Comic/Book Update

My wife and I have spent the last 72 hours furiously editing, correcting, rewriting and redrawing text and images for The Book (AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER NOW!). We’ve gotten an average of 3 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 nights, and hijinks-ensue-godspeed-you-fancy-bastard-book-300x300are each completely out of brain juice. Owning a 2 year old human that demands constant entertainment has further exacerbated this issue. The good news is the book files will leave my hard drive tonight and travel deep into the Canadian wilderness where enchanted moose and elk will gnaw the pages out of oak trees.

What I’m trying to say is THE BOOK IS FINALLY DONE! I am sending TransCon the files in a few hours, and it is such a freaking relief.

If all goes to plan (and it won’t), the books will be in my hands just before I leave for Baltimore Comic-Con on October, 8th (so hopefully I will have them at the con). They should start shipping as soon as I get back.

The stress of completing the book, coupled with my recent crippling back pain has made comic updates rather spotty for the past 2 weeks. For that I apologize and want to extend my deepest thanks to all of you for not giving me a hard time about it. This is my first book, and it’s been an incredibly difficult project. Now that it’s done I feel like things in the HEniverse can get back to normal.

There will be a new comic on Wednesday (9.9-09), and the normal M-W-F schedule will resume there after.

I can’t wait for you guys to see this book. I’m extraordinarily proud of it and I think you’re all really going to enjoy it.

~GYFB, Joel

BOOK NEWS: HijiNKS Ensue Volume 1 Preorder is GO! GO! GO!

HijiNKS Ensue Volume 1: Godspeed You Fancy Bastard is up for preorder in The HE Store NOW!


What’s in the book?

  • All of the HE comics from 2007-2008 in full color
  • 116 Pages of geeky goodness
  • “Directors Commentary” on each comic
  • A forward by Bill Barnes of Unshelved (it’s incredibly mean)
  • Early sketches of the HE characters
  • Never before seen comics from my Highschool Newspaper days

If the Preorder goes well, the books should ship in mid to late September. The first books is always the hardest, so please bear with me on the preorder and shipping times.

It is available in several tastey flavors:


  • The book, signed and numbered
  • A special limited print of the cover image, also signed and numbered
  • A “Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard” sticker
  • Upgrade to “Artist Edition” for just $10 more and I will sketch in the book, essentially ruining it

This edition of the book is for you Super Fancy Bastards that want to help with the printing costs of the book. The price includes a $10-$15ish donation. No other books or prints will ever be numbered so these are one of a kind editions. If I can sell all 150 of these I can pay for ALL of the books I am printing (and sleep at night).

Artist Edition: $35

  • I will sign, personalize and sketch in your book

Regular Awesome Edition: $20

  • A book, with all that other stuff, minus the fancy stuff

Any long time FB’s who are familiar with The Experiment know how important this book preorder is to the continuation of HijiNKS Ensue. You can read more of the dire details of the situation HERE. The bottom line is (and yes, this is basically me begging) if you enjoy HE and want it to continue PLEASE PREORDER THE BOOK. The next month or so is going to determine the future of HijiNKS Ensue.

Godspeed, You Fancy Bastards


Shitty Movie Birthday Fun Time Saturday Night!

Who: The HE Podcast Crew, a few other friends and YOU FANCY BASTARDS!

What: Shitty Movie Night to celebrate my 28th Birthday (which was June 3rd). We’re broadcasting the event live over Ustream so you can watch along and make fun of the terrible movies with us in the chat room.

When: Saturday Night, 06/27/09 starting at 8pm Central (barring the usual technical difficulties)

Where: The HE Podcast Ustream area

Why: Because it was so god damn much fun last time. Those of you who were there can testify that we had a blast trashing the shittiest of movies with Fancy Bastards all over the world.

Eli is providing the movies, so you know they will be frighteningly aweful. Hope to see you there!


Welcome Questionable Content Readers!

I hope you guys dug the guest comic that I did for Jeph. Today is his birthday, and everyone deserves a day off once in a while.

2009-06-17-joel-watson-qc-guest-comicjpgIf you are new to HijiNKS Ensue here are the basics: It’s a geek comic. There are 3 main characters. Joel has the hair flip, Josh is the gay bald guy and Eli is the Mexican with the hat. Most of the comics make fun at some aspect of geek pop culture. It’s been described (by me) as “Penny Arcade minus video games, plus everything else.

If you like SciFi, Movies, Geek TV, Joss Whedon, Star Trek, Technology, Apple or any other geeky pursuits you will probably find something to enjoy here.

Thanks for checking out HE!

[you can follow me on Twitter if you are so inclined]

[you can also read about my Experiment to see if I can make a living from my webcomic]

To HE readers: if you are looking for a comic today, please feast your pixel-hungry eyeballs towards today’s Questionable Content. I gave that comic all the extra comic sauce I had and I’m all tapped out until Friday. If you aren’t already reading QC, then you’ve got about 1500 comics to read instead of working today.

P (and then) S

I totally forgot (until @justchristine) reminded me that Hijinks Ensue Turned 2 years old earlier this month. May 11, 2007 was the first comic.

P (another) P (and then) S

In case you missed it, the HE Podcast moved and lives HERE now. We’re back to a 90 min format, so if you were turned off by the length (TWSS) in the past, maybe you want to consider giving it another go.

P (and then) Something Else

I want to apologize for missing that last two Friday updates. Anyone that follows me on Twitter has heard about the giant commission project that was keeping me over-occupied for the last few weeks. It’s over now and things can get back to normal. I am struggling to pay the bills right now, so unfortunately the real paying gigs take precedent at the moment. Thanks for being patient. Not a single one of you Fancy Bastards gave me any grief for missing the comics or even brought it up. That’s how I know I have the best readers in the tubes.