Iron Man 2 was crazy awesome fun times with robot suits though there were a few scenes from the trailer that I wish had made it into the movie. Namely the “you complete me” scene as noted above and the longer version of Black Widow strangling a security guard with her labia.
Sorry I haven’t posted a comic since Sunday, but I’ve spent the last 48 hours on the couch with vertigo and headaches. I have a condition called Menier’s disease which presents as extreme vertigo and nausea. Luckily my case isn’t very severe at all and attacks only come on a few times a year (usually more when I’m incredibly stressed). Anyway, thanks for not badgering me about comic updates.
I just realized last night that Heroes Con is only 3 weeks away. For some reason in my head “next month” seemed like longer than 3 weeks. Now I’m a little panicky, as I always am before cons because there are hotels to book, and books to ship and ships to hotel, etc, etc. If anyone in Charlotte, NC wants to put me up for the weekend (June 4-6) please email me. It would be helpful if you were near the convention center and also not super creepy. (Update: I’ve got a hotel and some roommates now, so it’s all taken care of)
Oh yeah! Big news! HijiNKS ENSUE turned 3 years old 2 days ago (May 11th). Thanks for reading so far and I hope you stick around. As a birthday present to the comic, why not send your 5 favorite HE comics to a few friends that don’t already know about the site. Or just post the links on your blog-o-tron.
It gets harder and harder every month to keep doing HE as my full time job (shouldn’t it be getting easier? No? Oh). If you want to help keep that situation going, please consider making a donation, signing up for a Vault subscription or picking up something from the store. It would mean a lot to me and my family [remember to insert pic of starving child in threadbare clothes HERE].
Yikes! I really didn’t mean for this post to sound all sickly, sad and needy. In happy news, I hope to have the “SciFi Movie Title Generator” shirts and prints in the store this week. We’ll see.
Haven't seen IM2 yet, unforch, but the geek in me kept obsessing about that moment in the trailer. "Does he have some kind of tracker in the helmet for cases like this? Will it get carried away by the wind? Isn't flying at that speed without his helmet going to cause wind shear to his face?
Hope you feel better in time for the con!
all excellent questions, which probably explained why that scene was deleted
Bah I liked that scene…there were scenes that made less sense in the first movie but it was still intensely enjoyable.
Happy birthday, you lifeless, soulless website you. I saw IM2 last night, and I liked it a bit more than the original, but I really wished that scene from the trailers got into the final cut as well…especially since after the post-credits scene, it showed a commercial for the movie with that scene in it.
Um what… the scene after the credits was for a different movie so what?
I meant after that. The credits rolled, then that scene rolled, then as we were walking out of the theater they played the commercial for IM2, featuring the aforementioned scene.
I thought the movie was a little less then the first but still awesome. I felt the bad guys weren't very "super villainy", and Scarlet's Black Widow was just eye candy, BUT still a very good movie non the least.
Also, why do you think your job is getting harder. I know you've had some personal issues and I think your doing a great job not only trying to get content out to us readers, but also being very personal with us readers, so thank you Joel
The parts of the job that you guys dont see is getting harder. The "actually making enough money to pay my bills and do this for another month" part is getting harder. I cant really spell it out without getting into financial specifics but I cant say that I essentially only sell books at cons now. I sell virtually non via the store. I think I have saturated that market and that was a big piece of my income. Also my last 3 prints have flopped. Its a tough business. I have to make things and assume people will buy them. When they dont it gets harder to meet my obligations.
Hey Joel, sorry to hear it's not going too well. Isn't there, like, some sort of freelance work you could do to bring in extra cash? I'm not talking black market beagles or anything, but surely with your talent, there's gotta be someone that can use it and would pay you for it.
The only other thing I can think of is trying to get the strip into a geeky/techy magazine where you might grow your audience. I'm thinking of the way Scott Adams made his money – getting syndicated and bringing on the merchandise – but Dilbert's a very easy strip to access because of its subject whereas your stuff has a narrower audience. I still think it would work, you just need to find a suitable platform – maybe something like Wired/SFX? Unless you already tried that route, in which case I'll shut up.
Running a business in the current crappy, spotty economy sucks. Our retail computer shop just had a 3-week run of barely better than zero sales. (If that hadn't happened, I would have bought a Boo print. That was awesome.)
Aside from the fact that I've been terribly broke for the last 6 months and have wanted to buy something and really couldn't justify it. Missed coming down to meet you in chicago for the same reason. You have no idea how hard I root for you to succeed. I pretty much recommend your site to anyone who will listen. I've seriously considered writing your website name on a big piece of cardboard and standing on an overpass during rush hour to get you some buzz in the Madison area. Maybe writing it in chalk on the sidewalks down by UW campus.
I'm getting annoyed by the recent trend of trailers having stuff that isn't in the actual movie – deleted scenes/dvd extras my ass, I want to see what I'm promised.
(I'll break stuff if The A-Team flick doesn't have tank vs plane aerial fight!)
That said, freakin' robot trees! You still got it, Joel, stay awesome!
I missed the scene in the plane, too, but I still absolutely loved the movie. Among other things, Stan Lee's cameo was brilliant.
My review:…
Newsreporter: "… and here's news broadcast legend Larry King!"
Theater audience: "WhaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!"
Joel, I eagerly await your comic (or at least your commentary) on the cancellation of Heroes. I can only assume it will be hilarious, just like it always is.
When I saw the post-trailer scene, all I could think was OMFG CAPTAIN HAMMER FTW!!! Also, I thought that Black Widow was basically what would have happened if Echo had been played by an actual actress with skills instead of Dushku
web comiciers in general seem to be more susceptible to disease and illness than most. Perhaps a combination of perpetual financial worries, staying in rooms bereft of ventilation and sunlight, and coffee make them sickly as hairless cat.
That might seem silly, but there is probably a lot of truth to that idea.
I picture Susan Sarandon in a commercial holding an emaciated sickly Joel and asking for money.
"And for just 99 cents a day you can adopt a poor sickly web comic and help him have a better life. For just that small amount will give him coffee and pay his electric bill. You'll get regular correspondence as well as a picture of the web comic you have adopted. Act now….the need is so great." *a tear rolls down Joel's eye*
I picture Susan Sarandon in a commercial holding an emaciated sickly Joel and asking for money.
"And for just 99 cents a day you can adopt a poor sickly web comic and help him have a better life. For just that small amount will give him coffee and pay his electric bill. You'll get regular correspondence as well as a picture of the web comic you have adopted. Act now….the need is so great." *a tear rolls down Joel's eye*