Solid Gone

Any (non-Topatoco) shirts you order from the HE Store now will absolutely not arrive by Dec. 24th. I just want to be clear about that.

The goal is to have every US shirt ordered by Dec 4th arrive by Dec. 24th. That’s what the shipping deadline says on the order page and everyone involved is doing their best to make that promise a reality. There is a possibility that some of the shirts ordered late on Dec 4th will not arrive by Dec. 24th. Any shirt orders (this applies to ALL HE SHIRTS THAT ARE NOT SHIPPED FROM TOPATOCO) placed after Dec 4th probably will not arrive by Dec. 24th. The Edward shirt orders were simply unexpected and overwhelming, hence the early cut off for holiday shipping. Thanks!

Now that Josh and I are essentially a new species, I’ll give you one guess as to who tries to initiate the mating ritual.

Star Trek Voyager fans will recognize this comic as an homage to what may be the stupidest episode they ever produced, “Threshold.” That’s the one where in between court marshalls, demotions and time in the brig, Tom Paris realizes he’s the greatest genius who ever lived and develops a method for traveling faster than Warp 10. Unfortunately the main side effects of existing simultaneously in all points in space and at every point in time past, present or future is kickstarting your own personal evolution into high gear, and a bad case of acid reflux. Naturally humans evolve into scabby, tongueless monsters and eventually into catfish-faced nematodes.

Non-Voyager fans can enjoy the fact that Real Life Josh did install an SSD into his Macbook Pro and now it instantly dual-boots into our dimension and 7 others, and the battery level indicator has stopped counting down all together and eventually started counting up. Right now instead of a percentage remaining it just keep flashing prime numbers. I think it’s attempting to communicate.

Dragon’s Lair Webcomics Rampage!

Thank you to everyone that came out and said hi last weekend at Dragon’s Lair Comic and Fantasy in Austin, TX. I think all the cartoonists were in a agreement that it was a fantastically fun time. Special thanks to Alison for coordinating the event and running the 2 most entertaining panels I have ever been a part of. The panels were videoed, so hopefully they will be available in some internet fashion at some point. I had a blast. I really enjoy the opportunity to meet readers face to face and personally welcome new Fancy Bastards into the fold.

I also enjoy the way regular people stare incessantly at 10 or 15 webcartoonists while we eat Tex-Mex. Between Danielle and Christi pining for the nearest titty bar, Jeph proclaiming that Texas owes it’s independence to a mulatto prostitute and Randy telling us all how one of his early ancestors stabbed a priest, robbed the church then burned it to the ground we had even the “keep Austin weird-est” people choking on their flautas. I think we officially changed the slogan to “keep Austin worried.”

The goal is to have every US shirt ordered by Dec 4th arrive by Dec. 24th. That’s what the shipping deadline says on the order page and everyone involved is doing their best to make that promise a reality. There is a possibility that some of the shirts ordered late on Dec 4th will not arrive by Dec. 24th. Any shirt orders (this applies to ALL HE SHIRTS THAT ARE NOT SHIPPED FROM TOPATOCO) placed after Dec 4th probably will not arrive by Dec. 24th. The Edward shirt orders were simply unexpected and overwhelming, hence the early cut off for holiday shipping. Thanks!

I Am… Smeagol Fierce

The ONE Ring, that is. Stupid, fat Hobbitses.

I… I don’t know. I watched Return of the King (AGAIN x Infinity) a week or so ago, then I saw the fall finale of Glee and I immediately became fixated on Gollum dancing in a black unitard. It’s a pretty safe bet that Beyonce’s ring and Lord Sauron’s probably have similar inscriptions.
“…and in the darkness bind them.”

I will say that I stand by the idea that Glee pushes all the right geek buttons despite having no alien robots (that we know of… I’m looking at YOU wheelchair kid). Does that make me a “Gleek”? When I was in middle school, “gleeking” was a special way of spitting on people using only the saliva glands. I couldn’t do it. It required intense focus, muscle control and that you be a gigantic asshole that’s always spitting on people.

Oh, and if you’re wondering (or playing “Is He Dead Yet?” bingo at home), yes I was back at the hospital last week. I had an allergic reaction to something (no idea what unless it was a another vitamin C overdose) and most of my torso turned red and began swelling to abnormal size. I put up with it for a few days then got freaked out and went to the ER for some steroids. I am better now… for now.

I’ll see you at Dragon’s Lair Comics starting at 12 Noon. [DETAILS HERE]

O.W.L. Or G.E.D?

A nice online wizarding correspondence school sounds pretty good after 3 or 4 years of nearly dying horribly at the hands of ultimate evil, doesn’t it Harry? I bet you’d rather spend your educational hours in your boxers, eating Toasters Strudles in front of a laptop than struggling to survive against insurmountable odds while all of your friends and loved ones are maimed and murdered (all while still trying to maintain a respectable GPA). Let Neville be the chosen one for a while. Get yourself  a mother effing wizard associates degree! No employer really checks to see where you went to school anyway.

Come see me and many of your other favorite webcartoonists at Dragon’s Lair Comics. [DETAILS HERE]

Team Edward (James Olmos) shirts are now linked on Olmos Productions official online STORE. There will be more cool things to announce on this front soon.

The Down Underdome

[The comic is a rough draft for now. I’ve been really sick all week and had another ER visit last night for an allergic reaction to something (don’t know what) that caused a crazy rash over most of my body. Yay for Steroids! The completed comic will be posted late tonight.]

Josh also thinks Tina Turner is the Australian Prime Minister. She isn’t? Right?

I got the idea for this comic when I noticed a link to my “Edward” shirt coming from the Australian SciFi Channel Blog. I realized that they had never made the ugly transition from properly named television network to Polish venereal disease like their US counterpart, SyFy, had. Further inspection revealed that all worldwide SciFi affiliates retained the original nomenclature. I guess American’s are the only ones that need to “imagine greater,” “unthink different,” or “expect disappointment” or whatever their new slogan is.

Come see me and many of your other favorite webcartoonists at Dragon’s Lair Comics. [DETAILS HERE]

Thank you so much to everyone that has purchased one. It is officially my fastest and best selling product ever. I received a sample print today and I think they look great. They will start shipping later this week. I don’t want to say too much, since not everything is finalized yet, but I was contacted by Olmos Productions last week regarding the shirt. Expecting a swift cease and desist order I was overjoyed to learn that they liked the shirt and were interested in working with me on a project or two. More details to come as things unfold.