Guest Comic By David Willis Of Shortpacked “He Will Be Missed”

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again any time soon.

NEWS! I will not be attending HeroesCon this weekend. I had to back out and eat the plane ticket (it was not delicious), due to having sold nearly all of the t-shirts I purchased for that show at Phoenix Comicon (thanks Phoenix!) and due to my being completely exhausted after 4 days of super hard work in the sweltering Arizona comics mines. I am very sorry to those of your in Charlotte that were looking forward to seeing me at the show. As it stands I have very little left to sell and very little energy left to give. My sincere apologies.

GUEST COMICS! I am taking this week off from comicing since I JUST got back from Phoenix and AND it’s my birthday this week (June 3rd… feel free to, oh I don’t know… donate, get something off the wish list or buy something from the store or Sharksplode). I have some very fine guest comics lined up for you this week. Please to enjoy this first submission from my friend David.

David Willis is either one of my favorite human beings, my arch nemesis or a little of both. Either way he understands the hold that geek pop-culture has over my life and knows how to exploit my weakness. Lucky for me, he has a childlike enthusiasm for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic which trumps any fanboy shortcomings I may posses 100 fold. Please read his comics, Shortpacked and Dumbing Of Age. Please read them so he will tell me where my wife is. He keeps mailing me envelopes full of her hair.

Guest Comic By Tom Brazelton Of “Theater Hopper”

C2E2 IN CHICAGO IS THIS WEEKEND!!! I will be there with Randy [Something*Positive], Danielle [Girls With Slingshots] and David [Shortpacked & Dumbing Of Age]! Read more about it HERE.

TEAM EDWARD [James Olmos]


If you preordered HE Book 2, please read the updated shipping times on THIS PAGE.

Very special thanks to Tom Brazelton who makes a comic called Theater Hopper. I met Tom last year when we shared a hotel at C2E2. Right off the bat I realized we had a lot in common. We were both young fathers straddling the line between creativity and responsibility, we did comics based on pop-culture references that most likely alienate 90% of the populace, and neither of us seem to understand why everyone else is so wrong all the time. Tom is the kind of guy that will tell you a story about internet confrontation that ends with, “And after 3 days of me telling him what a fucking twat-face he was, HE STILL DIDN’T AGREE WITH ME!” Then he looks at you with a completely straight face and gives you the ol’ “Right? Amiright? Can you believe this guy?” eyes. You have to admire his commitment. Sometimes I wish he would make a second comic featuring the alternate universe versions of his characters where they only watch indie flicks and call it “Theatre Hipster.” That one’s a freebie, Tom. On the house. Now get to work.

You can purchase Tom’s books and other merch HERE or read his movie reviews HERE.

Guest Comic By Gordon McAlpin Of “Multiplex”

C2E2 IN CHICAGO IS THIS WEEKEND!!! I will be there with Randy [Something*Positive], Danielle [Girls With Slingshots] and David [Shortpacked & Dumbing Of Age]! Read more about it HERE.

TEAM EDWARD [James Olmos]


If you preordered HE Book 2, please read the updated shipping times on THIS PAGE.

Very special thanks to Gordon McAplin who makes a comic called Multiplex. You should check it out. Gordon and I first met sharing a table at last year’s C2E2 and I was shocked at how many people came up to comment on how much they loved his… dick jokes?… No… clever pop-culture references?… No… wait for it… his… HIS CHARACTERS! WHAT?! The the hell are characters? Whatever they are, and however they fit into a webcomic (I seriously have no idea), people were quite impressed with his ability to tell a real human story about the employees of a Chicago movie theater that was both compelling, dramatic and funny. Weird, right?

Either way, I don’t trust Gordon because he claims to be 7 years older than me, while appearing at least 5 years younger than me (I suspect Filipino sorcery), but I do trust comic readers to know when they genuinely enjoy free entertainment. So what have you got to lose? MONEY! THAT’s WHAT! Go buy his book! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO! It sold out at Emerald City Comicon in the first 2 days and I didn’t even get one! You know who got the last one? A BIG SHOT TV PRODUCER! They know everything, so do as he did and part with your delicious cashes.

Guest Comic By Brian Patterson of D20 Monkey



And My Axe - Gimli shirt by HijiNKS ENSUE at Topatoco

NEW HE Podcast Episode 80: Medium Seabiscuit [or is it Sexbiscuit?]

HijiNKS ENSUE at Emerald City Comicon

OMG EMERALD CITY COMICON IS THIS WEEKEND!!! It is by far my favorite show of the year. Come see me and Angela at booth 307. Here’s a MAP to all the other webcomics I know that will be there. I will be at the Marian Call show in Seattle Thursday night. If any Fancy Bastards are in the audience, feel free to comic up and say hi.

CONVENTION UPDATE: I announced on Twitter today that I wouldn’t be attending the Toronto Comics and Arts Festival [TCAF] due to astronomical airfares. Lots of you suggested I flying into Buffalo, NY and drive from there. This might be a viable possibility, so I’m not counting Toronto out 100% yet. I will make an update via Twitter when my plans are finalized.

BOOK UPDATE: The giant, frost bitten pallet of HE Book 2’s should arrive at my house from Canada today. I’ll be on a plane to Seattle the next morning and start shipping books when I get back. Non-artist edition books will ship first, followed by non-artist UFE’s (still waiting on some of the goodies like stickers and buttons to arrive), followed by all artist editions. I have at least 200 books to sketch, so please be forgiving when it comes to delivery times.

HOW ABOUT THIS FANCY GUEST COMIC, HUH? Very special thanks to Brian Patterson of D20 Monkey for this hilarious guest comic. Though the three of us have never played D&D together in real life, I assume it would go very much like this.

COMMENTERS: What else goes on in the mundane lives of Orcs and other dungeon dwellers BEFORE you party happens upon them?

Guest Comic By Ryan Young: Lightraver



And My Axe - Gimli shirt by HijiNKS ENSUE at Topatoco

NEW HE Podcast Episode 80: Medium Seabiscuit [or is it Sexbiscuit?]

HijiNKS ENSUE at Emerald City Comicon

OMG EMERALD CITY COMICON IS THIS WEEKEND!!! It is by far my favorite show of the year. Come see me and Angela at booth 307. Here’s a MAP to all the other webcomics I know that will be there. I will be at the Marian Call show in Seattle Thursday night. If any Fancy Bastards are in the audience, feel free to comic up and say hi.

This week (as with all pre-convention weeks) I am running around like batshit bananas (the most dangerous and delicious species of banana) getting ready for my trip. There’s supplies to buy, prints to make, merch to ship, reservations to check, panic attacks to have, rage to subdue… all sorts of what not. Luckily, Fancy Bastard Ryan Young (who blogs HERE and HERE) stepped in with this guest comic/illustration of the HE crew getting their collective dance on. I can’t tell if it’s a Star Wars themed rave or if Josh’s choice of light up accessory was just poorly conceived. Either way I know I was probably dragged there begrudgingly and now I don’t have a head. Isn’t that always the way? It is.

With any luck there will be another guest comic, another regular HE and a Lo-FiJINKS this week. Come Monday expect some sort of con-sketch situation to grace the home page.

COMMENTERS: So the Mos Eisley Cantina falls on hard times and tries to drum up some new business by turning itself into a dance club. Who frequents this wretched hive of scum and boogying and what sort of funkiness goes down (or gets down) there? Feel free to place your groove-scenario at any time during the Star Wars mythos. Bonus points if you give me the plot to Step Up Episode 4: Step Up To The Force.