Doki Doki Prog Rock?

Drummer drumming to Super Mario 2 music


That was awesome.

About a decade ago (in highschool) my friend Justin and I had this idea that we would start a rap group where we spit (hot fire) rhymes over remixed classic video game music. Our names were D. Bugg Mode and ….(help me out, Justin) DJ I-Triple-E 1394? Something like that. For a while I was also Dirty Jesus X. Anyway. It was a fantastic idea and much like every great idea I had in the 90’s, we talked about it for a year and never did shit. Theres not really a point to that story. Just remenesing.Continue reading

Heath Ledger found dead

Read the sad news here.


the housekeeper and the masseuse opened the bedroom and found Mr. Ledger naked and unconscious on a bed, with pills scattered around his body.

OMG, he died in 50% of Michelle Tanner’s apartment:

The actor Heath Ledger was found dead this afternoon in an apartment in Manhattan owned by the actress Mary-Kate Olsen, according to the New York City police. Mr. Ledger was 28.

Coulton hates on the haters

I just read this post from Coulton. Some sweet girl posted a fan video for “Still Alive on Youtube and it made the blogosphere rounds this week. Of course, as soon as someone shares a piece of there self with the world, the shitbags come out of the woodwork to scare them back into their insecurities.

Joco says:

Where’s your thing that you made and put online for everyone to see, you chicken-shit cockhole? …

So it drives me nuts to see people lobbing bullshit negativity into the crowd – if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. And if you don’t have a piece of yourself to contribute, keep quiet. The rest of us are working here.

God damn right. Where is your contribution? Where did you post the little piece of your soul that I may skull fuck it to death?

I mentioned yesterday about getting hateful comments on Digg. It comes with the territory. Create something and share it with the world, then dive into a hole and hide from the backlash. Denizens of the internet are generally hateful toward everything they don’t absolutely love. What happened to “it’s not for me,” or “I have different tastes.” No way, man. It’s all “die from 1000 cancers” this and “suffocate on your own cockandballs” that. Calm down internet. Not everything is a fight. Walk away from the sites, and songs, and comics you don’t like just like you would change the channel on TV (without going to the producer of the show’s house and throwing lit shit baggies at him). Learn the difference between “I dislike…” and “I want the person that made this to feel pain and sorrow.”

Is there a kinder, gentler internet out there for us? This commenter has the right idea:


The honest truth is, these “haters” that rip people to shreds for trying to do something are the same people that want SO BADLY to post their own song on Youtube, or their comic online. Alas, they are far to afraid to deal with the scorn from people JUST LIKE THEMSELVES! The snake eats its own head, entropy reverses, the universe explodes and Data, Riker, Crusher, Geordi and Troi are right back at that card game with a nagging feeling of deja vu.

Weekend Recap

Friday night saw my first front page Digg for a comic (the previous one was for the Guitar Hero III video). Special thanks to EvanStapler for submitting the story, and to everyone that Dugg it. As can be expected the traffic crashed my server and asploded my site. I was on the phone for 3 hours with my host trying to get it back up. I finally had to move to a more robust box (more robust = more $$$). Digg comments are a hard thing to read when they are concerning your own work. They range from innocuous to outright hateful. This was the best one:


I don’t have words for that. It’s poetry.

We were (this) close to seeing Cloverfield but got to the theater and saw this:


So we saw Sweeney Todd instead. My wife gets seasick easily and I have an inner ear/vertigo condition so I figured it best to see C-Field at home where I can sit in front of a puke bucket. Sweeney Todd was fantastic. Beautifully shot and excellently performed. The score was formidable to say the least. I enjoyed the movie even more when, in the first 15 minutes, two different sets of teenagers got up and left. “What’s all this gay singing and shit? Let’s get out of here and go have unprotected sex.”

Tom Cruise’s particular brand of crazy has been all over the net this week. In light of his galactic revelations I wanted to share this happy little accident I saw in Barnes and Noble a few weeks back:
