The cake is a lie! (sorry) Congrats on HE: Year One. I just reread the original comic/blog post and it's nice to see you set the tone there and haven't deviated from it. Shows you had the formula right from the start. When we hit 2 years we have to throw a shin-dig. I'm in Texas as well and would gladly drive up to your neck of woods for a Fancy Bastards Ball.
Happy Birthday HijiNKS Ensue!
may there be many more
Congrats man! I really hope this works out for you!
Here's hoping for at least 8 & 1/79 more.
Hippo, birdie, two ewes!
Loved the first year and look forward to many more hijinks.
Happy Birthday HijiNKS ENSUE! And now it's time for the spankings!
Overly? or Just the right amount of fancy?
Ive been thinking more and more about planning for an HE Expo (HEX?) in a year or so. It would be more of a party than a con. Bands, food, art, panels and discussions + Local comic creators and such. I spent the whole drive to beaumont mapping it out in my head.
Havent checked the PO Box. Now I will! Exciting!
Hell, just a bunch of us agreeing to meet somewhere is good enough for me. If it's going to be a big thing, we need to plan it pretty far out so myself and others can make arrangements for time off, etc. to be there.
best cake ever!
Yay! Happy birthday. Keep up the good work, and best of luck to you.
Happy Birthday! This has been the best way to start my day and I look forward to many many more!
Checked the Box yesterday and it was empty. When did you send it?
We can certainly plan DFW meet ups, but I am talking about a real gathering with sponsors and artists and bands, etc for the long term.
Lets hope so.
Me too.
Thats so specific. i dont know if I can make that happen.
you speak in code and spells.
I loved it to. Thanks to you guys.
Wicked, evil, naughty Zoot!
Thank you!
I agree.
Thank you, Gina.
That means a lot. Thanks.
almost a week ago, guess it got delayed because of that other major holiday this past weekend
Happy birthday you overly fancy leader!
The cake is a lie! (sorry) Congrats on HE: Year One. I just reread the original comic/blog post and it's nice to see you set the tone there and haven't deviated from it. Shows you had the formula right from the start. When we hit 2 years we have to throw a shin-dig. I'm in Texas as well and would gladly drive up to your neck of woods for a Fancy Bastards Ball.
Happy Birthday HijiNKS Ensue!
may there be many more
Congrats man! I really hope this works out for you!
Here's hoping for at least 8 & 1/79 more.
Hippo, birdie, two ewes!
Loved the first year and look forward to many more hijinks.
Happy Birthday HijiNKS ENSUE! And now it's time for the spankings!
Overly? or Just the right amount of fancy?
Ive been thinking more and more about planning for an HE Expo (HEX?) in a year or so. It would be more of a party than a con. Bands, food, art, panels and discussions + Local comic creators and such. I spent the whole drive to beaumont mapping it out in my head.
Havent checked the PO Box. Now I will! Exciting!
Hell, just a bunch of us agreeing to meet somewhere is good enough for me. If it's going to be a big thing, we need to plan it pretty far out so myself and others can make arrangements for time off, etc. to be there.
best cake ever!
Yay! Happy birthday. Keep up the good work, and best of luck to you.
Happy Birthday! This has been the best way to start my day and I look forward to many many more!
Checked the Box yesterday and it was empty. When did you send it?
We can certainly plan DFW meet ups, but I am talking about a real gathering with sponsors and artists and bands, etc for the long term.
Lets hope so.
Me too.
Thats so specific. i dont know if I can make that happen.
you speak in code and spells.
I loved it to. Thanks to you guys.
Wicked, evil, naughty Zoot!
Thank you!
I agree.
Thank you, Gina.
That means a lot. Thanks.
Alas, a good spell, but not mine. You know this, don't you?…
Happy days, HE!
Did ya get my card
hope I remembered the right address
hah. Thats the first time Ive seen it.