I’m trying something different for this years “while I’m at SDCC” comics. Instead of guest comics, or NO comics like I’ve done in the past, I’ve decided to make predictions as to the toll that SDCC (the con, the parties, the lack of sleep) will have on my physical and mental well being.
For Day 2, the first real day of the con, I assume spirits and energy are high despite my undoubted lack of sleep and non-lack of beer the night before at the Farking Wheaton w00tstout launch part at Stone Brewery. I’m sure I’ll have had my typical boost of first day convention energy that causes me to be “ON” far more so than I typically am. Those that visited my booth were probably treated to fits of “playful shouting,” “simulated yelling at high volumes,” “impromptu dance parties” and “actual yelling.” What a lucky bunch they were to see my in my prime before it all went terribly wrong on Day 3.
Coming to SDCC? Come see me at the Blind Ferret Booth (#1231) in the Webcomics area. I will have books and shirts, sketches, Lil’ Wil plushies and ??????THE MYSTERY BOX??????!!!! Speaking of books, if you buy HijiNKS ENSUE Vol’s 1 or 2 you’ll get a free mini print featuring my Sharknado sequel posters! More info HERE.
Comments (15)
Stranger · 100 weeks ago
Wow, conventions sounds like an ordeal. Youre probably going to get the Con Crud on top of it![]()
Opie · 100 weeks ago
Con Crud is a small price to pay for the chance to almost meet NPH !!![]()
Bryce · 100 weeks ago
To rip-off an old stand-up joke, ever notice that the more successful self-referential comic writers get the more their strips deal with going to or coming from conventions?That sounds like a dig. If you dont enjoy the content I post here, I suggest you discontine your consumption of it and refrain from commenting.![]()
Mahnarch · 99 weeks ago
Joel, Joel, Joel… *waves Joel over with a drunken swagger* [arm around Joel’s shoulder (more to keep himself up, than Joel)] He said, “More SUCCESSFULL”… MAN!!! I thin’… I think That’s a com.. *hic* ..a comsti .. *hic* consumable,,, man! I’d take it!
HikingViking · 100 weeks ago
Maybe you could steal the disco ball and fancy lights from the Euro-Rave diner, set them up at your booth, and sponsor that break dance competition between Optimus Primes (Primi? Primu?). That would certainly draw a crowd. Plus, if you need to scream, you can just go all James Brown and shout things like “GET DOWN!”, or “HUH!” while the break dancing is happening.![]()
The Unknown FB · 100 weeks ago
It is, according to the various incarnations of the shows, books, and graphic novels.From Gawker.com ComiCon post comments:“6-2-1 rule, people. Every damn day, 6-2-1:
6 hours of sleep
2 meals
1 shower”In case this comic ever shows up in a book: sandwich, not sandwhich.![]()
The Unknown FB · 100 weeks ago
Wouldn’t it depend on which sand he had in his wich?
And if he was eating at WhichWich or that eurorave restaurant again?![]()
Guest · 52 weeks ago
There aren’t cracker barrels in CaliforniaReally good point. Consider this comic and all jokes contained within invalid. You are doing God’s work, internet pedant.
There aren't cracker barrels in California
Really good point. Consider this comic and all jokes contained within invalid. You are doing God's work, internet pedant.