Alive In The Superunknown

CRUISE FUNDRAISER UPDATE: As of 10/27/11, all 100 print packs are sold out! I expected this to take weeks if not months instead of days. I have to escalate the production and shipping schedule accordingly. I will add the last couple of characters to the comic/print in the next few days. Thank you all so much for the support! If you didn’t get a chance to order before they sold out, I might make the 3 bonus prints available in a pack for $30 if there is any interest. Let me know in the comments.

HijiNKS ENSUE Holiday Cards are back!

HijiNKS ENSUE Holiday Cards - Zombie cards, star wars cards, Calvin and hobbes Firefly serenity cards, Hobo Santa Cards

Fulfilling a 16 year long dream, I saw Soundgarden live for the first time last night. Josh was supposed to go with me, but he bailed at the last minute and my friend Roger (HE Podcast listeners may remember him from “Roger Court”) stepped in to fill his dirty flanel and Doc Marten’s. They were always one of those bands that I regretted not seeing in their prime (being 15 years old and unable to drive 100 miles to a concert by myself, let alone get permission to see THE DEVIL’s MUSIC performed live), and had vowed to see no matter what should they ever reform. Well, reform they did and I jumped all over the chance to see them when tickets went on sale a few months ago.

Luckily, despite having a new album in the works, they just played the hits. It was a cavalcade of all of my favorite Soundgarden songs back to back with no filler, fluff or bullshit. They played extremely raw. Every amp was too loud, ever guitar was over distorted, the bass clipped for the entire show and the vocal mic squealed feedback constantly. They played like a garageband. It was perfect. I had forgotten that this is what music used to sound like. Unprocessed, unfiltered, agressive, emotional and genuine. And despite all reason and human comprehension, Chris Cornell is still able to hit every high note, ever scream with attack, power and sustain.

I know this isn’t the standard geek fare you are used to with HE, but 90’s rock music is something I geek out on almost as much as Star Trek, so please allow me momentarily  to indulge my nostalgic music fetish.

COMMENTERS: What band from your glory days did you miss seeing live and have kicked yourself about ever since? What band will you drop everything for a chance to see live and why? Alternately, what music makes you instantly feel 15 again? I actually had tickets to see Nirvana when I was 11. I got grounded over some trivial bullshit (really just as excuse to keep me from seeing the show), and wasn’t allowed to go. Kurt Cobain died about 6 months later. I never have and NEVER WILL (honestly) forgive my mom for that mistake.

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  1. David Bowie, and Def Leppard. They're both still performing but it wouldn't be the same.

    Doesn't mean I would go seem 'em if they came to Melbourne, though!

    • I'm going to see Def Leppard and Motley Crue in December in the UK. I know Joe Elliot's voice isn't what it was and that there's a good chance that at least one member of the Crue will implode.

      And I don't care.

      • I hope so. I missed seeing STP last year because of work. Friend told me they sucked though. Said Scott was whacked out of his mind.

        • I saw STP right after their reunion and right before the next break up. it was a GREAT show but weiland seemed distant and odd. He sang well and they played great, but he seemed like he didnt know the rest of the band was there.

        • Seeing the band with out Scott being hopped up on goofballs is pretty close to not actualy seeing the band though.

          • Last Time I saw Tool it was one of the greatest concerts I've ever seen. They played for nearly 3 hours and the intermission had 2 mostly naked people as life sized marionettes dancing on and above the stage. It was a tad surreal. The kind of experience that makes me wonder if that's what taking LSD might be like.

            • I heard this about Tool once from VH1: You don't just not see them in their videos, but also their concerts. You could stand in the same room as those guys & you wouldn't know it's them. Is that true?

              • No, they dont hide or anything during the shows. Maynard usually wears some kind of wig and hat or sunglasses on stage to obscure his face. He's said before that he doesnt want to be recognizable when he and his kids are in a store. So they just tend to no do that many interviews or photos.

              • They aren't exactly obscured but nobody in the band is particularly charismatic and they aren't exactly spotlighting them. The band stands there and plays which isn't a huge shock because their songs are pretty complex. They have tons of lighting and video effects which kind of put on the visual spectacle for them, and they sound awesome.

  2. The Cranberries, and they even came to Venezuela! (and I missed it! *punches self in nuts*)

    P.S.: Congrats on the JoCo Cruise Crazy fundraiser!

  3. I'm a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan, i just saw them a little over a week ago.

    "They played like a garageband. It was perfect. I had forgotten that this is what music used to sound like. Unprocessed, unfiltered, agressive, emotional and genuine."

    That descirbes my feelings very well. they played a lot of b-sides, but ones that i love, and never thought i'd see live. It was amazing. I also realized how old I was as it had been years since I was in the floor section for a concert, and it took some time to recover.

  4. I had just turned 18 when the Pink Floyd "Pulse" tour was announced. I was ridiculously excited, and started putting money away from the pittance I was earning as a mechanic's apprentice for what I knew was going to be a very expensive ticket. Then the tour schedule came out – and Australia wasn't on the list. I had known that maybe they wouldn't make it to Melbourne, and was willing to drive to Sydney and sleep in my car if needed, but there were no Australian dates at all.

    I was gutted. I was even more bummed when I learned it was a financial decision. It was just too expensive to fly out several plane loads of awesome stage effects to the colonies.

  5. Oingo Boingo – never got to see them live.

    Caught Soundgarden for the first time in either '91 or '92 when they opened for Guns 'N' Roses. Soundgarden was WAY better.

    • I saw Boingo in what was (I think) their LAST Halloween concert in LA many years ago. It was super awesome.


      I just rubbed salt in a wound didn't I? Sorry.

    • I caught Oingo Boingo's Farewell concert for my 14th birthday. It was pretty darn epic. It's one of the best concert DVDs ever and still doesn't do the show justice.

      • So jealous of you two – I have the double album of that concert and absolutely love it. They were a relatively difficult act to catch on the east coast.

  6. My parents wouldnt take to see the houses of the holy tour(you know Led freaking Zepplin). Can't really blame them tho, I was eight. Never did forgive them tho. Reo speedwagon and Def Leopard take me back.

  7. Soundgarden! They're out here in Aus for the Big Day Out festival next year – as soon as heard that I knew I was going. Haven't heard anything about any sideshows yet (I'd rather see a full show than a festival set but I'll take what I can get)

  8. At that age, in the mid-to-late 80s, I was going to see bands that were already way past their prime: Yes, Rush, The Who. I went to a bunch of all-ages punk shows, but no one I saw then ever made it big. I kept seeing Yes now and then over the years, more for the lineup changes than because of any hope that they'd somehow get raw again. I was eternally bummed that I never got a chance to see Led Zeppelin, what with them breaking up when I was 11, but I'd be more likely to see Them Crooked Vultures than a Led Zeppelin reunion today.

    These days I feel like you look in the third panel when I go to see Ben Folds, even though I was 26 when I got his band's first album. I did eventually see them live once before they broke up, but Folds on his own manages to seem simultaneously more raw and more entertaining than they were as a band. Of the bands I most regret missing when they were together, at the top of the list is Grandaddy.

    Soundgarden? Easily my favorite band to come out of that whole Seattle scene. I skipped this tour because a couple years ago I saw Cornell doing some Soundgarden songs with his band at some festival on TV, and he just seemed… bored. Hated his solo albums, so I sighed and wrote him off. Now that I hear they're still worth seeing, I'm sad I didn't go. To see them with my current favorite rock band, Queens of the Stone Age, as an opening act would have been a 15-year-old-me moment for sure, but I live on the wrong coast for that. I'll see them next summer to promote their new album… and, to be honest, probably Yes too.

    • I have good news for you then. Ben Folds 5 (original line up) is recording a new album later this year. December or so. I would be shocked if a tour didnt follow.

      I missed them RIGHT before they broke up when they came to Houston. I thought tickets wouldnt sell out and I was incredibly wrong.

      Ive seen Ben solo, with a band, with a different band and with an orchrestra a dozen times at least and its just as thrilling ever time. No other musician has had the same impact on my life that he has.

      I saw the same festival you are talking about. it was the Live8 series, and yes he seemed like all the steam was gone out of him. His solo work sucked and his vocals with Audioslave seemed like he was straining to reach his normal range. I am very pleased to say that is definitely not the case with Soundgarden based on what I saw.

      • Thanks, I heard about the new album too. I can't wait. I got the boxed set and "Ben Folds 55" digital collection that just came out and all this live material has me jonesing for his shows. No one else keeps bringing me back to the piano like Folds, though I've accepted I'll never play like that.

  9. Woulda, shoulda, but didn't: The Who and Devo in the early 80's–and again this past March–and Farm Aid in 1985 (the first one). Glad to have seen the Rolling Stones' Steel Wheel Tour (opener George Thoroughgood rocked, Heart sucked). Pretty much anything from the 70s takes me back. Yeah, I'm trending toward old fartdom.

  10. I would do so many vile unspeakable things if they got me either acdc or rolling stones tickets, i would do things that even satan would blush about.

  11. Soundgarden was my first rock concert in 1994. It was awesome and amazing even though we didn't have floor tickets. My biggest concert regret is missing out on Nirvana. My current concert nemesis is the Foo Fighters. Every time they come to a location a reasonable distance from home I happen to be in another state.

  12. Not counting Soundgarden, that from what I see from their tour dates will remain a dream, I'll say Blur. Those brits never played anywhere closer than 500Km from my home town. 😛
    I thought about going to that special gig in London a couple of years ago, but couldn't due to working reason.

    Hey, Joel! If you think you had it bad with Nirvana, my brother got a flu the same day we were supposed to go together at their concert.
    It was 1994.
    And we live in Rome.

    He's still cursing his immune system.

  13. I had a similar experience to your Nirvana story. ELO was playing in Ft. Worth, and nobody good ever came to Fort Worth back then. My mom was pathologically afraid of Dallas and wouldn't let me go to any concerts there, so the fact they were playing Ft. Worth was good. She gave me permission to go to the concert, and my boyfriend bought tickets for us, had a vehicle, and was going to take me. Then she found some excuse to ground me, and my boyfriend was out the money for the tickets. ELO never did play Ft. Worth again before I got old enough to go where I wanted, and then they lost the strings, then they broke up. I did eventually get to see them on a reunion tour at a small club near my house. It was a lot of fun, and they had actual string players again. Downsides were that Jeff Lynne had lost his voice, so some of the other guys had to sing lead on some songs that he normally would have sung, and since it was just in a small club, I didn't get the big rock show with lots of special effects like they were still doing the first time I was supposed to see them. Still, they did great, considering, and it was worth it.

    I also wish that I had gotten to see George Harrison in concert before he died. He hardly ever toured, but he was supposed to tour to support his self-titled album released in '79. Since my mom was a Beatles fan, I had reason to hope that if he played our area, she might take us. Unfortunately, George was injured in an auto racing accident, and had to cancel his tour. I don't know if he would have come to the DFW area anyway, but that pretty much killed all hope.

  14. Queen. I would absolutely LOVE to have been able to see Queen in concert, but I was born a bit too late and a bit too close to the Arctic Cirlce for that to have ever happened before Freddie died. ;_;

    My best "missed that concert" story isn't my own (luckily?) A friend of a friend was about 5 years old and came down with a nasty flu. His parents had been planning on attending this outdoor concert a few hours away and leaving him with Grandma, but as he was so sick they decided to just skip the concert, stay home, and look after him themselves.

    For the rest of his life, any time he's screwed up, it's been "Because of YOU I missed WOODSTOCK!!!"

    Poor bastard. I feel so sorry for his folks. That sort of thing is NOT gonna be good for parent/child relations.

    I DID get to see Bowie in Vancouver on his Earthling at 50 tour. It was fantastic. The only thing I regret is showing up early, having PLENTY of room at the stage– and then me and my friend deciding to sit on the benches instead. Not like we actually sat on them ONCE once the music started. We had a good view and everything, the Plaza of Nations is a small venue and we were in the first row of the bleachers– but we could have been TOUCHING him. I really regret not going up front, but it was my first (and so far only) concert that didn't involve a conductor in black tie and I didn't know any better. 🙁

    –Seeing Carmina Burana performed live was pretty cool too, though, although totally not anything like a rock concert. "O Fortuna" live is not to be missed, though. If you want to impress a girl and take her to a classical concert, take her to that. It kicks fucking ASS. XD

    • I find it terribly ironic that the songs in Carmina Burana are, basically, about pastoral love (read: sex), but they're used for terrible, scary stuff. Like how 'O Fortuna' is the battle music in the (fantastically terrible) movie 'Excalibur.'

    • *Performing* Carmina Burana is about as amazing as a rock concert. Especially when you get into reading the text and the first few movements are about how Fortune is the one who makes the world go 'round and there's nothing you can do. Also, being a dude and getting to sing the drinking section ("In Taberna") is pretty cool.

      There's also a revised version of the 1812 Oveture that incorporates the Russian Orthodox hymn that Tchaikovsky used for the melody. They *really* don't prepare you for the cannon…

    • I was doing to reply with this myself, but you beat me to it. Queen. I was born too late, but I'd have given just about anything to see Queen live in their prime.

    • Freddie Mercury died in, what,'94? Yeah, I was 9 @ the time, but I was Queen fan since I was 6, thanks to my parents. I would have given all my remaining baby-teeth to see them. AT least I saw them with Paul Rogers in '06 & they blew the lid off the shark tank (What we Sharks fans call the HP Pavillion in san Jose, CA).

  15. Mine would be Creed. First band as a teen that I really liked. Sadly, when they did reform and actually came to Cleveland, (at Quicken Loans Arena,) ticket were a hundred fucking dollars plus parking. So I was like "fuck that noise" and instead actually bought the new album.

    • I saw Creed for like $3 in 1999 at a tiny venue locally. You could tell they already knew they were a huge band, the world hadn't just caught up yet.

      It was a pretty fun show!

  16. They are actually before my time – but I would give anything to see Queen live. I grew up on their music (them and the Eagles) because my dad was a big fan. And Freddie was just one of the greatest frontmen to who ever lived. I didn't realise at the time he died just how much that band meant to me (i was about 13 and had't yet discovered my full spectrum of musical taste)

    I did get to see the Eagles when the reformed in 2001 (i think) and they were utterly magnificent, and remained the best live show i'd been to until I went to see Counting Crows a few years later – who just blew everyone else away.

    I am with you on 90's rock – it was a good decade for rock music I think 🙂

  17. Oasis. They only broke up a couple of years ago and both brothers have their solo careers going on, sprinkled with old hits, but.. It's not the same.

    (+The Crash but probably nobody knows them)

  18. Was that the tour with Coheed and Cambria? You lucky swine. Soundgarden and the geekiest /most awesome band on the planet.

  19. This one might not be well known but it's my biggest musical regret. I missed seeing Savatage. Granted, I was 12 when the first Post-Criss album was released (that is, when lead singer Criss Oliva died in a tragic car crash), but ignorance is no defense against rock-and-roll. I still hold that "Streets" is among those very rare perfect albums. I still could have seen them when they toured later, but I didn't get to. I still choke up thinking of the Memorial show. His place on stage was filled with his signature white stratocaster wrapped in red roses, like on the "Streets" album art. That picture is on his grave marker too, along with lyrics from the song "Believe" – "I'll be right there, I'll never leave, all I ask is you believe."

    I weep because even though the band continued after Criss' death, they haven't put out an album since 2001 – and with Jon Oliva touring with his band (Jon Oliva's Pain) and most of the rest of the band who still work now working with their big project, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, I doubt they'll ever get together again.

    On a much lighter note, this is mostly due to laziness/cheapness, but I still gotta see Weird Al in concert. My brother said it was one of the best shows he's ever been to.

  20. Dead Can Dance. A friend invited me and I said no, not really my type of music. I so got into them a year later or so and I've been kicking myself ever since.
    And I had the chance to see The Cure in a tiny club and I didn't go, the reason escapes me. I hate big concerts and I won't go to them (with Jean Michel Jarre as the only exception), so that would have been totally awesome.

  21. Pink Floyd, during the Wall tour. I've seen them since (post Waters), and I've seen Roger Waters, but never together. And Led Zeppelin, at any point in their career.

    There's another, a bit of a wild card. For some reason, I passed on the chance to see Stéphane Grappelli and Yehudi Menuhin playing together. Idiot. *IDIOT*! (Smacks own forehead with monitor.)

  22. My first would be Zeppelin, but that's more to age than anything. I really wish I had been able to see the White Stripes before that ended (though who knows for how long), and Pearl Jam before they started doing huge stadiums.

    That being said, I've been to see Coheed twice and would drop anything to get back. I almost didn't go to one show, which ended up being the video show at the Hammerstein Ballroom, and if I had listened to reason, I would be kicking myself forever about that.

  23. *NSync.

    Kidding, I saw them twice!

    I feel fifteen when I hear anything emo or late 90s/ early 2000s punk. Think "Angry White Boy Polka" by 'Weird Al' Yankovic- that about sums it up. Oh, and Avril Levine/Michelle Branch.

    I missed a System of a Down concert in hs. Because of orchestra. >.<

    I know they're still touring (Europe right now), but Incubus. I want to see Incubus. Just a really unique sound, and a lead singer that actually sings, and a great mix of light and dark. Have all of their music. But I've been in college/grad school forever, though, and it seems every time I'm at school, they're in my hometown, but when I'm in my hometown, they're where I go to school. Can't win, friggin' can't win…

  24. Screeching Weasel. I still miss E Town Concrete from the early, raw "please buy this hoodie so we can get gas to make the next city" days. The Dead Milkmen. Frank Zappa. Marvin Gaye. James Brown. The old lineup of Jethro Tull. Johnny Cash. Louis Armstrong.

    I guess a few of those were before my time, but if I had a TARDIS of my own I'd be wasting time running about and seeing concerts from everywhen.

    • I was also going to say Dead Milkmen. I was a kid when they were together, but I was waiting with bells on anticipating the 20 year reunion tour… when Dave Blood killed himself. Devastating.

      Currently I'd say Peaches, but I can still see one of her shows (if I can find a place where she's not banned from performing that is also a place I can get to).

  25. Jeff Buckley. The first time I heard his voice I cried. My housemate was playing his one album. He had to tell me, standing there weeping like an idiot, that it was Jeff Buckley and he was already dead. As in, had died a few months before. His music is the only thing that soothes my heart sometimes.

    • I agree.

      This will sounds dumb when I say this, but I would've loved to have seen Nirvana (was in college when they were big but they never toured where I was in Ohio), but also would've liked to have seen Victor Borge or Lawrence Welk live. Totally OT, but just so I could say that I saw them in concert.
      Would like like to have seen Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, and Pet Shop Boys.

      Finally saw Linkin Park a few years ago, but I think they were getting pissed at the crowd in the 'natti, because they were trying to talk about why the wrote some of their songs, and the crowd would not STFU and let the band bond with them. Very odd part of the concert.

  26. I had tickets to see Rage Against the Machine when they were touring with the Beastie Boys and the show got cancelled. Thankfully when they re-formed and played Alpine Valley in 2007, my wonderful wife as a 1st anniversary present got tickets for us to go. I'd still love to see Soundgarden live though. Oh so many 90's memories. I think I need a moment to myself.

  27. I wish I could have seen Queen live. I've seen one of their concerts on DVD and was blown away by the show they put on.

  28. When I was in High School, I marched with the band in a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans. We all heard ahead of time that Bush was going to be there, handing out tickets to the people they saw with the most creative Bush sign. Well, a couple of the flag team were designing this godawful posterboard sign with orange letters and yellow polkadots. I, walking by, said "That's not creative". They started to get offended, so I followed up "Okay, it's pretty, but it's not creative. Creative is like, taking some leaves off the tree outside and gluing them on so that the word Bush is written in an actual bush"

    …They won the tickets on my idea.

  29. If I can break the rules and include bands I wasn't born in time to see, I'd say Queen. I'd have given anything to see Freddie Mercury in his prime strutting his stuff.

    If I'm playing by the rules, I'd probably go Red Hot Chili Peppers.

  30. I feel extremly fortunate, that i got a really good job when i was 19 and spent all my money going to concerts. Mostly there are only bands I wished I could have seen before they were stadium acts, like Tool and NIN. Both of which I have seen more then once now, but it is differnt in a club with 300 people vs a stadium with 30,000.

  31. I didn't really do well with crowds back in the day, so concerts weren't exactly my thing. Still, playing Road Rash on the old Playstation sure made me want to give Soundgarden a shot. Hearing "Rusty Cage" always makes me 12 years old again.

    Oh, and even though it was before my time: Creedence. Something about CCR just makes me want to rock out in a swamp buggy.

  32. RECOVERED MEMORY! I actually had tickets to Lollapalooza in both 1991 AND 1992 that I ended up having to pass on. Shoot me.

    I did finally get to go in '93, though – and it was a glorious experience.

  33. Scorpions. Saw them last year on their first final tour. We found out about the concert too late to get good seats, and had to drive 300 miles to see them, but it was an astounding show!

  34. Alice in Chains back before Layne died. I actually had a ticket when they were here in the Minni-apple, and I got the flu (on Steroids!) the night of the concert and was so bed-ridden that I almost had my ma' take me to the ER….Hateful immune system indeed!

  35. When I was 16 a bunch of my friends wanted to go see 3 Doors Down. I didn't like 3 Doors Down, but when I found out Breaking Benjamin was opening for them I was THERE. It was the most glorious 7-song set ever…

    Concerts aren't really my thing, but I'd drop everything to go see Clutch. I actually live about half an hour away from Baltimore so I might get my chance eventually… Here's hoping I have some disposable income by then.

  36. For me, it was when Dio and Heaven & Hell were on tour in October (ROCKTOBER!!!) '09 and I had 3 chances to see them: in Mountain View, San Francisco, and Concord, CA. Missed 'em all because it was my last semester @ SJSU & I had a senior project to finish, and otherwise what kind of teammmate would I have been? Less than a year later, Ronnie James Dio died. A year later, I also missed R30, Rush's 30th Anniversary tour.
    But last night, I went to Concord for BoneBash XII, hosted by local rock-radio station KSAN 107.7 FM: The Bone. They had Thin Lizzy, Black Label Society, and the headline act: Judas Priest, on their EPITAPH farewell world tour! They kicked ass and good times were had by all, as this was their last show in California. And I am proud to have been a part of it.

  37. I actually was very lucky/determined in my teens, and saw almost every one of the bands that I loved. If I had to go back and ask my 16 year old self what concerts he would kill to witness, it would have been Jane's Addiction, Jesus Jones (post-Perverse album), and EMF (post-Unexplained EP). As far as music that makes me flashback to 15, NIN and Tori Amos do it every time. They still have that perfect teen energy; that mix of raw potential, angst, and just-starting-to-see-the-larger-world combined with a fairly unhealthy dose of self-centeredness.

  38. When I was 15, I wasn't listening to popular music, and I really don't want to go back there. However, the summer I was 20 I started listening and Billy Joel's _Glass Houses_ will take me back.

    The only concerts I really wish I could have seen are ABBA and Queen. The only full-sized concert I've ever been to was Bare Naked Ladies nearly 2 years ago on my 50th birthday*, but the usher in our section was such a dick I really didn't have a good time.

  39. When I was 17 I had tickets to see Warren Zevon but they wouldn't let me in because I wasn't over 18. I was the last time he toured before he died.

  40. [supernerd powers ACTIVATE!]

    No, I think that those chips turn into Bose–Einstein condensate when they cool. The state of matter predicted by Einstein and reached when the matter cools to near absolute zero and turns into a kind of boson slurry.

    [supernerd powers DEACTIVATE!]

  41. Primus. KMFDM. NIN. These are all shows I had tickets to, once… all missed. Never another opportunity. They all make me feel 15 again.

  42. The punk greats of the 90's take me back, like Reel Big Fish and Sum 41. The Offspring too, but not so much Green Day because I still have their crappy new music rubbed in my face from time to time, which really kills the nostalgia factor.

    I'd kill to be able to see the Violent Femmes again, or the Yardbirds. Or, if I could see Sum 41 on the cheap, like on a side stage at a festival or something, I'd be there.

    Really though, how is the discussion prompt not about the Frommage Plasma? That seems to be the real winner in this comic. We could all nerd out about food in unusual matter states. That moment when your chili cheese fries sublime? Absolutely sublime… (Pun wasn't my original intent, but once I saw the opportunity, I couldn't pass it up).

  43. I finally had the chance to see Filter last year. Small venue, some decent opening bands. and being 6-8ft from a speaker made the night worth it. The best part was hearing my favorite song (Hey Man, Nice Shot) live, it was the last song of the night (my voice was gone for about 3-4 days). They even stuck around after the show for a meet & greet so I had them sign a $1 bill i had in my pocket.

    The current group coming to Minneapolis that I want to see is Avenged Sevenfold w/ Hollywood Undead, Black Veil Brides, and Asking Alexandria….

  44. A bit late to the party (as I was with the JoCo fundraiser, congrats!) but I would say Dire Straits. I saw Mark Knopfler in Rotterdam a few years ago and it was awesome, especially the old Dire Straits hits.
    Another band I would like to see but missed the (last) chance recently was The Shadows, very much before my time but an amazing band.

  45. I have my tickets to see The Wall in March, so I'm as happy as I'll ever be. Costed 500 motherfucking dollars, but I'll be almost at the stage 😉

    March. Buenos Aires. 8 fucking shows in a row. DVD will be recorded. It'll blow my fucking mind.

  46. I was very fortunate to see Pantera before they split and Dime was killed.
    The show was absolutely incredible! Pantera was like a force-of-nature!

    RIP Dimebag! Pantera and Damage Plan Rocked.

  47. I saw soundgarden at the 1997 big day out in Sydney. At least I think it was that year. They were awesome. However rage againt the machine in ’96 was a better live experience. I prefer soundgarden, but rage were devastating. The last great band I saw was Muse with my wife. That was a great show and I highly recommend it.

  48. I got to see Spice Girls when they toured a few years ago, and that was awesome! It was me and my hipster friend (who I'm pretty sure only went ironically), and 1000's of pre-teens dressed like tramps. It was a very trippy experience.

  49. Guns n' Roses. I had tickets to see them August 14th, 1992 at Jack Murphy Stadium in San Diego… they were touring with Metallica, but James Hetfield hurt his hand… the show wwas rescheduled for a time I was in Maine.

    So bitter. So so bitter, and seeing Gn'R now would just not be the same… unless there was some sort of magical reunion.

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