Despite the fact that we know almost nothing about Joss Whedon’s internet musical (they have those now?), “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog,” it now has it’s own fan blog. That may be a little “putting the fan-blorg before the actual blorg” but that’s how the kids roll these days. Ideas that Whedon hasn’t even had yet already have fan forums, erotic fan-fic, crossover slash with “Veronica Mars” and “Save Joss’s Future Idea from Cancellation!” petitions.
His followers (of which I certainly am one) are quite devoted. I can only assume that all 7 season’s of “Buffy” were laden with subliminal messages that will allow Joss to activate us in his time of need. Look out world. If a zombie-like hoard of kids with ironic tee shirts and even more ironic haircuts come lumbering at you, GET OUT OF THEY WAY! It could only mean Joss Whedon is in trouble and rest assured they will kill you to get to him. They might eat you. Depends on what kind of suggestion he implanted.
So anyway, say we (the Whedon Zombie Hoard) are called and we march to his rescue from… an IRS audit or something. Does he say the secret Mandarin Chinese word and deactivate us like so much River Tam, or does he keep as his personal militia of devout killing machines? I, for one, would gladly live out my days as one of his elite death squad. Why do I assume Whedon has so many enemies?
Based on Joel’s wardrobe and Denise’s comment, what guilty pleasures do you indulge in. Mine is typically watching TV shows I hate until they are cancelled. It’s like once I start something I have to see it through to the end despite loathing ever god forsaken minute of it. Past and current offenders include “Dawson’s Creek”(i know), “Enterprise,” and “Smallville.” I’ve come clean. What about you?
UPDATE: Whedon filmed in this guy’s personal super villain lair! He was a home owner from the show “Monster House” that had his home transformed into an evil dungeon. Everything about this story is the coolest thing I’ve ever heard.
[…] Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard! […]
[…] Dr Horrible webcomic love […]
I would die for Joss Whedon! Or maybe, I dunno, get bitten by an angry rabid dog or something…
I'm loving the expressions. Especially Joel's in the last panel. I'd like to voice an opinion as well: I know that as an ongoing evolution of the comic, you're still experimenting with styles, and while I'm so on board with everything thus far, I gotta say that I like the way that bespectacled characters (Eli and so on) look with the glasses lenses filled in a la…
Anyhoodle… that's all.
Having seen the first Flashdance I have a feeling it couldn't be any worse.
I really don't understand why people like Buffy so much, I never watched it the first time around but I watch the reruns sometimes and it seems like your average drama with maybe a little better writing and wackier situations.
You laugh, but the Wombies have already struck once. Literally.
The second most photographed picket in the history of everything.
Joel's a steel town girl on a saturday night….
also, MZX, listen to the previous podcast for the guys' reasons for viewing and not viewing Buffy.
Godspeed, you fancy bastard is now my new way of saying goodbye to EVERYONE.
There's a little typo in the first line of the comment, "..Joss Whedon’s internet muscial"
I think Firefly would make a better Musical.
Can you imaging the "Dream Reaver" melody (sung to Dream Weaver)
Leave him alone, they're not legwarmers… they're… gym-socks…
On a side note, the christmas-360-box-kid video seems to be the only video on youtube I can't convert to a windows file format and download so as to put the sad Charlie Brown christmas as a backtrack. If anyone can convert this with some form of site please reply, it'll help to win the internet…
I agree. It fits for about any occasion, even funerals.
Quite liking Eli's thoughtful expression in panel 5, then his "Occam's razor" reasoning behind Joel's outfit in the last panel.
And Josh has a long way to go with bare feet…
I would say hot girls + sci fi drama is a good recipe for us geeks.
Joss Whedon is my Master now. <zombie>Joss is boss. Joss is boss. Joss is boss….</zombie>
Jazz hands? More like Spirit Fingers!
From "Bring It On." Anyone, anyone?
Shut up, it's a good guilty pleasure movie.
I can definitely relate to following a horrible TV series just because I've started it.
For me, it was October Road. I found it through my obsession over Lindy Booth, and it just so happened to be around the beginning of the writer's strike, so I downloaded all the episodes up to that point, and even though they were pretty much appallingly bad, I still kept watching it after good shows came back.
Don't Fear the Reavers?
Yessss Dawson's Creek. Also Gilmore Girls (before Rory whored it up), Bravo shows like Project Runway and Top Chef, The Amazing Race. Movies like "Clueless." Dane Cook's early stand-up (he USED to be good, don't judge me).
Maybe the worst is Kelly Clarkson yesiknowshutupshutupshutup.
I can't figure it out, and it's annoying me enough to finally just ask. Is Kratos…er, Josh really gay, or do you just hate him?
Because, if he really is gay, holy SHIT that makes the Dumbledore comic at least 3x as funny (and it was already pretty god damned funny).
My wife and I (voluntarily) watch it whenever it's on TBS or TNT or whatever. So, yeah, I feel your pain.
you have no idea how much i love this movie
Oh yeah, he's gay. I never put in the comic "hello, Im gay" because that would never happen in real life. I dont want this comic to be about sex (unless it fits the joke) so Ive just treated it like everyone already knows.
I kind of hoped to coin a phrase with that one.
Dude, I hear ya. I like the look of it much more too. The problem is it makes it hard to make him expressive. I will probably go back to teh filled in glasses.
Anyone else have an opinion on this?
I saw a video of joss getting interviewed during the picketing. Very cool of him to stand with the rest of the writers.
Have you tried the Firefox plugin that lets you download all Youtube vids? I assume you are on a Widows machine, because a mac could do this pretty easy with iMovie.
"Occam's razor" is the perfect way to describe the logic in that panel. It IS the simplest explanation.
Im sure josh will wrap his feet with tape during the montage.
I'll be the first person to tell you I'm pretty fucking dense, so I hadn't picked up on it.
You guys are MERCILESS! Awesome.
Is a "spirit finger" like "the shocker"?
Clueless gets a free ride in my book. You have to take it in context. Its basically a documentary about the mid 90's.
Gilmore girls seasons 1-5 we nothing to ever be ashamed of. Character development out the yang! Amazing writing and superb acting. It tanked in the last two seasons due to conflicts with the network and the creators departure.
Im sure its a straight to DVD sequel.
Cops has always been one of those shows I feel guilty about watching but can't help it whenever it's on. Without fail every time they end I have a white trash tainted feeling.
Tru Calling was another guilty one. It should have been awesome seeing as it had both Eliza Dushku and Zach Galifianakis but it just wound up being really boring. I kept watching it despite that. Fortunately it was a short lived crap TV obsession. I never quite understood why I stuck with it since I always secretly resented it for preventing a Faith spin-off.
A boy named Jayne?
We had a pretty good discussion on the last Podcast about it. A 30 second explanation of Buffy would almost always turn off your average geek. Being forced to watch at least 6 eps from season 3 would get you hooked for life.
Got it! Thanks!
I'd use it at work if I could get away with it.
Im imagining the big finale, "Can't stop the Signal." Its a tear jerker.
We welcome you into the fold. Now have some delicious brains.
It must be bad since Ive never even heard of it.
Welcome to the Jalopy?
It's one of those things that if you watch it from the beginning it's easier to understand better. Midway through season 2 it has a kickass plot twist and from there the show never really slowed down (just had some weaker points). The same can be applied to Angel.
I could give you this one if I didn't hate Kirsten Dunst so much. I remember enjoying it guiltily a few years back. I just can't watch it again because of her though.
Agreed on Gilmore Girls. My Mom slowly got me hooked on the show. Now I regularly DVR it.
Stairway to atmo?
mmm… delicious brains….
I also have to say that you guys are awesome. Treebeard and Sean Connery should have a discussion on your podcast…. maybe they can discuss "Shwords!"
Like I said, I was intentionally being subtle. Dont feel bad.
Yeah that should go down as one of the great TV blunders. The spin off was going to feature faith and spike going town to town on a motorcycle fighting demons. So bascically they made "Supernatural" instead.
Thats actually the perfect spelling for that word. I wonder if Connery writes it that way.
The new comic made news on
I'm still holding out meek hope for some sort of Spike movie/TV spin-off. He was always my favorite supporting character on Buffy and they transitioned him into Angel perfectly.
I at least have my decent IDW Spike comics and Spike: After the Fall coming up for now.
I think you hit the nail on the head sir. Now Godspeed you fancy bastard!
Funny enough, that song has actually been written and recorded! These guys did it:
It's all in the eyebrows, mon ami.
Don't forget he has to have the Russian words to deactivate you folks. Это курам на смех!
Spike fans can catch James Marsters on Torchwood this season. He plays..durh…a villain. He's not Spike per se, but just as enjoyable to watch.
Torchwood itself is a pretty big guilty pleasure. John Barrowman in general is sex on a stick. Burn Gorman ain't so bad either. And how I love those beautiful Welsh vowels.
Plus, they fight aliens, and that's always fun.
Smallville. Guilty as charged.
I'm just waiting for Eli Stone to take the same path.
Connerific Monologue:
"My Dearesht Anna,
She shells shea shells by the shea shore."
*fades to black*
He was very cool in general. He even came to the post-picket-picnic.
"That's S Words, Mr. Connery"
This one?
I'll try it but for some reason it's only that video, Windows dosn't like how it's coded…
Here's another: "…zombie-like heard of kids…" Should be "herd". ^_^
The fifth panel looks quite homoseckshual.
I like that look too; I took Eli's glasses in that one to be reflecting the tv screen. How bout a hybrid–seeing some eye behind a reflection? I was looking over a few other recent hijinks and the eyes give me a lot of info that I'd miss otherwise.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to start DVRing it on BBC.
Wait a second… Rory whored it up? an ex used to love it so we watched.. but that only lasted like two seasons… I always wanted her to take the route that xtine and britney did. Totally could picture her with the black eyeliner.. and then..
Um where was I again?
by the way nice camel toe in panel 2.
Sarah Michelle Gellar + leather pants, Lesbian evil Alyson Hannigan…
I think I rest my case.
I'll take the rapist trebek!
Very cool. That is a fine site to be sure.
See, Im thinking the eyes have to stay.
Thank you, internet. You have come through once again.
It was Russian, wasnt it.
Youd be covered in Scottish saliva at the end of that scentence. (this one too)
And its one of the only ones that doesnt feature a gay character!
Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know. Welcome to the comments.
Is that man-mal toe?
laughable indeed.
Yes, but not because he's gay. Because it makes me laugh.
At least you get something out of your comic outing.
I use a Lady Occam because I have sensitive skin.
She didnt whore it up as much as she made a lot of bad decissions in her early 20's as we all do. She never slept around. Just slept with the wrong guy maybe.
Bring It On FTW!
I have a guilty pleasure thing for cheerleaders, Eliza Dushku and Jesse Bradford
The safe word was, anyway. Great job by the way. I'm a bit of a new reader to your comics and I'm loving it.
Have you tried the whole Eyes fill the glasses thing, like milhouse. It might look wierd. I have no idea I'm a computer programmer.
The next comic had better feature some reference to the song Danger! High Voltage by Electric Six.
I will giggle like a schoolgirl if it does.
That makes perfect sense…given your outfit in the last 3 panels.
First read that as "cosmic outing"!
The purple pants do his package justice.
oh, I get that. killing Josh just cause he's Josh, I suppose.
Nice! That was a good one.
Hmmm…this one's a stretch, but "Smells Like Browncoat Spirit?"
Hmmm Camp trip on mars anybody?
woulda been better if you were drinking a tab.
Your mothers a whore trebek!
And if it wasnt for that Fine Site, I would have never found this Fine Site.
Favorite movie line – "Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded"
Whedon, Neil Patrick Harris, and Felicia Day. It's like the Holy Trinity of geekdom!
As for guilty pleasures, I'll submit my love of professional wrestling (I work for NWA, albeit behind the camera), Maury 'you are NOT the father' episodes, and Brett Michaels' "Rock of Love".
I concur. Let's see what Elihouse looks like.
I never got into Buffy, but I did get into the last two seasons of Angel and I totally loved 'em. I had seen enough Buffy to know who the characters were, and it was so well written. Almost like CSI meets vampires. I'd like to get 'em all on DVD.
I use the Occam 3 Power, but with baby-oiled shaving cream so I'm nice and smooth.
"We've substituted Bob's Gillette with Occam's razor. Let's watch and see what happens…"
"I'm using Occam's razor right now…and loving it!"
"With Occam's razor, my face is as smooth as a Joss-Zombie's backside!"
Wait…where was I??
"Brain and brain, what is brain?"
Wait…Clueless is good! It's Jane Austen! And it's got Paul Rudd! And a pre-Turk Turk! And exclamation points!!
And…I like Project Runway, too.
Snork! (that's the sound of milk gushing through the nasal passages)
Joel? Subtle??
still lol'ing
Joss would be proud.
your post are hilarious…so a good read here.
I think you went about it very well. I've had an inkling Josh was of the gay persuasion for a while. But you never really said it, so I just put it away in my mind. That's the best way to go about it.
Of course, doesn't Josh die alot in the comic?
don't worry joel I won't judge you.
Woah Josh is gay? THAT IS SOOOOOO COOL! It all makes sense now……
THanks. I appreciate the support.
I sort of did that but added the eyelids.
I think thats when you broadcast someone's sexuality to the horse head nebula. Its gets there in like 90 million years.
I cant imagine seeing only the last 2 seasons of angel since it relied so heavily on the previous mythology. Time to work back and watch 1-3.
I'd join a Whedon defending zombie army any day of the week
We'll get a recruiter sent to your town.
Just announced, Joss is doing a musical sequel, YIPPEE!! I love how Capt. Hammer is also Capt. Tight-pants!
My internets pulse with excitement.
i own it…on vhs no less…yeah…
the static shock cartoon from the wb is my guily pleasure of choice…that and fashion reality shows when i'm around cable…and reading animorphs…DON'T JUDGE ME!!!! *hides face and runs away*
Ya know … I probably wouldn't DIE for the guy. Might be convinced to take a small caliber round in the fleshy part of my thigh.