Here’s a Lo-Fi follow up to this comic about perceived racism in the world of spandex clad mighty men.
As a straight white dude, it’s often easy to forget that not everyone sees themselves represented (not accurately, mind you, but REPRESENTED none the less) in every conceivable form of popular media. That isn’t to say I have ever really identified with the muscle bound ab-havers of the various comic book universes, but I imagine it’s even harder to relate for the non-white, non-enpenised, no having-boners-for-the-opposite-sex types of people.
COMMENTERS: Are there any minority characters in comics, or other nerd media that strike you as particularly accurate portrayals? If you belong to any minority group, was there ever a character in fiction that you identified with in a special way? Ladies, feel free to answer this one too. Even though you’re half of all people, you are still pretty underrepresented in geek pop culture as far as I’m concerned.
Comments (18)
there isn’t anybody in comics who loves taco bell as much as i doOh good. I was worried this would be more commentary on Marvel using an Irish actress as their prototype for Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch in Avengers. Because using a Caucasian actress for a character who you’d have to look up the wikipedia fictional biography of the father off to know she’s not complete Caucasian is apparently totally racist…As a fat white male, can we have MORE representation than just Bouncing Boy?Well, Plastic Man can represent us if he’s in the right mood![]()
Handigoat · 109 weeks ago
It’s not nerd media per say, but Charles Ramsey is MY f***in’ accurately portrayed hero.Asian dudes do not get a lot of representation in Western media. Seriously, there are only so many John Cho characters I can cosplay as.![]()
The Unknown FB · 108 weeks ago
You also don’t have any Native Americans really represented *well* at all.
Growing 50 feet tall is just…WTH for?Jewish superheroes. Shadowcat is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.![]()
lou · 108 weeks ago
So is the current Batwoman, Kate Kane. Also, she’s a lesbian.Sabra is Jewish – in fact, she’s the Israeli pseduo-Captain-America.Also, just gonna leave this here:…
Ryan · 108 weeks ago
Well there is Magneto, who is sometimes a villain and sometimes a hero, especially in Marvels many alternate universes(seriously awesome in Age of Apocalypse).Sherlock’s probably as close as I’m going to get on the Asexual front.![]()
Kryss LaBryn · 108 weeks ago
Spider Robinson is one of the few male authors who I’ve ever felt did a decent job at writing women. Also one of the very first, so far as I know, to have an asexual character. I suspect he’s doing a really good job on his black characters too, although not being black I can’t really say. They don’t read as token stereotypes to me, at least, and are just as much rounded people as any other race he might have in there.Other than that, um… nice to see how well “The Princess Bride” did fencing, although that probably doesn’t count. Still, if you know anything about fencing at all, it was really, really good to see someone FINALLY get it right. Still pretty sure that doesn’t count, though.
lou · 108 weeks ago
I remember Balacktus from Adult Swim’s Minoriteam. What a weird show.Hmm I am not sure I can think of a trans comic book hero my self.
Hmm I am not sure I can think of a trans comic book hero my self.