T-Shirt Presale Ends 11/30/07

Thanks to everyone that has ordered a shirt so far. You will notice that I’ve put a final date on the t-shirt presale of 11/30/07. I want to make sure everyone that has ordered gets their shirt in a timely fashion.

Now the bad(ish) news. If I don’t have enough orders by the end of the presale, I don’t know if my printer will be able to print the shirts. In that case I will have to scramble to find a backup printer that will do smaller runs.

The Challenge!

1) Anyone that can get the site, the store, or the shirt designs linked on a major site (Digg Home Page, Boing Boing, Etc) will get a free shirt of their choice (hell, make it two) and anything else I can throw at them in the way of favors and kudos.

2) Anyone that can get 5 or more people to buy a shirt them email me with their names will get a free shirt of their choice.

We’ve got roughly 3 weeks left to go in this presale. Afterwards, depending on the response I will start another or move on to a new shirt design.

Suggestions for how to spread the word, let me know! comics (at) hijinksensue (dot) com.

Gay Dumbledore Shirts Update: Girls’ Tees and More Sizes!!!

I got quite a few emails and comments about adding girls’ tees and plus sizes. I checked with my printer and I’ve added girls’ tees in both styles and sizes up to 2XL. Sorry if you needed anything larger but that is all they offer. I hope to expand the style and size choices in the future.

Thanks to everyone who has ordered so far. If you were waiting for the new styles and sizes to order, get to it! Seriously, the sooner I meet a minimum order quota, the sooner I can print the shirts and get them out to you fantastic people.
