The Scrooge Who Stole Television (Guest Comic by Ed)

When I decided to take a week off of comicing to spend time with my family and catch up on projects I called on a few Fancy Bastards to fill the void. These particular FB’s had made their talents for art and funny known to me in one fashion or another the last year, so I knew HE would be in good hands while I was away.

Today’s yuletide geekgasm comes from Ed, who had been posting his new webcomic “Peculiar Comics” in the FB forum for the past few months, and has recently launch his own comic blog at One of the reason’s I asked him to do a guest comic was that his art style differed so greatly from mine. I love seeing how other artists might interpret my characters. It actually makes me incredibly nervous when I ask for guest comics, because I never know if the artist is going to “get” the themes and “non-premise” of HE. I’m always worried the comic is going to look great, but not be funny, or just not fit with the humor style I’m trying to establish. Luckily Ed was no slouch, deftly incorporating my love/hate for Heroes, references to Duck Tales, Denise’s gourd hat and infrequent comic appearances, and working in a Star Wars reference AND a humiliating Josh costume in a single blow. I was both pleased and impressed.

So, check out Ed’s comic (since he seems to be setting us up for a continuation of this story line later this week), and look for another guest spot on Wednesday. FSM willing, I’ll be back on Friday with some sort of cop-out single panel X-mas themed thing.


It seems his noodley appendage has other plans. Family obligations have made comicing impossible for the last several days. I have one that I want to get out before the end of the year, but right now I can say exactly when it will be.

Happy Holidays!


When Joel is Away… (Guest Comic By Didu)

The Geeks Will Play.

Starting today you will be treated to a trio of guest comics from your fellow Fancy Bastards. Regular HE programming will return on Friday 12-26-08.

You may remember Didu from about 6 months ago when she sent me this completely awesome hand painted birthday card for HE’s one year anniversary. Her guest comic features a slew of background in-jokes that only long time FB’s will be able to appreciate. If you look hard enough you might find a unicorn with multicolored gastrointestinal problems.

Didu is from Finland and does a fantastic music comic HERE. I also believe that because she is small and spritely and is named Didu that she is a magical comic drawing ice-pixie. Those are just my personal feelings and (probably) in no way true.

I am always so impressed by artists like Didu that can actually make awesome art with real art supplies. I am terrible with paints, pencils and pastels. Photoshop is my crutch, my prison (my own prison?). Didu’s comics have that special quality of being desceptively simple. They convey a ton of information and expression with few lines and broad strokes. I envy that. I feel like I have to draw everything in order for you to see it. Real artists can give you just enough info to let your imagination do the legwork.


Didu posted the “making of” on her LJ.

Highlight the inviso-text below to see all the in-jokes:

Back Row: Uninvited guest from Joel’s Birthday, Iron Man, Didu, Boxcar Pete,SethRogan, because he’s in EVERYTHING these days, Unicorn Vomiting a rainbow

Front Row: Eli is drinking “Hooker Blood Remover” and pouring a beer on the floor, and denise has a Car on her face (all from Joel’s birthday party), Little Girl from the Heroes comic “There Goes My Hero,” Josh dancing with Dumbledore from… gay.

Guest Comic: My vengeance, it has a flavor

His sidekick would be called “Bacon-Bit.”

Today’s guest comic comes from Adam Levermore-Rich and C.A. Bridges from the comic “Save Hiatus.”

Save Hiatus is about a group of friends who just lost their favorite scifi show due to premature cancellation. Sound familiar? If your coat is even the slightest bit brown, you will enjoy it. You may also cry after unearthing repressed memories of petitions, and forums, and letter writing campaigns. It’s Ok. Let it out. It’s good to cry.

Definitely check out their site and tell those guys thanks for helping me out in a big way.


Thank you all (readers and comic contributors) for allowing me this time to spend with my family. New comics will be back on Monday.  Sunday, May 11th, is the 1 year anniversary of HijiNKS Ensue. That’s pretty cool, I guess.

Guest Comic: Guest Comic By Keegan Mykris Of “Guinea Tech”

As you know my wife’s grandfather passed away on Sunday. We are out of town for the funeral and I assumed there would be no comics for the rest of the week. Then I remembered there is a such a thing called a… how you say the word, “Guest Comic?” Yes, this is it.

I immediately thought of Fancy Bastard Keegan Mykris, who you will remember from his fantastic interpretation of Josh in the “Godspeed You Fancy Bastard” get up.

I am extremely grateful for his help and love what he came up with. More so than anything, I love his depiction of Josh. That’s really all there is to say about that. It’s just… majestic (in the package region).

Also, listeners of the HijiNKS Ensue Podcast will enjoy the reference to Eli’s sordid past as a child in Mexico. Doomed to off-brand Disney Movies (Peliculas de Disney!) and even offer-brand toys.

Keegan and  Alex Mykris have a webcomic called “Guinea Tech” at Head over there, check it out and thank him for keeping HijiNKS Ensue alive while I am away. I love his black, white and grey art style.


Looks like we’ll have another guest comic on Friday, then hopefully I’ll be able to return home and get back to drawing for Monday’s comic.

Thank you all for your comments, Tweets and emails of support. I really do appreciate it.