Hey Austin! Dragon’s Lair Webcomic Rampage 2011 is Dec. 10-11th!

Me, Randy MilhollandDavid Willis, Danielle Corsetto, Jeph Jaques, Rob Denbleyker and MORE will be at the Dragon’s Lair Webcomic Rampage panel/signing event on December 10th and 11th. It is always a good time. Austin Fancy Bastard should NOT miss it.

I will have “The Doctor Is In” shirts, “Winter Is Coming” Shirts, HijiNKS ENSUE books, prints, sketches, stickers and furtive glances!

Saturday 8-11 pm
Sunday 12-5 pm

**Q&A panels by reservation only!**
Sat: 6-8 pm
Sun: 10-12 before signings
8-11 pm after signings

Posted in Comic Blog and tagged , , .


  1. what kinda effed up piercings do you have to for a tentacle monster to need 10 tenta to violate all your holes men only have 7 holes nationally…unless no wait eye socket's and belly button make 10

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