I’m calling it right now.

Cally Tyrol is the fifth and final Cylon.

There. I said it. The gauntlet is thrown. What’re ya gonna do? Nothin. Deal with it.

Check out this “Last Cylon Supper” pic and blurb from io9.com (Gawker’s new scifi blog). I wonder if they served toast. I read the clues from Ron D. Moore and I’ve interpreted them thusly: The final-fifth is NOT in that photo (Cally is NOT in that photo), and he refers to Cally and Chief Tyrol’s baby as “seeming to be the 2nd human Cylon hybrid.” There’s your money shot. He SEEMS to be but he’s not. He’s the first biological Cylon baby.


Season four won’t premier until April so we probably won’t get confirmation on this for quite some time. Go ahead, and place your bets in the comments. I’m sticking with my theory (at least until it’s proven completely and utterly wrong).

I really do love a good trainwreck

2008-01-04-brittney-spearsYes, this is total schadenfreude, and probably means I’m shallow, but hey, whatev’s.

On to the fantastic news: The crazy train has made it’s final stop.

I mean, if you are going to go out, go out with a motherfucking bang. Own that shit. Own it and love it. Own it like Scarface with a face full of cocaine and a god damned machine gun.

I really wish this would have ended with her beating a tank with an umbrella.

Doug Benson Love(d) Movies

2008-01-04-doug-bensonI was looking for something funny to listen to while I draw the comic and came across Doug Benson Love’s Movies. It’s a comedy Podcast where Doug Benson (from VH1’s Best Week Ever) and another comedian talk about the movies that are coming out that week and destroy them. Looks like they stopped producing the show sometime last year, so i am going through the archives now. There are about 30 total and they feature most of my favorite comedians:

Brian Posehn
Patton Oswalt
Maria Bamford
Sarah Silverman

David Cross
Bob Odenkirk
Zach Galifianakis

Paul F. Tompkins
Paul Scheer
Bil Dwyer

The best part is the “Leonard Maltin Game” they play in each show where the guest finds a movie from the 80’s or 90’s in Leonard Maltin’s book and reads the actors names in reverse order (bit parts to stars) until Doug can guess the movie.

If you like it when people make fun of things (and if you’re reading this, you probably do) check it out.