Where No Man Has Gotten Freaky Before

Future historians debate whether the T in James T. Kirk stood for Tiberius or Tap Dat Ass. I like to think that in a future utopia the latter would be true.

The trailer has me setting phasers to enthusiastic. I hope this movie accomplishes only two things. 1) It revitalizes a failing franchise that has been dissapointing long time fans for years and 2) Brings new Trekkies into the fold and ensures that generations to come will identify with the series and its characters.

So what do you think? Please identify yourself as a Trekkie or non-Trekkie if you choose to weigh in.


During the campaign there was a lot of talk about how this was the first election where the candidates had the option of taking full advantage of the internet, both to reach potential voters with their message and trade snarky comments on each others blogs. It’s safe to say the guy that won (that one) ran a more net-savvy campaign and I’d like to think it contributed to his victory.

The idea that our next president is a Crackberry addicted, Mac using Spider-Man collector makes me feel like we have “one of our own” in the highest office. I’m not preaching… just enthusiastic. He’s also going to be the first President of the United States to appoint a Chief Technology Officer. Here’s hoping he stays away from Youtube commenters and 4Chan members. If you have an idea as to who it should be or what they should focus on, you can cast your vote (sort of) here.

I remember, as the economy began to implode, hearing the media recall Roosevelt’s Fireside Chats and suggesting that someone (W?) should be communicating with the American people and reassuring them that their concerns were being addressed. I thought, “Obama should do a video blog! That would allow him to keep us informed and show that he relates to us on a technological level! Also it woud allow me to stare into his deep brown eyes while his dullcet tones gently bid me off to sleep!”

I guess he had the same idea. I really hope he keeps it up.

ALSO A THING!: Check out this forum post where a few Aussie Fancy Bastards weigh in on the potential castration of their nets.

Christian Slater’s My New BFF

My television spies tell me that Christian Slater had a show on NBC where he played a Jekyl/Hyde/normal dude/super spy. Emphasis on “had” since it’s already been cancelled.

Who knows? It could have been a great show. I have no idea. Like so many other shows it was here and gone in a flash. The en vogue thing for networks to do now is ramp up a show, produce 6 episodes, air 4 of them then cancel it when the ratings don’t fare well against the Super Bowl.

This was a banner week for “shows that I don’t watch” getting cancelled. Lambs led to the slaughter since Monday include:

For those interested, I actually drew this comic. Like with actual art supplies that are in no way pixel based. Granted, I redrew it in Photoshop, but original art ACTUALLY HAPPENED. That’s unprecedented. You can see it HERE.

I was thinking about matting this with a print of the finished comic and putting it up on eBay. We’ll see if there is any interest in such a thing happening.

HE Podcast #36 streams live tonight at 8pm central.