Dragon’s Lair Webcomics Rampage!

Thank you to everyone that came out and said hi last weekend at Dragon’s Lair Comic and Fantasy in Austin, TX. I think all the cartoonists were in a agreement that it was a fantastically fun time. Special thanks to Alison for coordinating the event and running the 2 most entertaining panels I have ever been a part of. The panels were videoed, so hopefully they will be available in some internet fashion at some point. I had a blast. I really enjoy the opportunity to meet readers face to face and personally welcome new Fancy Bastards into the fold.

I also enjoy the way regular people stare incessantly at 10 or 15 webcartoonists while we eat Tex-Mex. Between Danielle and Christi pining for the nearest titty bar, Jeph proclaiming that Texas owes it’s independence to a mulatto prostitute and Randy telling us all how one of his early ancestors stabbed a priest, robbed the church then burned it to the ground we had even the “keep Austin weird-est” people choking on their flautas. I think we officially changed the slogan to “keep Austin worried.”

The goal is to have every US shirt ordered by Dec 4th arrive by Dec. 24th. That’s what the shipping deadline says on the order page and everyone involved is doing their best to make that promise a reality. There is a possibility that some of the shirts ordered late on Dec 4th will not arrive by Dec. 24th. Any shirt orders (this applies to ALL HE SHIRTS THAT ARE NOT SHIPPED FROM TOPATOCO) placed after Dec 4th probably will not arrive by Dec. 24th. The Edward shirt orders were simply unexpected and overwhelming, hence the early cut off for holiday shipping. Thanks!

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  1. I would have gone with "Goose, you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever!" Unless the guy was really creepy looking.

  2. Hey, I chatted with you for a while after the panel (which was fantastic, by the way) and just finished devouring the entirety of your back catalog. Boss comics. Do let us know if that stuff ever gets posted, I missed the panel the first day, and you guys are just fantastically funny to listen to.

    • Glad you enjoyed it. I had a blast. I really do hope they post the panels but there were 4 hours total so who knows. If you dig listening to people shoot the shit about geeky stuff check out podcast.hijinksensue.com You might enjoy that as well.

  3. Seriously, I just wanted to take all of you home with me! Everyone on panel was friendly, funny, and open – which is a major treat for your fans.

    The nest time every one is in Austin though – which will hopefully be in the near future <fingers crossed> – you need to tell us where you're hanging out after the event. Imagine the Tex-Mex with two hundred of your closest ravening fan… Um, I meant to say "friends" there, of course!

  4. The idea of drawing all the crew of firefly as penguins is somewhat flawed, considering Vera is a character in her own right, and a penguin wielding a smaller penguin makes little or no sense. Either flawed or right up your alley joel.

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