CHECK OUT THIS INTERVIEW that I did with SciFi Mafia about the origins of The Edward [James Olmos] shirt. I also want to mention that Olmos Productions is now donating their licensing proceeds from the shirt to benefit Jaime Escalante who was the inspiration for the movie Stand And Deliver. HE Podcast listeners will recognize this as one of Eli’s favorite films. He is very ill with cancer and needs financial help. Read EJO‘s letter HERE.
Upcoming Appearances!!!
March 6 @ The Monarch Event Center in Austin, TX
Emerald City Comic-Con
March 13-14 @ The Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA
I will be a guest at Comicpalooza in Houston, TX March 26-28
Speaking of Xander, he’s actually going to be there. So is Sierra from Dollhouse who was by far the best actress on the show.
Quick post today since I am hitting the road this morning for Staple! in Austin. As mentioned a mere paragraph ago it is this weekend and Austinites should come say hi to me and Danielle and Randy.
I have been rewatching Buffy from the beginning on Logo for the last several weeks. I’m in the middle of season 3 (the best season IMO) and I’m shocked at how well the show holds up. I REALLY want to go into slovenly fanboy hyper-amounts of detail but I think I will save that for a future LoFijiNKS Podcast.

Want desktops or a mobile wallpaper based on the Space Jesus comic? They're in The Vault. Make a small donation to get access.
I apologize for the reused art, (can you find the comic it is borrowed from? That will be like a game for you to enjoy!) but it was either cut a few corners or no comic at all. Preparing for the 3 cons I’m doing in the next 4 weeks has eaten up a decent chunk of my mental and physical capacities. I also stopped sleeping like a human about a month ago which has caused additional difficulties. I’ve started seeing future disasters unfold right before my eyes moment before they occur but no one heads my warnings. A gypsy said I was cursed with “the knowing.”
(sleep deprivation makes you think about this kind of stuff then type it under a comic)
I am very happy to report that the Fancy Bastards have already donated over $1500 towards my medical expenses!
If you enjoy the comic and would like to help out, please consider making a small DONATION. Put “ER Bill” in the comments and I will make sure it goes straight to the Hospital/Collection Agency.
Thank you all so very much.
buffy is a really great example of the gay double standard: while there is an abundance of straight sex (i.e. the one episode where buffy boinks so excessively their sex energy fuels some ancient evil), Willow rarely touched her GF, and it takes more than a whole season from alleged to on-screen kissing (while all other couples held their snoggings publicly).
Maybe it was FOX’s gay hysteria or Whedon’s fear of being accused of Ally McBealism, it felt horribly awkward.
Other shows, without that gayness at least don’t rub it into the viewers faces.
And then they moved it over to the comics and all manner of sex started happening: boy/girl, girl/girl, implied boy/girl/boy, alluded to desire for boy/female centaur, etc.
I got the impression that the restraint came more from Joss; he purposely held off showing Willow and Tara kissing until "The Body," so that the strong narrative of that episode would deliberately overshadow any sort of gay WHAARRGARRBL, pro or anti.
Who watches that much of the Logo channel? Not that there's anything wrong with it. Not judging, just asking.
I watch it for a break from the str8 world, and inbetween commercials on Comedy Central, or when Anderson Cooper lies to me with his eyes.
I'm on to you, Anderson. Oh yes…I am.
"Giles is british, so theres at least half a gay point"
That shall be remembered
All I remember from Buffy is Xander constantly whining and SMG trying to act tough. Ok, we get it 1990's, girls can be tough too.
I also remember abusing myself to Willow.
Well, that was one of the funniest comments I've read lately.
spot on, spot on.
Just started renting Season 1 on Netflix this week, so I haven't really "gotten" into the show much so far. I do notice that "themed" channels tend to stretch what fits into that category. I mean, the Country Music Network keeps playing National Lampoon Christmas Vacation… and it's how many months since December?
It's always Christmas for rednecks, hence the lights on the trailers all year
Buffy is light on the actual gay content, but on the other hand, virtually every one of my geeky queer friends (myself included) loves Buffy (or Joss in general). It's a weird cultural thing for gay geeks, I think. Also, you're forgetting gay points for utter camp, especially in the first few seasons. But you're right on about Logo playing up the gay content. I would just say, "look, we know you love it. Just mix yourself up a nice mojito, tell your non-geek friends you're watching Sex and the City or some nonsense, and drink it in."
It's the funny and sentiment that matter really….who cares if you recycled a little art.
because vampires are considered gay now? That's my guess, anyway.
No, I'm thinking it's because you can only re-run "RuPaul's Drag Race" (Hi, I'm an oxymoron) 47 times a day.
Sometimes Logo feels like the gay version of <insert name of cable channel here>, because they re-run things so often…like Sci-Fi or Comedy Central.
It is nice to see Buffy on TV again…but I'm betting they won't put Angel on, even with the Angel/Spike gayness in 4th season.
They'll hit gay gold in 10 years, if we can get Smallville off the air. Then they can air the Clex in all its glory: "Clark, I know you're hiding something…hit me in the head again…no, the other one…"
slight correction: SyFy now
Doh! Being on the wrong continent, I haven't paid much attention to your con dates and came hoping for a new strip.
Ah well. I hope the con ruled and that more fancy bastards have been added to the fold. And that you sold a bunch of books. And had fun. To read is make my writing English good.