C2E2 in Chicago kicked my ass (and my throat) a bit more than I expected, so please accept as your daily dose of comic’d geekery this offering from Matt and Donald of Straight Face Comics. I’ll be writing more about C2E2 and Chicago in the blog later today so check back to see how the weekend went [spoilers: it was super fun times].
- Google Preparing iPad Rival
- Apple’s 4th-generation iPhone revealed
- How an Apple employee lost the iPhone 4G prototype
- World’s most costly beer: The one that led an Apple engineer to misplace his phone
- A Google TV Set-Top Box is Coming
The Dallas Scifi Expo is this weekend. I will be sharing a table with Randy from Something*Positive so put on your Storm Trooper helmet and come say hi. I have on good authority a man called Jayne is going to be there.
Don’t Forget! [Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]