Cast: Joel, Eli, & Josh – Mikey, Jen & Jeremy
Topics: The Lost Episode, Sexual Discovery?
Rating: Explicit, NSFW, Not for kids, Sexually explicit
[04:13] The Lost Episode begins
[05:15] 2 girls 1 cup The Show (link)
[06:11] All Nude Bachelor Party/ The One Armed Stripper
[9:19] Sexy German talk
[11:50] Luby’s Lunchcast intro
[13:14] Josh’s Origin Story/ Scissor Sisters/ The Cow Patty Motel/ The Orange Tent
[19:08] Impregnated over voice-com/ Discovering inappropriate touching/ “I would’ve cut her in half”/ “First hand knowledge”
[24:48] Proper child rearing/ “This is something I’ve invented”/ Parental Advice/ Saving it (just not all of it)/ Josh is wearing a Kilt/ Professor Emanuelle
[31:15] Girls are just as bad/ The “Bathroom” Note/ The Owl from “Clash of the Titans”/ Dirty Hippy Balls/ Steven Hawking hate hippies/ Brain Fight for Sex
[36:50] Dane Cook TV Pilots/ “Stacked and Cooked”/ Wozniak in “The Graduate”