Of Feather And Fang

EXCELLENT NEWS! Lil’ Wil Wheaton Plushies are SHIPPING NOW!

Wil Wheaton Plushie Box - HijiNKS ENSUE

You can order yours HERE and get them in time for the holidays.

At the first sign of danger, Eli immediately resorts to the tried and true stratagems outlined in the films of Bruce Campbell.

If you are a UK type who is planning on going to MCM London, please seek out the Blind Ferret Booth. I am nearly positive they will have my shirts for sale.

COMMENTERS: Please offer your own “sage advice” or “wise affirmisms” using lessons you’ve learned from Bruce Campbell movies. If that’s too specific, I will expand the criteria to cover the entire B-Horror genre. I’m looking for real world applications here. The kind of stuff you’d tell your kid as they left for college. “If your English Lit. book has an evil face, see if they have a version you download to your iPad.”

I Hear Congratulations Are In Order

EXCELLENT NEWS! Lil’ Wil Wheaton Plushies are SHIPPING NOW!

Wil Wheaton Plushie Box - HijiNKS ENSUE

You can order yours HERE and get them in time for the holidays.

Here’s a follow up to the maddest of mad sciences that began in THIS comic. Why is Eli putting a lock on his door? Is it because of the horrible, chicken strangling snake trapped inside? YES! Most likely IT IS! That would make PERFECT SENSE! Snakes are INCREDIBLY TERRIFYING. If he really thought the snake was a limbless lizard, I suppose he would have tried to make some sort of wheeled sling for it. Maybe something using LEGO Mindstorms or some K’Nex. Or maybe the snake would have bitten him in the face until he died when he tried to strap a contraption onto it. My cat hates it when I put a Kleenex box on his head, and he’s not even technically a snake.

COMMENTERS: What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made with an animal with regards to trying to get it to do something or bothering it on purpose like a dummy? When I was about 8 my cat was giving birth and we had her all penned up in the front porch with pet gates and cardboard. I peeked over the cardboard, not wearing a shirt, and she lept onto my torso and dug all three and a half feet (she had seen better days) worth of feet into my chest. Unfortunately, all of her kittens died and she ate them because nature is HORRIFIC.

The Island Of Dr. Moron


[Sorry for the lack of color in the comic. I have to be at a convention in a few hours and I very much need to be asleep for exactly all few of those aforementioned hours.]

FINALLY! Science debunks at least SOMETHING about the flawless science in Jurassic Park. I knew there had to be a hole in that airtight “we injected dinorsaur blood into frogs or whatever OH SHIT RAPTORS FOREVER WE’RE ALL DEAD!” plot. Despite these new findings, I am pretty certain the movie got one thing exactly right. A Triceratops (which may or may not have actually been a real thing) takes a HUGE shit.

If you are waiting on a sketch from the Fancy Sketch Drive, I am working on them all weekend while at the con and will be shipping out a whole heeping ton of them next week. Sorry for the delay. 100+ commissioned drawings was an ambitious undertaking.

If you are waiting on a Lil’ Wil Wheaton Plushie, I have received word that they are on schedule to begin shipping in November. More info as I know…fo.

Might Club (His Name Is Phillip Coulson)


Thanks to Joss Whedon, we can now utter Phil Coulson in the same breath as Tara and Wash. Whedon really knows how to go straight for the heart, which is funny consdering each of those characters were “the heart” of their show (maybe less so with Tara), they were ACTUALLY shot IN the heart (with a bullet, a giant pike and a magic spear) and their deaths hit us, the audience, right in the heart (specifically in the area governing the FEELS).

I know Coulson will make at least an appearance in the new S.H.I.E.L.D TV series, but I hope they find a way to bring him back as more than just the occasional flashback. I don’t, however, hope this means the whole series would be set in a world before The Avengers. I’d like to see a team of post-Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D agents making passing references to “the big green guy” and “the pompous ass in the robot suit. Maybe Coulson will be an A.I. construct the team consults with. Or perhaps one agent is studying Coulson’s video logs to learn more about his methods. Or maybe he’s the god damn Vision. Who knows. All things being equal, Joss is probably going to use Coulson as his personal Kenny, and find a different, more brutal way to kill him in every episode.


COMMENTERS: Are you glad that Coulson is returning (in some unspecified capacity)? How would you like to see his character used in the new S.H.I.E.L.D show? Why does Joss Whedon love to see us cry real human tears? Outside of the Whedonverse, which character deaths in TV, movies, comics, books or otherwise hit you the hardest? Please use the SPOILERS!!! tag if it’s a current series or a popular book series that people are still reading. 

That Boy Ain’t Right

Here are some things: 

  • People have asked for a print or poster of the Sesame Street comic. You can click “Buy a Print” under any comic and get a very nice, high quality print mailed to you in regular or gigant-o-size.
  • If you are at NYCC right now, head over to booth 950 (Blind Ferret) and buy some of my stuff why not?
  • Here is the most recent HE Podcast: Episode 90 “BONE TOKENS!” 
  • Dallas Fan Days is next weekend and I am going to be there in the artist alley. Not in the main hall, but up on one of the higher floors (four, I think) where all the celeb panels are held. I will have books and shirts and sketches.

DO NOT get me wrong. I have enjoyed immensely every Bryan Fuller created show I’ve ever seen (especially Dead Like Me and the cancelled-by-fox-after-only-4-epsisodes Wonderfalls). All I’m saying is the guy has a particularly morbid ouvre. It shouldn’t come as a shock that your shows keep getting cancelled when the subject matter typically concerns the two main thing the average American’s don’t want to have to face: mortality, questioning of their belief systems concerning God and the possibility of an afterlife. This illustrates, however, just exactly how watered down the “average American” forces all of our art/media to be. Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me were highly introspective and unreasonably creative shows that deserved mass audiences. They were shows that, while not forcing you, certainly ASKED you to think about “the big questions.”

I can’t say I was looking forward to The Munsters reboot, Mockingbird Lane, but I was at least going to give it a chance considering its pedigree. I’ve only read the synopsis and seen the promo images, but it just seemed like a needless grave-robbing (pun entirely intended [puntirely puntended]) of a once-popular franchise. Now the series has been canned and the pilot is going to air as a Tv movie sometime around Halloween. I’ll still watch it, but I’m not expecting a miracle. Is it completely insane that I think a modern Adams Family reboot would work better than The Munsters? They were just dark and ghoulish without being actual Draculas and Wolfensteins and what not. Seems like there would be far fewer limitations in bringing them into the modern world and having the show be sustainable without having to be sensational or ultra-campy.

 COMMENTERS: What’s your favorite TV series that delved into the darker side? Is there a show that mixed horror, comedy and relatability better than others?