26-28

This is actually what happend right before The Dark Crystal.

If you like to see what goes into the making of the comic I have posted a step by step (or layer by layer) “comic making process” gallery of this comic (can I use the word “comic” again?) in The Vault along with the original, unedited script. To get access the The Vault for the rest of the month make a one time donation. To get constant access and REALLY help me keep this comic-ship afloat, please consider starting a donation subscription. Thanks!

Don’t forget, this weekend is Comicpalooza in Houston, TX. I just found out I will be doing a webcomics panel with Randy, Malki! and Phil Foglio so if you are in the area you might not want to miss that (or you might… I don’t know you that well).

Sweet On Wheat-on

Comicpalooza Houston TX March 26-28

Getting a little too pluggy for your tastes? Well, the plugs are paying for my table and hotel at Comicpalooza so how about roll with it just this once and, if you are in the area, come out and see what promises to be a very cool comic/pop culture show.

Meeting Wil Wheaton at Emerald City Comicon was such a thrill that I thought the experience deserved it’s own comic. He’s such a kind and gracious dude. I highly suggest that you check out his various podcasts and books, especially the Memories of the Futurecast and the book what inspired it called [shockingly] Memories of the Future. If you ever wondered what it was like to actually grow up on the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation (especially during the highly questionable first season) this is a must-read.Continue reading

Emerald City Comicon

Emerald City Comicon, you have stolen my heart… and perhaps some of my bone marrow. This was by far the most fun (and most profitable) con I’ve ever done. I actually brought about half the books and shirts that I should have. I WILL be back next year for sure. Look for me and Angela in a booth of sorts.

My next con will be Comicpalooza in Houston, TX, March 26-28. Come see me or I will… still have a fun time. Just not with you.

This “comic” is adapted from a commissioned sketch I did for Kitty at ECCC. When I get a sketch request like “please draw Josh vs. a Jedi octopus” my initial internal reaction is something like, “are you just fucking with me?” Then I start to see the inherent challenge and look at it as a… well, a challenge. A beast to be tamed. And tame it I did. Look how tame it is! With Josh and the sea creature and light sabres and struggling and futility and such.

In addition to hanging out with my awesome webcomics friends and making a few new ones, I finally got to meet Wil Wheaton in person. We’ve emailed back and forth a few times but it was nice to see him in meat space. He has a firm handshake that says “I am not Wesley. And don’t be a dick.” I introduced myself and he looks at another guy in the booth and says “this is the guy I was telling you about that does the webcomic and made those Edward shirts.”

So yeah, Rest Of My Life, you’re going to have to try pretty hard to top this weekend.

My Award Has A First Name

If you follow me on Twitter, you may know that my mom was in a really bad car accident yesterday. I ended up spending all night in the hospital and came home to get some rest about 2am this morning. I’m headed back to the hospital now. She is doing well, but she needs to have surgery for a compound fracture in her thumb. Please send positive thoughts our way and excuse the lack of comic updates this week.

I assume I will still be at Emerald City Comic Con this weekend if she is already home and recovering.

If you are in Seattle and would be interested in a reader meetup this weekend, comment below.

Upcoming Appearances!!!

Emerald City Comic-Con
March 13-14 @ The Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA
MORE INFOContinue reading