Emerald City Comicon 2012!!!

Hey, Seattle Fancy Bastards! I will be in your wonderfully overcast hamlet this weekend!  Emerald City Comicon is without a doubt my favorite convention of the year and I am entirely too psyched to be exhibiting at it once again.

Even though the website and the program say I will be at booth 307, I will actually be at booth 306 (just around the corner) with Blind Ferret. You should still stop at booth 307 and spend all kinds of money, because my friends Gordon, Tom and Angela will be there. Angela will be debuting her new book (available for purchase now) and I highly recommend it. I won’t bother listing every other cartoonist or famous geeky person that will be there, because it’s essentially all of them. Seriously, this is THE BEST show.

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Hey Austin! Dragon’s Lair Webcomic Rampage 2011 is Dec. 10-11th!

Me, Randy MilhollandDavid Willis, Danielle Corsetto, Jeph Jaques, Rob Denbleyker and MORE will be at the Dragon’s Lair Webcomic Rampage panel/signing event on December 10th and 11th. It is always a good time. Austin Fancy Bastard should NOT miss it.

I will have “The Doctor Is In” shirts, “Winter Is Coming” Shirts, HijiNKS ENSUE books, prints, sketches, stickers and furtive glances!

Saturday 8-11 pm
Sunday 12-5 pm

**Q&A panels by reservation only!**
Sat: 6-8 pm
Sun: 10-12 before signings
8-11 pm after signings

I’ll Be @ Austin Comic Con Nov 11-13

HijiNKS ENSUE At Austin Comic Con 2011

Austin-style Fancy Bastards, I am going to be at Austin Comic Con this weekend (Nov 11-13)! I will have books 1 and 2, The Doctor Is In” shirts, Winter Is Coming” shirts and just a few sizes of Edward and Ewok Stare. I will also have prints, stickers and sketch cards upon which I will draw nearly anything for a monetary tip of some kind.

I will be accompanied by my old HE summer intern (HEntern), James. He will be taking your cash, fetching your shirt sizes, running your credit cards, acting as my personal foot stool and side table, and doing a little jig at random intervals for my amusement. If you must pelt someone with things, that it was he is there for.

Also appearing at the con will be Dennis of LAWLS, who recently nearly died updating and fixing the CSS on my website, and the illustrious be-DeLoreaned Ernie Cline, author of Ready Player One. Now it isn’t just going to be the three of us. There are about 100 comics and genre TV/ movie guests as well. Damn near half the cast of Buffy is going to be there, so will certainly be able to get your Scooby-squee on. It’s a fun show with plenty to see, but it’s not overwhelming. Come. You will have geeky fun.

My Friends Are Making Great Stuff For You!

357 Lover

Corn Mo And .357 Lover need your help to finish their next album! They have a Kickstarter to raise $5ooo and they are over halfway there with a month to go. I have had a rough mix of this album for over a year and I have worn the mp3’s down smooth.

It is nearly impossible to explain their sound to someone that hasn’t seen them live, but imagine the power and melody of Queen, the gravitas of KISS meets Tenacious D and the musicianship of… well Queen again, mixed with the lyrical irreverence of They Might Be Giants. Also, throw in some Dio for good measure. I promise you that they are making some of my favorite music of all time and they deserve your help. Plus they have a traditional Jewish arena Metal song about “Hava Nagila Monster.” Also a song about “Event Horizon.” So there. [Corn Mo Twitter/Web/Band Site/Youtube]

Stepto's Audio BookStepto’s Audiobook is out now! GET IT HERE! It features a foreword be ME (also Wil Wheaton, Paul And Storm, Mike Phirman and other interest famous people)! A portion of the profits are going to the Child’s Play Charity, PLUS MY FOREWORD IS HILARIOUS! Oh, also the book which collects stories about 15 years of working at Microsoft and banning penis revealers from Xbox Live is pretty entertaining as well. DID I MENTION THE FOREWORD! It alone is worth the price of admission. [Stepto Twitter/Web]

How do you know these things are great? I get a lot of requests from readers and random people alike to post links to things. Maybe they have a blog or a company or whatever and they want to leverage the Fancy Bastards to increase awareness of their thing. The problem with asking strangers with a large audience to link to your thing is that it circumvents the authenticity and trust that gave me an audience in the first place. As a rule I only recommend products, services and sites that I actually like and would or do use myself. I’d like to think you read this comic because I am honest about my opinions and you either agree with my point of view or you at least find my way of looking at things interesting. So believe me when I say, these things are great and you should support them.


Joel Watson of Geek webcomic HijiNKS ENSUE at New York Comic Con 2011

I am going to be at New York Comic-Con with Blind Ferret this weekend  (10-13 to 10-16, though I might be really late on Thursday due to my plane landing around when the show opens).

I will have books 1 and 2, T-Shirts (including the new “Winter Is Coming” shirt and maybe a debut of another new shirt), stickers, sketches and prints.

I am going to be staying in Brooklyn so I hope to hit up the Doctor Who themed bar, The Way Station. Maybe we can do a bit of an informal Fancy Bastard Meetup there.

While I am gone, I will be running a few guest comics created just for you by several of my webcomicing cohorts (Paul SouthworthSam LoganRandy Milholland and Alina Pete). Based on what I’ve seen so far, this will be the most epic HE guest week ever.