Echoing the real Josh’s Twitter sentiments: I am totally gay for Glee.
In fact, I’ve been quite gay for it since Fox premiered the pilot on Hulu almost 4 months ago. The musical element of the show gives it its voice, but thankfully it’s used sparingly. There’s typically a featured performance per episode and 1 more incidental song. It’s enough to keep the music present but not overpowering. The main female lead (sorry, haven’t learned names yet, and apparently I don’t know how to use Google) is infectious and owns every scene she’s in. One thing I especially like about Glee is the pacing. It moves quickly from plot point to song to plot point, etc. My only complaint (granted I’ve only seen 2 eps) is that all the dialog written for the only female black character sounds like it was specifically engineered to sound like it was written by a corny white guy FOR an “urban’ black girl. So far she’s a constant string of “sho-nuff’s” and “nah ahhh white boy’s.” She actually said “you’re pretty fly for a white guy” in episode 2. No black person has every uttered those words in the history of mankind.
Your thoughts on Glee? Are you A Gleek? Commentward, Ho!
I'm really gay for Glee. In fact, the three male members of my family sat around and watched it together. I can only assume, in an ironic twist, that my mother and sister were doing manly things, like shooting small animals or scratching themselves while talking about sports over cheap beer.
The men gay and the women butch lesbians?
The art today is amazing!
The coloring and lines look amazing today!
After visiting about 20+ web comics you are still the champion. Awesome comic, very funny! Thanks!
Thanks, Adam. I appreciate the confidence boost.
But we know you know, Joel. We want you to know.
Joel's hair-horn cradling Josh's cheek in panel 2 is fucking spectacular. Well done.
I'm a little worried about my gay-married musicals-loving husband. He told me he wasn't all that interested in watching it. I just don't know who he is anymore. *snif*
Oh noes he's gone strait for Felicia Day! :O
So he's gone "King (as opposed to queen) for a Day?"
In that first panel Josh looks like he's standing at a urinal doing his business.
who says I'm not?
im so distraught I dont realize or care that he's peeing on me. Its canon now.
Instant gayness *and* watersports? This show must be something special to have such an effect on a respectable young WASP such as… myeah, anyway, I guess I should check it out.
Oh btw Joel that Art Institute Ad is totally lagging my browser.
omg Joel's pompadour is taking on a life of it's own, soon it will start controlling Joel.
if only my real hair were that impressive.
Joel belongs in the 50s with that hair.
I believe he's planning a spin-off comic starring just his hair.
Hairjinks Ensue?
Panel 2 in itself is just great. The look on Josh's face, all this desperation around him… I lol'd.
I didn't realize 'stupiding' was a verb. I will definitely be adding that to my vocabulary.
Is Josh getting more spiteful and angry in the past few months, or is it me? More heavy eye lids, and less emotion in general.
Clearly i'm doing my best to play it cool, Joel just uncovered our agenda, I can't let him know he's onto us!
this is part of it. Also, Im trying to bring out more of Josh's misanthropic side. His only REAL side.
Misanthrope, yes, but if you prick him does he not bleed? if you tickle him does he not laugh? if you poison him, does he not die? And if you wrong him, does he not revenge? I think Joel owes Josh an apology.
He'll only bleed if you prick him without lube.
"I think Joel owes Josh an apology. "
A less true statement has never been uttered. Josh owes humanity an apology.
I'm totally gleeking out- but I'm female, so I have an excuse? Granted, I'm a lesbian, so maybe I shouldn't like it so much…
…But I love musicals…
… and Kurt's completely casual attitude about being tossed into the dumpster (One day, you will all work for me.) made my FREAKING DAY!
It's ok. You're allowed to be a lesbian and like musicals. In fact, most lesbians I know like them enough to watch at least one a week.
But it is hard to be gay for something when you are already gay. Oh well, I can at least pretend its Glee making me gay.
I am to a GLEEK! It was a shock to hear the dialogue for the "urban" black girl. Can the writers get any more cliche? When can we get rid of stereotypes and do somthing new with certain characters? The whole show is lloking very interesting and I'm very glad it isn't like High School Musical. Which is could have been if they had crapforbrains writers. At least there that.
Thanks for getting me interested in this, Joel. This show is awesome, plus, I can really relate to it, because I was the geek in High School. I wasn't the biggest geek in my school, that title belonged to one of my few friends, Shane, but I was a pretty close second. I won't go into too much detail about how geeky I was, but Shane and I used to arrive at school early so we could play a few games of chess in the library. Sometimes Shane would even bring in his 3-layer chess set.
OMG Star Trek 3D Chess?! I always wanted one!
That set was like the deciding factor of who was geekier. The fact that he had one and I didn't was the sole reason he was the #1 geek.
but who was the better player? Thats the real deciding factor.
Shane beat me like 7 out of every 10 games.
Is there a move called the Kirk Gambit?
I'm totally gay for Glee but I might just be plain gay with my love of musicals and appletinis.
I had never heard of this show since I don't watch a lot of tv on actual tv. Once again Hijinks Ensue came through and recommended another fantastic show, there was one random podcast where you guys brought up this show and I watched it that very night on Hulu and instantly fell in love. How could you not with that fantastic cover of "Don't stop believing".
So, after reading this, I went and watched eps 1 and 2 back to back. I often live in a musical myself, but I also KEEP it to myself…Glee makes me want to sing and dance out loud, a proclivity I thought was much repressed.
I <3 verbing.
Thanks Joel! You made a boring Monday morning a chucklefest for me. I'm not a gleek, cos I can't be bothered, but the strip was laughtastic and I loved Josh's "Face-hole – stupiding" comment – I'm gonna have to try to slip that into conversations from now on. Fortunately, my kids give me plenty of opportunity to ask that sort of question and totally get stuff like that so you've started a whole new verb usage. Nicey!
Watched the first 2 episodes of Glee. Songs were good, characters were a little uneven but I kinda expect that early on in a show, humor was good and the wife was a complete bitch that I want to die. Overall I give it a B.
Egg _zact_ ly!
I agree with everyone else – that second panel is genius!
I thought the show was decent, but the musical numbers were horrible, and autotuned to death. I was waiting for Jay-Z to come out and slap some sense into them.
Isn't each character a complete stereotype? Isn't that intentionally part of the writing? Pretty sure the main girl could not be more Jewish American Princess if she tried…If the writers intentionally use all over the top stock characters for this over the top show it works way better…as evidenced by the first two episodes.
My complaint might make more sense if I confess that I think the other characters are more "accurate stereotypes."
I just want to thank you for directing me to Glee! It was amazing.
glad I could help spread the glee.
The Mole bear takeover now this…stop giving away our secrets!
The Gay Maffia (Gaffia? Gaffer tape? oooh….)