Welcome Questionable Content Readers!

I hope you guys dug the guest comic that I did for Jeph. Today is his birthday, and everyone deserves a day off once in a while.

2009-06-17-joel-watson-qc-guest-comicjpgIf you are new to HijiNKS Ensue here are the basics: It’s a geek comic. There are 3 main characters. Joel has the hair flip, Josh is the gay bald guy and Eli is the Mexican with the hat. Most of the comics make fun at some aspect of geek pop culture. It’s been described (by me) as “Penny Arcade minus video games, plus everything else.

If you like SciFi, Movies, Geek TV, Joss Whedon, Star Trek, Technology, Apple or any other geeky pursuits you will probably find something to enjoy here.

Thanks for checking out HE!

[you can follow me on Twitter if you are so inclined]

[you can also read about my Experiment to see if I can make a living from my webcomic]

To HE readers: if you are looking for a comic today, please feast your pixel-hungry eyeballs towards today’s Questionable Content. I gave that comic all the extra comic sauce I had and I’m all tapped out until Friday. If you aren’t already reading QC, then you’ve got about 1500 comics to read instead of working today.

Posted in Comic Blog and tagged , , .


  1. Hi! it's nice to see a welcome post :)) I love what you did over at QC! I'm one of those who wishes for a Marten – Hanners pairing so it's always nice to see them together like that. (I can dream!) Thank you for the wonderful comic! 😀 I might hang around here too, you had me at Star Trek 😀

  2. You captured the Con-Newbie experience perfectly! It's either what happened in the QC comic, or constant, orgasmic awe.

  3. Ohh fresh new Fancy Bastards…
    Or do they only become fancy bastard after they see Josh in legwarmers

  4. If they share in the geekery, they are Fancy Bastards. They have to hang around for a while though if they want the title of INTREPID Fancy Bastard.

    In either case, hope more QC guys find their way into the site without destroying it anymore.

  5. Thanks for the fun comic, and for including Jeph in the strip – it's always fun to see an artist's rendition of an artist 🙂 I have not been to a Con, but I did venture into an SCA event once, and it's much the same experience Hanners had as the only "mundane."

  6. Excellent merging of his characters with your style. If there were a 7 foot tall Klingon-furry cosplayer (and there could be) that is totally what it would look like. And I enjoyed how you incorporated Hannelore's germophobia. Good job!

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