Ho Ho Hobo

To the top of his head! to the tops of his balls!
Now bite away! scratch away! bleed away all!”

Preorder HijiNKS ENSUE Book 2!!!The art from this comic was taken from one of my holiday cards. I will be running similar filler comics for the rest of the week so I can spend the X-mas holiday times with my family and catch up on some end-of-year must-be-done-or-the-hellhounds-will-devour-my-essence type of work. I also have to work on a guest comic for… someone. You’ll see.

If you followed a stray tweet from @wilw to last year’s X-mas comic, and this is your first regular update, please feel free to check out the Archive, the Store, The Podcast and The Experiment (my thoughts on trying to making a living doing what you love in the digital age).


If you already preordered book 2 as a gift for someone else, I have provided you a handy, printable [right-click, save as] “No Really, I Got You Something” card to give to that lucky person.

Identity Disk Jockeys

Get your HijiNKS ENSUE Book 2 Preoder on! GO HERE NOW! 1/3 of the Ultimate Fancy Editions are already gone! Also, I can now accept preorders via Check or Money Order.

Preorder HijiNKS ENSUE Book 2!!!Going to see TRON: Legacy tonight. Some of you think it sucks (or SARKs),  and some of you think it was a religious experience. I’ll let you know what I think via Twitter after the show. I really hope it’s great, though I can’t get past how creeped out I am by CG enyoungened Jeff Bridges. That’s some real Polar Express type shit there.
Fancy Bastards Jeffrotull and CoveredWagon Kid sent me something amazing. The PO Box is on the contact page if you want to try to outdo them (I doubt anyone can).

Some of you have asked, so I put up an Amazon wish list.

Discuss your thoughts on TRON in the comments, but let’s keep it spoiler free since it is still opening weekend.


Get your HijiNKS ENSUE Book 2 Preoder on! GO HERE NOW! 1/3 of the Ultimate Fancy Editions are already gone! Also, I can now accept preorders via Check or Money Order.

Thursday Dec. 16th is your last chance to order something from the HE Store and get it by Dec. 24th without paying for Express shipping. GO! SPEND! SPEND LIKE SANTA’S LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!

Tim Minear’s Twitter bio reads like a… well like a list of cancelled shows, most of which I enjoyed and some of which I REALLY enjoyed. Terriers, Angel, Firefly, Wonderfalls, Drive, The Inside, The X-Files, Lois and Clark, The Chicago Code.

Preorder HijiNKS ENSUE Vol 2!

I never did see Terriers, but I know it wasn’t actually about dogs. It was about something else which was never properly conveyed by FX’s marketing department. They’ve done such a good job of keeping the show’s premise a secret that, especially now that it is cancelled, mankind will never know its true purpose. FX does that a lot. They managed to conceal the brilliance of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia with confusing and off-putting commercials from me for three seasons before I caved to Josh and Eli’s collective will and burned through roughly 30 episodes on one sitting. Needless to say it is a fantastic show, and FX obviously had no idea how to present it to new potential viewers. I would argue that it’s continued success stems only from word of mouth brow beating.

But I digress and return my attention to Mr. Minear. He has written on or show-run three of my all-time favorite television programs. The obvious ones being Firefly and Angel, but almost more than those two (okay not more than Firefly) I lament the loss of Wonderfalls. I feel like I’ve talked about it at length in the past so I won’t bore you, but it was one of the most original and captivating fantasy/quirky/dramedy style tv shows ever and perhaps the greatest injustice enacted by The Evil Fox Executive. For not only was it brilliant, but it only aired for four episodes. The season 1 DVD is available and contains the whole 13 (or was it 10?) episode run, and fans of Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies should do themselves a favor and pick it up.

The Hollywood TV Machine just isn’t meant for guys like Tim Minear and Joss Whedon. I really hope they and others like them keep exploring alternative distribution methods for content. I would love to see an online network run by guys like Whedon and Minear that independently produced well-budgeted series, shorts and features using a direct subscription, pay what you want, or unobtrusive advertising model. Networks aren’t necessary anymore and neither are time slots. Quality shows still require deep pockets but there are other ways to get funding. The future of media (books, comics, TV, movies) is going to be making specific content for a much smaller audience. Mass Appeal is the ideal that gets good shows cancelled and shitty shows a 10th season.

I know we are perhaps decades away from the current TV model dying the way the music industry and newspapers are now, but I promise you it will happen. I like seeing people pave the way for this transition by making their own content and putting it out there for others to enjoy. In that vein my buddy Mikey is making a web-series called Anthony Saves The World that you should check out.

Sci-Fi Web Series - Anthony Saves The World

You should also go out and make your own thing. How’s that for a new year’s resolution? Make that thing you’ve always wanted to make. Just start. Start tonight. MAKE SOMETHING. HAVE FUN.

It’s Time To Light The Lights

Get your HijiNKS ENSUE Book 2 Preoder on! GO HERE NOW! Over 1/4 of the Ultimate Fancy Editions are already gone!

TEXAS FANCY BASTARDS: Come to Dragon’s Lair Webcomic Rampage in Austin this weekend and hang out with me, David, Danielle, Randy, Jeph, Bill, and  Josh.

Preorder HijiNKS ENSUE Vol 2! Go ahead and make 1000 vagina jokes right now and just get it out of your system. The Beaver? Seriously? They might as well have called it Meet The Vulvas. I watched the trailer, and personally I don’t think running around elbow deep inside the border line of a beaver is the best way to shake his violent, misogynist image. It’s a very mixed metaphor for Mel to be sending. I wonder if Jodie Foster, who’s directing the beaver as well as this movie (ba-dum DUM!) had to explain to Mel that his costar was a puppet and thus couldn’t blow him for the right to share screen time with him. I wonder if that dissuaded him in the least from violating the felt buck teeth right out of that beaver’s head.

Also, the idea that people inside or outside of Hollywood still support Mel Gibson after he came out to the world as a hateful, violent, racist, wife-beating Class-A buttdouche is just appalling. It’s a symptom of the cancer of apathy that is eroding the concience of America. “Well, he didn’t threaten to beat ME in the head with a baseball bat, so gimme two tickets to that Beaver show, one’o those 164 oz. diet sodas, a clawfoot bathtub full’0 butter toppin’ and some popkurns to dip up in it.”

If you want something from the HE Store before Dec 24th, you should read this message from Topatoco:Continue reading

Now You CDC Me, Now You Don’t

The HijiNKS ENSUE Book 2 Presale has started! GO HERE NOW!

TEXAS FANCY BASTARDS: Come to Dragon’s Lair Webcomic Rampage in Austin this weekend and hang out with me, David, Danielle, Randy, Jeph, Bill, and  Josh.

Episode 73 of The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast is up!

Preorder HijiNKS ENSUE Vol 2!


Wow. That episode, nay that short season of television was intense. This comic is actually quite a bit tamer that what I suggested to my wife the good doctor might do given his prolonged isolation and his knowledge of having mere seconds to live. NO! Not THAT. I just bet he would kindly excuse himself, walk over to the corner and whip it out. Being igniting the oxygen at 7000 degrees at the moment of climax is really the ultimate form of autoerotic asphyxiation. It’s also tons better than being found in the closet strung up by your belt, because even if you do it wrong there’s no evidence afterwards or mess to clean up. I’m just saying there are worse ways to go. Getting a chunk bitten out of your head comes to mind.

I actually assumed things were going to end much differently in the season 1 finale of AMC’s The Walking Dead. About 10 minutes in I got the feeling that Dr. Jenner, distraught over having lost all of his research, would infect one of the survivors, play it off as an accident, then suggest they study the body to find a cure. I was CERTAIN this was the case when the blond lady started throwing up. I couldn’t have been more wrong, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. I wish more American TV would adopt this “get in, tell a story, get out” model. Six episodes is a possibly too brief (10 would have been nice), but this type of mentality would force the creators to focus on the meat (no pun) of the story, and prevent things like seasons 4-6 of LOST from happening in the future.

Your thoughts? Commentward HO!