Nuke the Fridge at the 2008 Summer Failympics

I thought a good Triathlon for the Failympics would be a “Shark High Jump,” “Curve The Bullet Skeet Shooting” followed by the “400 m Fridge Nuke.” Maybe I should write a letter to the Failympic Committee.

Not that this comic makes ANY sense at all, I can try to offer some context:

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Two Thumbs Deep

Way deep!

Disney owns a movie review show called “At the Movies with Ebert and Roeper.” This year they decided not to renew Roeper’s contract, and in turn Ebert quit (which is odd considering he hasn’t appeared on the show in 2 years do to health problems). So what? Disney is continuing the show without them.

WTF Mickey? It’s not like I have any personal feelings for the show. I am being very serious when I say that there is NO reason to sit through a 30 minute program just to hear what two guys think about 4 movies when you can get on the internet and read 10 or 15 unbiased reviews of ANY movie in 2-3 minutes. The show was a dinosaur. Cancel it. Who cares? But to continue the property without the talent for whom it is named just seems pointless. Is there really so much value in the name “At The Movies“? Did anyone even know that was the show’s name, or did they think it was called “Ebert and Roeper“? Before this incarnation, did anyone know the actual name of the show with “Siskel and Ebert“?

I have a better idea. Wipe the slate clean and call your new show “Two Random Shit Grins Enthusiastically Endorse Movies That  Are Owned by The Walt Disney Corporation and/or its Affiliates for 30 Minutes“. Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it? Honestly I put zero stock in the words of any mainstream reviewer. There’s a reason these idiots call “National Treasure 2: The Receding Hairline of Doom” “Breathtaking” and “Action Packed!” These are the same fuck factories that tried to convince an unassuming geek populace to see “Indianna Jones and the Curse of the  Fallen Franchise” by calling it “Thoroughly Viewable!” and “Wonderfully Available!

UPDATE: Ebert Blogs about his departure. 

Why So Posthumous?

I don’t want to weigh in on the whole “does he deserve an Oscar” dispute, because I don’t really put any stock in the Academy Awards. It’s mostly a Hollywood “let’s all smell our own farts” circle jerk fiasco. That said, having seen “The Dark Knight,” I can honestly say that no actor has ever brought the character of the Joker to life like Heath Ledger. His performance (Oscar worthy or not) was phenomenal. I’ve always hated the “funny Joker” and Heath must have sympathized. His Joker was the psycho nutbox that kills people just to see what will happen. He’s an instrument of chaos with no direction or design. That’s what makes him the perfect foil for Batman. It’s order vs. chaos. Self control vs. instinct. Man vs. animal. That’s a struggle I can believe in 100 times over “I kill because I’m crazy and it’s funny.”

Heath Ledger/Dark Knight Links for your perusal:

Knighty Nite

I’m sure many of your FB’s saw “Dark Knight” last night around midnight… midknight? I hope to catch it this weekend. So far the review have gone something like, “Holy shit, Batman!” so I am enthused.

I’ve never read the “Watchmen” comics. I know, I will turn in my comic geek card at the door. I had been reading that die hard fans of Alan Moore’s anti-hero opus were worried about the movie not staying true to the source material, but apparently the trailer (that is showing with “Dark Knight“) is assuaging their fears.

I only know of the characters and story what Josh has told me and what I’ve read on Wiki, but the trailer was bonerific to say the least, even if their Batman analog is a freaking barn owl.

Speaking of Batman… just watch this and smile.

Of Mice and Musicals

I found out during recording of HijiNKS Ensue Podcast #21 that the legion horde of Whedon Zombies brought down with a swiftness. Mmmm, delicious server brains.

I still haven’t seen the first episode of “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog.” The fact that there exists Whedon songs in the universe that aren’t already stuck in my head fills me with unspeakable sadness.  You can still get it on iTunes, but I’m going to wait and watch it on the official site to get the full “DHSAB” experience.

Post your thoughts on Whedon’s web-musical in the comments or on the Fancy Bastard Forum.

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