Going Once, Going Thrace, SOLD!

I’m sure a decent sized chunk of the people reading this don’t watch Battlestar (why? don’t you love happiness?), so here’s the cliff notes: Battlestar Galactica is a show, it’s 35,000 surviving humans vs. millions of robots called Cylons, some of the Cylons look human and one is still hiding among us, some of the Cylons (called Hybrids) are submerged in tubs of goo, speak only in math and riddles and occasionally go nuts and tell the future, and one of those “goo tubs,” along with a shit-ton of other BSG props and swag, are going on sale soon (link to actual auction site).

I will simultaneously pitty and envy the dude that drops $30-40,000 on a full sized Cylon Raider. In other BSG news, the prequel series Caprica finally got a full season greelight with a 2 hour pilot/movie. Despite being set in the BSG universe (50 years earlier) it’s not supposed to feel like BSG at all. I will certainly give it a try, but I can see myself losing interest pretty quick if it ends up being “FAMILY DRAMA IN SPACE!” Will they maintain continuity and have the kid playing young Bill Adama fall face first into a meat grinder so that he can one day be played by Edward James Olmos?

So back to the props: if you could take any prop from a film or TV show and repurpose it for every day use, what would it be? Death Star chandelier? Planet of the Apes Statue of Liberty Coat Rack? Back to the Future DeLorean…Delorean (ya’ know, to drive and be awesome in)?

Tweroes and Twillains

I know that regardless of celebrity status, people are just people. They get sick, they get depressed, they go to the grocery store and they get their hair cut just like you and me. Despite understanding that, it’s still weird for me to see Wil Wheaton and Greg Grunberg from Heroes chatting live on the internet. There’s a voyeuristic quality to celebrity blogging/tweeting etc that I find simultaneously creepy and intriguing. I do think it helps to humanize celebrities when they share the phone pics they took of their coffee at Denny’s on TwitPic and such. Maybe if more celebs were open about the mundane details of their “day to days” we would stop obsessing over them. Or maybe it would encourage a dangerous new degree of stalkerism.

I read a few geek-celebrity blogs (JoCo, WWDN, Jackson Public) and follow plenty of marginally famous people on Twitter. I guess I like to see that we are going through the same stuff despite the gap in our social statuses, incomes, and legions of followers. Do any famous people read HE? I only know of 2 or 3 other well known cartoonists that do. No one else has ever come right out and said it. I wonder.

What celebrity Tweeters, Bloggers, etc do you follow and why?

Bonus Links:

Speaking of Twitter, thanks to @SkawtNYC for unwittingly naming this comic.

There Goes My Hero

I wrote this comic based primarily on the developments of last week’s installment of Heroes, but I’m sure it will apply to tonight’s as well (is it new tonight?). There’s no reason to beat a dead show (or steal it’s powers, as it were), so here’s some links about how Heroes sucks and Tim Kring is a douche mellon:

In Blackest Friday

Just between you and me, I know this comic isn’t actually going up on Friday. One could say it was closer to the subsequent Sunday and one would be totally correct. One could also say that I’ve spent the last 3 days in a gravy and stuffing induced hybernation which would also be intensely accurate.

I had a comic planned for Black Friday some weeks ago that involved a zombie movie-esque scene where retail workers were baracaded in their store, then the deal-frenzied horde would break in and devour the savings. You can’t spell BaRgAINS without… you get the idea. Any who, I thought I was doing pretty good for planning ahead. One less comic I would have to write minutes before I started drawing. I took Thursday off for FAMILYGRAVYSPLODE! and planned to draw the comic on Black Friday. That was until the ridiculous events I had conjured up ACTUALLY OCCURED.

That fact that someone lost their life so a bunch of fuckwastes could “get their savings on” is beyond disgusting. What a pointless death. I really hope the individuals that actually stomped out that persons life, clawing and climbing over each other to save $25 on a George Foreman grill are charged with manslaughter. As soon as the doors came off the hinges, someone should have said, “whoah guys, maybe we should calm the F down.” I guess BluRay players are the new blood diamonds.

Add to that the shooting deaths at a Toys R’ Us the same day and it’s pretty easy to see that we’re doomed. If you really “don’t wanna’ grow up” shoot yourself BEFORE going to a sale at a childrens’ toy store. Ya’ know, cuz their might be CHILDREN there.