
The Doctor Is In T-Shirt

“The Doctor Is In” shirt based off the “You’re The Last of The Time Lords, Charlie Brown” comic is here!
ALSO: Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our University of Gallifrey Fighting Time Lords Shirt over at Sharksplode.
ALSO ALSO: I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again.

Man, running a company is hard! You’ve got to deal with supply and demand, and keeping employees motivated, and making sure the break room has the snacks everyone likes (and some of them are sugar free because that one guy in payroll has diabetes), and how sometimes your history and/or future gets rewritten by a major crossover event and also everyone has these new collars (even Wonder Woman who doesn’t even technically have a shirt, so how does she have a collar? I guess it’s more of a choker + battle bustier combo…) so that’s just one more damn thing to deal with. Plus your assistant wants a raise, but she can’t even really use Excel, and she’s always telling the dry cleaner “no starch” in your capes, but you NEED STARCH (you’ve told her 100 times) OR YOU CAN’T GLIDE from rooftop to rooftop… BUH! It’s too much! Sometimes you wish you could just start over fresh, with fresh choices and a new continuity (maybe one where your parents aren’t so dead), and a new collars and… oh wait.

COMMENTERS: Feel free to discuss DC’s “Flashpoint” crossover/event/arch/reboot/whatever. Also, what else goes on in the day to day workings of Batman, INC? Is the Batcopier out of Battoner again? Does the boss sneak up behind you and scowl from the shadows when you’re goofing off on Facebook? Does he keep giving the sweet promotions to his son, Damian, when you’ve put in WAY more hours and are TOTALLY more qualified?


Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our University of Gallifrey Fighting Time Lords Shirt over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again.

Rejoice nerds. Our long national nightmare is over. X-Men: First Class has wiped clean the stains left on the X-Movie Franchise by X-Men 3: Frasier Beast and X-Men Original Recipe: Wolverine. It really is that good. Before I get to the good, I will quickly dispatch with the bad. As stated in the panels above, the films Americanizes ALL of the non-American characters from the comics. This seems like a very strange and totally unnecessary choice. The X-Men were always supposed to be an international collective, representative not of any one country, but of the world. It’s supposed to be mutants v. humans, not americans v. everyone else. Since the plot of the movie revolves around the cuban missile crisis, I wonder if they did this to place emphasis on the American/Russion conflict. This doesn’t ruin the movie, but it will leave longtime X-Fans confused. The other major gripe I have it will Emma Frost. The casting, the writing, and the characterization are just wrong. She comes off in the film as a tarty, sexy, fun-loving, bond girl. Where is the stone cold fake-British-accent-sporting bitch we all love to hate/love? [NOTE: I admit I am primarily familiar with the Emma from Astonishing X-Men and realize she might have been portrayed differently in the past or in other titles, perhaps without an accent at all.] January Jones (who until recently I assumed was Blake Lively), either can’t act or just doesn’t want to. Again, these are small gripes that only slightly detract from an otherwise fantastic movie.

Now for the good. The rest of it… is the good. Michael Fassbender as Magneto OWNS this movie. While I adored Ian McKellan’s portral of the master of magnetism, it was clear we were seeing a battle weary version of Magneto in his twilight years. He was more concerned with playing general to his various henchmen than getting into the thick of things himself. He was probably on a 2-3 bottles of Ensure a day habit and likely went to bed around 8pm, right after “The Wheel” went off. The Magneto we see in First Class is in his prime. He’s an assassin, a fucking unstoppable badass. And his friendship/idealogical struggle with Charles Xavier really balance out his all consuming need for revenge. Speaking of accents, Fassbender’s Irish accent pops out towards the end of the film during a few moments of impassioned speech.

There are parts of the film that feel like it should be called X-Position Men. Characters pick their codenames, give their backstories or drop an unusual amount of backstory in a very short of amount of time, but you can’t really fault them for trying to bring the average movie goer up to speed quickly in order to move the plot along. Some of it feels ham-fisted, like when Mystique says, “I want to be called Mystique and you should be Professor X!” But most of it goes over just fine. I also applaud the filmmakers for establishing quite clearly that the movie takes place in the 1960’s but somehow keeping everything mostly decade agnostic. It doesn’t feel like a period piece which keeps things more relatable. Final verdict: GO SEE IT. Fun times.

COMMENTERS: Did you see X-Men: First Class? What did you think? Do you hope they continue the franchise in this timeline?


Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode. You can read more about it on Wheaton’s Tumblr and the Sharksplode Blogsplode. Splode. You can also get (almost) all Sharksplode shirt designs in sizes up to 5X as of today.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

PHOENIX COMICON IS THIS WEEKEND!!! I will be there with Kel McDonald at table 241. WHEATON and I may actually have one or two of our Gallifrey University shirts to show you and Wil will (will) have prints of the design at his table to sign for you.

Phoenix Comicon HijiNKS ENSUE

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again any time soon.

The comic schedule is going into “Convention Panic” mode. I hope this isn’t the last comic of the week, but it might be. I will be leaving for Phoenix tomorrow, getting back Monday afternoon then leaving again on Thursday for Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC. I’ll be taking that week off (despite working/travelling/conventioning all week) for my 30th Birthday. I have some great guest comics lined up that I am positive you will enjoy.

COMMENTERS: How else might Josh teach his soon-to-be-abandoned gadgets the harsh realities of the world?

The Ivy-Wivey League

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! This comic is inspired by our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode. You can read more about it on Wheaton’s Tumblr and the Sharksplode Blogsplode. Splode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

PHOENIX COMICON IS THIS WEEKEND!!! I will be there with Kel McDonald at table 241. WHEATON and I may actually have one or two of our Gallifrey University shirts to show you.

Phoenix Comicon HijiNKS ENSUE

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again any time soon.

COMMENTERS: What else goes on at Gallifrey U? What courses do they take? What sports do they letter in? Who are their rival schools? What other sort of pranks might Time Lord House pull on the Dean? Personally I assumed they didn’t have proper schooling on Gallifrey at all. I thought they just took a young Time Lord, maybe 8 or 9 years old, shoved his face in the Untempered Schism and let him gaze at the Time Vortex for a bit. If he wasn’t completely dingo-tits insane afterwards, he graduated with honors.

Wish You Were Here

[Make sure you let this one load for 10-20 seconds before clicking away to get the full effect]

“The Doctor Is In” shirt based off the “You’re The Last of The Time Lords, Charlie Brown” comic is here!

The Doctor Is In T-Shirt

PHOENIX COMICON IS NEXT WEEKEND!!! I will be there with Kel McDonald. Also there will be Randy, and Danielle, and Spike, and Becky & Frank and WHEATON. It will be fun fun times.

Phoenix Comicon HijiNKS ENSUE - Geeky Nerdy T-Shirts, Funny Tee Shirts

Guys, this one nearly killed me, so I hope you enjoy it. Good thing the world didn’t end [at least I don’t think it did], or I wouldn’t have had time to finish the comic. I always wait until the last possible second to do anything and in this case it was potentially LITERALLY THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND.

I’m not saying I condone post-Rapture looting, but those of you who are musicians should know that churches usually have GREAT P.A. systems. There’s almost always a royal blue Ibanez 5-string bass lying around at a church if you need one of those too.

COMMENTERS: Did you get raptured? I assumed I would still be here whether it happened or not, and I haven’t check the news today? How was it? Do they have the Internet where you are now? How is Kirk Cameron? How is is hair? To those left behind: did you see anything great on the Internet today? What was your favorite Rapture Tweet, prank or other such silliness?