I’m A Snowflake On The Wind

Bill Watterson and “Calvin and Hobbes” are two of the primary reasons I started making comics. Those of you who donate or subscribe to The Vault, have seen my earlier attempts to emulate his work (“it’s like Calvin and Hobbes but with a robot instead of a tiger!”).

I don’t know of a cartoonist that doesn’t list Watterson in his top three influences, so I won’t bore you with my treatise on how his work sparked my young imagination and ignited a lifelong love of comic strips and cartooning. I bet he wouldn’t be too thrilled with me aping his style to make a Joss Whedon/Serenity reference, nor would I be shocked if he didn’t get said reference.

I always looked forward to his snowman strips because they straddled a line between childlike innocence and subversion. I guess that same can be said for the whole of “Calvin and Hobbes,” but those particular strips (along with Spaceman Spiff) resonated loudly with me. My favorite was the snowmen looking on in horror after another snowman had been hit by Dad’s car.

Calvin’s Dad was a patent attorney. “The More You Knoooow!”

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  1. This might just be the best HE comic I've read…I stopped reading any print comics after Watterson retired, and this just brought back beautiful memories. Thanks much, Joel.

  2. Well done, sir. Not only did you make me nostalgic for the days of actually wanting to read the comics section of the newspaper, but you brought a tear to my eye with the Serenity reference.

  3. I'm surprised there are so few negative comments. I guess I'm just one of those rare individuals who doesn't enjoy looking at bastardized versions of calvin & Hobbes combined with references to mediocre Sci- Fi?

    • Yeah because an homage of a beloved comic that ended more than 10 years ago is SACRILEGE! And I would love to see what you think great or even good Sci-Fi is.

      You know what they say about opinions, and I guess yours is a particularly self-righteous asshole.

    • Really? Your surprised that the people that read and enjoy this comic dont make more negative comments? I guess that's what you would expect from the internet in general, but whats the point of chiming in just to ruin everyone else's fun? If you don't like the comic, forget about it and move on to something you do like. There's plenty of internet out there. Maybe you'll find a site that appreciates your negativity, but it isn't welcomed here.

    • Really? You're surprised that the people that read and enjoy this comic dont make more negative comments? I guess that's what you would expect from the internet in general, but what's the point of chiming in just to ruin everyone else's fun? If you don't like the comic, forget about it and move on to something you do like. There's plenty of internet out there. Maybe you'll find a site that appreciates your negativity, but it isn't welcomed here.

      • Okay, maybe I was a little harsh. (I didn't call anyone an asshole at least) For what it's worth, I was actually surprised that there weren't any real critical comments. If I can elaborate, I just don't like that show/movie but I do like Calvin and Hobbes. Homages are made out of respect for the original. Combining two things you like which have nothing to do with each other doesn't necessarily make it a homage and I think you made my point when you said Bill Watterson probably wouldn't get the reference.
        I'm curious to know if anyone would like to defend those Calvin pissing on a truck logo stickers. The people who put those on their trucks probably like Calvin and Hobbes too but I doubt Mr. Watterson considers himself honored.

        • Watterson has mentioned is several interviews that he's never licensed the character of Calvin for any merchandise (other than a calender and I believe one short lived t-shirt), and the "pissing on" logos get to him but they arent worth pursuing legal action.

          The flaw you've pointed out in my gag (using one thing to make fun of an unrelated thing) is basically what HijiNKS Ensue is about. Some people enjoy it, and others don't and that's totally cool with me. The reason you don't see any criticism is that I have worked hard to foster a respectful and fun environment here and on the forum. The regular readers that post here are looking for geeky fun and negativity just brings every one down. What's the point?

          If my readers have a problem with the content, or they are offended, they generally email me about it and always get a respectful response. Im not suggesting no one should criticize my work, but it should be done on a one on one basis. There's no reason to involve the community and ruin their fun.

          Ive never understood the forum/comment common practice of "I HATE THIS AND I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW HOW CLEVER I AM WITH MY HATRED!!LOL11!!"

          Im not saying that's what you did, but it's the reason the HE community doesn't tolerate negative posting.

          Feel free to browse the archives and see if there are any comics to your liking. If you really want to air any grief with me, feel free to email.



  4. Okay, maybe I was a little harsh. (I didn’t call anyone an asshole at least) For what it’s worth, I was actually surprised that there weren’t any real critical comments. If I can elaborate, I just don’t like that show/movie but I do like Calvin and Hobbes. Homages are made out of respect for the original. Combining two things you like which have nothing to do with each other doesn’t necessarily make it a homage and I think you made my point when you said Bill Watterson probably wouldn’t get the reference.
    I’m curious to know if anyone would like to defend those Calvin pissing on a truck logo stickers. The people who put those on their trucks probably like Calvin and Hobbes too but I doubt Bill Watterson considers himself honored.

  5. For the record I didnt call anyone an asshole, If you reread my post you will see that I called you (and your asshole) self-righteous

  6. My favourite C&H snowman comic was the one where the snowmen are arranged to look like one of them is eating ice cream while the other is dead on the floor and has an ice cream scoop sticking out of his back.

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