My Macworld (MWSF) 2008 Keynote Predictions. Boom!

 Macworld San Francisco is next week. I’ve learned from years of Apple fandom to aim for the middle with my predictions. Take every rumor on the internet, rate them from 1-10 on how bad you want them, then throw out everything above a 7. Those will be saved for Xmas or next year.

I bet we get:

  • iphone SDK + apps already available from certain developers through iTunes
  • iTunes Rentals
  • Updated Macbook Pro line, but not sub notebook. Maybe a 13″ Macbook sized MBP. Possibly solid state.
  • 16GB iPhone, but no 3g and no 2nd gen iPhone
  • 32GB iTouch
  • No Classic or Nano updates
  • And I think we will get a true “One more thing” this time. Something we aren’t expecting at all. Possibly a new focus for the Apple TV.

Please post your predictions and speculations in the comments.

In case you missed it the first time around, here’s the “iPhantom Zone” iPhone wallpaper from this comic. You can see it in action here, and download it by clicking the image below.


I drove someone to attempted murder

From the Giz: Teen Strangles Father with Gamepad Cable

One can only assume the murder weapon was a Wiimote + Nunchuck combo. As soon as I read that I thought of this comic:


Then everyone had the same thought. A commenter on Gizmodo linked to the aforementioned comic (Hi, Giz readers. Thanks for checking out the comic!), then  Josh IM’ed me to make sure I knew my part in the almost-slaying.

I guess if this becomes a trend we can assume that Rock Band and all its wires are inherently more dangerous than Guitar Hero III.