Original HijiNKS Ensue Artwork Auctions

I’ve posted a couple of original artwork auctions to help raise money for my trip to The New England Webcomics Weekend.

Most HE comics are 100% digital from beginning to end so I hardly ever put pen and pencil to paper. Other than the very first few HE comics (which I am saving for now) these are some of the ONLY original comic art pieces I have.

You can bid on the original art for The NeverDigging Story over HERE:


And the original art for Christian Slater’s My New BFF over HERE:


You will also get a signed print of the final comic which I will be happy to customize with the message of your choice.

UPDATE: Fixed bad links for the first comic auction.

I’ll Be Attending Webcomics Weekend (March 20-22)


I am very happy to announce that I will be attending the New England Webcomics Weekend in Easthampton, MA from March 20-22. If you haven’t already heard, Webcomics Weekend is a gathering of the webcomic minds so to speak. It’s not really supposed to be a con, but it will feature signings, open studio tours and the chance to hang out with more than 30 of your favorite webcartoonists. Also, it’s completely free to attend.

I will be there to hang out with my fellow cartoonists and Fancy Bastards alike for all 3 days. I want to give very special thanks to FB JustChristine who, after hearing how badly I wanted to attend this event, donated a plane ticket. Without her generosity, this trip certainly wouldn’t have been possible.

I still need to raise a little cash to pay for hotel, transportation and food. If you’d like to help you can make a Donation and put “Webcomics Weekend” in the comment box. I will make sure that money goes to funding my trip and in no way provides food or shelter for my family.

I will also be auctioning off/ selling some original art this week. Check back for an update on that in a day or two.

If you plan to attend, leave a comment. I already know a short list of FB’s that will be there. I think this thing is going to be pretty effing awesome and I would love to share it with you guys.

Follow Up Links for 02/19/09

Here are a few updates to some recent HE comic topics. Procrasturbate away your day with my help!

A New Comic Will Be Up Thursday

I’ve been drawing it all day but there’s no way I’m going to finish by tonight. I was a little too ambitious with this one. Look for it tomorrow mid-morning. There will still be a Friday comic.

Here’s a preview:

Thanks for being patient Fancy Bastards.
