NYCC 2013 here I come!

hijinks ensue NYCC 2013 with explosm

I’m returning to New York Comic Con for the first time since 2011. This will be a bit different than my typical con, where I’m exhibiting just as HijiNKS ENSUE. I’ve been sitting in with my Cyanide and Happiness friends doing sketches at conventions for several years, but now that I’m a writer and a voice actor on the Cyanide and Happiness show, we’ve made the “occasional sketch jam” a little more official.

SPEAKING OF ME AND EXPLOSM: Have you seen the new HijiNKS ENSUE Store?! I now have a signed prints, posters and books which is a thing I’ve never offered before.

I’ll be with them all weekend, doing sketches, talking about the show, signing stuff and generally making a mess of things AS WELL AS selling my own books, and shirts and commissioned sketches (that last one will only be when time allows, since their line is usually wrapped around the corner).

Come visit us at Booth 2247. I’ll have a Sharpie in hand and stick figure dick jokes on my mind.

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James's avatar

James · 88 weeks ago

“The difference between you and me is, I make this look good”
podmaker's avatar

podmaker · 87 weeks ago

I reserve the gorilla suit for weddings only.
Fletcher's avatar

Fletcher · 86 weeks ago

Is there a specific reason he looks like the Evil Fox Exec? Is all this “continuity” just a set up for the greatest Evil Fox Exec comic ever? HOW FAR DOWN DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO JOEL????

1 reply · active 86 weeks ago

Actually the Evil Fox Exec was made to look like an older, more evil version of Joel. Sort of like polar opposites, or two sides of the same argument.
Wayne's avatar

Wayne · 84 weeks ago

What I am more interested in knowing is, how does your wife feel about the beard? I’ve been active duty for almost 7 years now and wish I had the opportunity to grow my Ginger beard. Do you hide things in there? Snacks? Tools? Is it a Go Go Gadget Beer Beard? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!


New HijiNKS ENSUE Store Explosm 2013

The new HE store is live at explosm! There are new signed prints and posters (previously only available at conventions), and for the first time I’m offering signed books!

A few of the shirts and the Lil’ Wil plushies (only 150 left) are up for preorder now (while they’re being shipped to the new warehouse) and the rest will be added when they arrive in a couple of weeks. New shirts to follow after that.

Big big thanks to explosm/Cyanide And Happiness (Derek, Andy, Rob, Matt, Kris and Dave) for making this possible.



Here’s the deal, you Fancy Bastards. I have to move ALL OF MY T-SHIRTS, BOOKS, PLUSHIES, ETC. from one warehouse to another entirely different warehouse on the complete opposite end of North America and that is going to be an expensive and tedious process. In order to make that process LESS EXPENSIVE and LESS TEDIOUS, I am willing to offer my mercantile goods to you at roughly their cost plus a little bit to cover the labor of the actual humans who are packing and shipping them and what not.

THAT MEANS: Until 9/21/13 I will have HE Book 1 for $10 (books are the heaviest and hardest to ship so PLEASE buy these!), Book 2 for $15, and all shirts for $9 – $15. I don’t expect you will see deals like this in the HE store ever again unless I am going entirely out of business and NONE of us wants that (except for YOU, Gary. Yes I know you want me gone, but I won’t go that easily you son of a bitch!).


[And go go go fuck yourself, Gary.]


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These shirts are being shipped by Blind Ferret, not me. As far as I know it shouldn’t be more than $10 or so. Sorry about that.
shiny's avatar

shiny · 91 weeks ago

It’s $14 shipping for one shirt to California, unfortunately. (I know it’s not your fault! Just letting you know.)
WHAT?! Checking on it now.
SOTAS's avatar

SOTAS · 88 weeks ago

Joel, I discovered your comic about 8 months ago, I have started from the beginning and have been following your comic ever since I caught up 6 months ago. I love your strip, the experiment, all of it. Also, my fiancee is about to get a lot of stuff from your wifes store. I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do. Your comic has helped keep a smile on my face and reassure me there are others out there that think like I do.

1 reply · active 88 weeks ago

That’s very kind of you and rest assured my wife and I appreciate your support a great deal. Thanks!
Jaguar's avatar

Jaguar · 88 weeks ago

Sailing? As in Christopher Cross’ Sailing? You just got cooler (in an easy listening from 1979 sort of way).

1 reply · active 87 weeks ago

Adwxxx's avatar

Adwxxx · 88 weeks ago

How much money do you need to restart the podcast?

1 reply · active 87 weeks ago

It’s not that simple. I need money to make it worth my time, time to make it possible within the confines of reality and other interested parties to make it not just me.

Come See Me At Bumbershoot 2013!


I will be participating in this Bumbershoot panel this weekend! I’ll be talking about making the most of the short time you have on this dumb planet and doing what you love for a living.

joel watson hijinks ensue bumbershoot 2013

From my friend Corn Mo

I will be hosting a panel series called “Why This? Why Now?” I curated it with my friend Chris Weber. We met a long, long time ago in Denton at the Good/Bad Art Collective. He started a label that put out one album called The Magic is You!
Speaking of friends, I got to book my friend, Joel, for the Why Froyo? Why YOLO?panel. He has a web comic series called Hijinks EnsueCharley Miller, who helped with the .357 Lover board game, will talk about boardgames for the Why Zombies? Why Boardgames? Also, Issac Marion, who wrote Warm Bodies, will talk about zombies. I will meet everyone else at the show including the Why Fan Fiction? Why YA? panel.
I’ve never hosted a panel.

My bit is:
Sat 31 Aug 2pm
Seattle, WA
The Leo K Theater
155 Mercer Street Seattle WA 98109
2nd and Mercer in the Seattle Center
[Ticket Info here]

HijiNKS ENSUE At Fan Expo Canada (Toronto)!!!


Your eyes and your literacy do not deceive you! I will be at Fan Expo Canada in Toronto this weekend with Blind Ferret and Randy Milholland of of Something*Positive. I will be at booth #844 and I will have t-shirts, books, sketches, prints, Lil’ Wil plushies and… THE MYSTERY BOXXXXX!!!

Come by and buy stuff or say hi, or ‘eh or aboot or CTHULHU FHTAGAN or whatever you Torontoonians say. Remember (always remember and NEVER forget) that you have the option (NAY, THE RESPONSIBILITY!) to bring me tribute in the form of exotic boozes, confectionary treats, Starbucks Doubleshots (the ones in the tiny cans), or actual Starbucks Iced Soy Lattes in exchange for my favor. My favor may take the form of a free sketch, a handshake, a confused and confusing scowl or a series of fierce blows to the head and knees and maybe the ear canals.



Check out these Tetris earrings my wife made! 

Tetris Earings!


Comments (14)

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EvilJorge's avatar

EvilJorge · 95 weeks ago

I want a t-shirt or print of that picture, damnit.

1 reply · active 95 weeks ago

Are you going to the con?
Larry's avatar

Larry · 95 weeks ago

Tell me more about this Korean BBQ place, please! I’m going to be in Toronto the week after this con.

I’ll also suggest that, last time I was there, there were a bunch of decent and cheap sushi places on Eglinton between Yonge and Mt. Pleasant. Also, I suggest you try the amazing Jewish delicacy known as Smoked Meat. Caplansky’s near U of T and Centre Street Deli up in the burbs are both amazing, and different enough that it’s worth going to both if you want.

2 replies · active 95 weeks ago

It’s amazing. They just keep bringing you raw meat and you cook it in your table and it’s AMAZING. The more the cook the dirtier the grill gets with meat drippings so the longer you’re their cooking, the better the food tastes.

Larry's avatar

Larry · 95 weeks ago

Thanks! I do love Korean BBQ. There’s one in Philly where the little old lady who brings the bulbogi et al to your table doesn’t really trust you to get it right unless you are asian, female, and over 50.
HeyZeusKreesto's avatar

HeyZeusKreesto · 95 weeks ago

I feel kind of cheated with this comic. A week or so with no new comic, and this new one is basically an advertisement for something else I can’t afford. 🙁 But I know this is not just a hobby for you, so you do what you gotta do. Also, I was thinking of buying a drawing from you if it’s still available when I get paid Friday. Is a zombie panda eating the HE crew too complicated?

2 replies · active 95 weeks ago

HeyZeusKreesto's avatar

HeyZeusKreesto · 95 weeks ago

Sorry, no edit button. To add to the end of my other post, I’ll most likely be including an extra $10 donation if that matters at all.
Trying not to be too insulted by your initial comment, but if you feel you aren’t getting what you deserve from this situation then perhaps you should seek free entertainment elsewhere. If you want to buy a sketch that’s cool, but 4 characters will require more than a $10 donation. The guidelines are posted on the sketch drive page.
I am SOOO looking forward to meeting you at Fan Expo this year! I missed you laster year as I was at the Star Wars Celebration Convention. My friend bought me your second book and i’ve been hooked ever since.

1 reply · active 95 weeks ago

That’s great! Im glad you enjoyed the book.
They’re made to order so they’ll be available when you’re ready. Thanks!