Austin-style Fancy Bastards, I am going to be at Austin Comic Con this weekend (Nov 11-13)! I will have books 1 and 2, “The Doctor Is In” shirts, “Winter Is Coming” shirts and just a few sizes of “Edward“ and “Ewok Stare.“ I will also have prints, stickers and sketch cards upon which I will draw nearly anything for a monetary tip of some kind.
I will be accompanied by my old HE summer intern (HEntern), James. He will be taking your cash, fetching your shirt sizes, running your credit cards, acting as my personal foot stool and side table, and doing a little jig at random intervals for my amusement. If you must pelt someone with things, that it was he is there for.
Also appearing at the con will be Dennis of LAWLS, who recently nearly died updating and fixing the CSS on my website, and the illustrious be-DeLoreaned Ernie Cline, author of Ready Player One. Now it isn’t just going to be the three of us. There are about 100 comics and genre TV/ movie guests as well. Damn near half the cast of Buffy is going to be there, so will certainly be able to get your Scooby-squee on. It’s a fun show with plenty to see, but it’s not overwhelming. Come. You will have geeky fun.
Tweetup? Missed the tweetup last year as I was at the Costume Contest.
Last year I did a joint Tweetup with Randy Milholland and essentially no HE readers showed up. It seems like every time I try to plan these things they just dont happen. I'm open to it, but there would have to be some reader interest. Feel free to comment of you are interested.
They are doing a Drink and Draw just up the road from the Convention Center with some comic folk.
Some will drink…some will draw…and the best will take on the challenge of doing both! Don’t miss your chance to hang out with some of your favorite artists at the official Wizard World Drink and Draw, hosted by Tommy Castillo! (Pure Ultra Lounge – 419 E 6th Street)
#nerdbaby and I will be there on Sunday
Saw the booth yesterday, didn’t even know you were there until I saw that Edward shirt on the side and was like, “I know that shirt!” Didn’t get a chance to stop by though, the wife was being a bit pushy by then. Maybe another time.