Mr. Fish Goes To Washington

After listening to Kevin Costner testify about how he would fix the Gulf oil spill, I kind of get the impression he bought a “Magnificent Oil Machine” kit out of the back of a Boy’s Life magazine. Though I can see him, gills clogged with syrupy crude, clutching sea turtles in his webbed toes and sea-shepherding them to safety. It’s a tough life for The Mariner. He is more at home with the dolphins and giant mutated sea turtles (it turns out he wasn’t actually able to save them) than he is with humans. His only comfort is that in the ocean, no one can see you cry.

So how is it that actors go about getting face time with congress? Is there a special clip board somewhere in Washington they just have to sign up on?

Name: Costner, Kevin
Occupation: Actor, Director, Ichthyosapien, Amateur Science Enthusiast
Reason for addressing Congress: I bought a patent for a macine that eats water and oil (mixed) and craps water and oil (separated)

Even James Cameron proposed shooting arrows tipped with Unobtanium at the gushing pipeline or some such. That’s an imaginative idea. He should make movies. My challenge to you: How would a particular actor/celebrity solve the oil spill crisis? Perhaps Morgan Freeman could narrate as Tim Robbins crawled through the pipeline with a very large bag of clean clothes tied to his ankle.

SciFi SyFy Tv-Movie Title Generator Shirt

Science Fiction TV-Movie Title Generator T-Shirt @Topatoco!!!

There is also a PRINT of this design too!

The Pilgrim’s Progress

This comic has essentially nothing to do with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World but I’ve been wanting to draw Josh’s “Rogue’s Gallery of Exes” for a while now. So there you go. If you are wondering where “Goldie Locks” is, I know Josh dated at least one girl in highschool before his gay-wakening so let’s just assume she’s already been defeated… by life and the choices she’s made.


SciFi SyFy Tv-Movie Title Generator Shirt

Science Fiction TV-Movie Title Generator T-Shirt @Topatoco!!!

There is also a PRINT of this design too!

The title of the comic should not be confused with “Pilgrim’s Pride” which is a maker of fine poultry products. Actually that’s more suiting since neither titles have anything to do with the comic and one of them is about chicken. Let’s go with that one.

There is a new Fancy Bastard Facebook Fan Page (FBFBFP?)!!! The HE forum is basically dead and the old HE Facebook group is roughly the same. Twitter and the site comments seemed to have really taken the place of the previous FB online meeting places, but I think with this fan page I can give you guys a place to talk about non-HE related things and not force you do have an additional social network identity to keep up with. We’ll see how it goes. Feel free to check it out, start discussion, make posts, add photos, etc etc. For those interested I will keep the forum up and running for now (archive anything you want to save forever), but the old Facebook group will be deleted soon.

Historical Fiction

I dedicate this comic to Paul, who seems to actually enjoy this stupid-ass show.
Heroes Con 2010 in Charlotte, NC

Here’s a handy map that I made so that you can easily locate your favorite webcomics artists on Indie Island.

Also, TODAY IS MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!! I am 29 years old for the first time ever!

If you are a Fancy Bastard living in NC:
1) COME TO THE CON 2) TELL ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY 3) BUY SOMETHING (from me)* 4) TELL ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN 5) Repeat until one of us passes out
*in lieu of buying something you may also just give me cash, a present or a home made desert item. I’m not picky.

If you are not in NC, then why not drop a b-day donation in the e-tip jar, or pick up some lovely geek swag from the HE Store? That would be like a present for me AND YOU! A happy birthday memory we can share.

If you choose not to do any of these things then maybe tell a friend about HE, or share a happy birthday wish via Twitter.

I really wish I could show you what Josh made me for my birthday, but I think you’re going to have to wait for HE book 2 to see it. I hope to start preorders on that this summer.

SciFi SyFy Tv-Movie Title Generator Shirt

Science Fiction TV-Movie Title Generator T-Shirt @Topatoco!!!

There is also a PRINT of this design too!

Dumb The Right One Down


ALSO THURSDAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I will be 29! Gift unto me pastries and cash!

Heroes Con 2010 in Charlotte, NC
Here’s a handy map that I made so that you can easily locate your favorite webcomics artists while at the convention.

SciFi SyFy Tv-Movie Title Generator Shirt

I’m sure this comic makes little to no sense if you haven’t seen Let The Right One In. Though if you haven’t you probably should. Hell, it’s on Netflix streaming right now. That’s what I did this weekend. Go. Go watch it. It’s quite pretty and certainly isn’t your typical vampire movie.

If you HAVE seen it, I recommend reading the book, or at least the wiki entry about the book. There were some major plot elements cut out of the film so that it could focus on the relationship between Oskar and Eli. Knowing more about the backstory shed light onto a few points of confusion from the movie.

I’d rather the American remake, Let Me In, just go ahead and steamroll straight to the lowest common denominator and make it a dance movie called Let Me All Up Ins. Of course it would be followed by the sequel, Let Me All Up Ins Too: Tokyo Dancepire Throw Down – The Servening. The soundtrack will be all Lady GaGa and Blackeyed Peas songs remixed by the Wayans brothers.

UPDATE: This early review actually makes it sound pretty good. Damnit. I guess I’ll have to find something else to complain about. How’s that oil spill thing going?

UPDATE 2: Here’s the trailer.