Guest Comic By Randal Milholland Of Something*Positive

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts,  nerdy shirts

NYCC Guest Week refuses to submit! Its will is too strong!

I am at New York Comic-Con with Blind Ferret at Booth #1821 right now and all this weekend  (10-13 to 10-16). Come say hi. I will talk to you about Doctor Who and Breaking Bad, but I will not talk about Babylon 5 no matter how hard you beg, because I’ve never watched it. Say nice, words with your face, buy nice books and shirts with your cash and bring me cookies and such with your hands. These are simple instructions I’m sure you will do just fine. Going by Starbucks on your way to the booth? I take an iced grande soy latte. I will be giving out free “Sci-Fives” all weekend [the hand gesture, not the t-shirt].

Joel Watson of Geek webcomic HijiNKS ENSUE at New York Comic Con 2011

Randy Milholland of Something*Positive is not just one of my favorite webcomicers, he is also one of my favorite people. We have shared many a convention table, many a long walk in an unfamiliar city and many a hotel room. Oh, the nightmare fuel he has bestowed upon me in those hotel rooms. The stories I’ve been told, the things I’ve seen. Boxer shorts to not always fully contain the horrors that lurk within their subtle flaps. And the beard? It goes all the way down. ALL. THE. WAY. DOWN. When the night is black and the wind is bitter cold, some say you can climb it straight down into Hell.

All of that said, in the words of Dumbledore upon the Death of Cedric Diggory, Randy is a fierce friend. Seriously. He will bend over backwards for a friend more often than sanity should allow and the size of his heart is matched only by the size of his beard (which is ironic because, as a parasite organism, his beard is tied directly into his circulatory system. I also expect his heart has it’s own beard).

COMMENTERS: Let’s explore the world of panel 1, where the sea is cats. What are the repercussions of a feline sea? What are these cat-ocean pirates all about? What the hell else is going on in this crazy ass Mar de Los Gatos world? OMG the beach would be so cute. The “tide” would scamper in and scamper out along the coastline. Though skipping stones seems like a bad idea now.

Guest Comic By Sam Logan Of Sam & Fuzzy

“Winter Is Coming” shirts are now IN THE STORE!!! [based on this comic]

NYCC Guest Week is in full effect!

I am at New York Comic-Con with Blind Ferret at Booth #1821 this weekend  (10-13 to 10-16). I will trade awkward stares for confusing winks and t-shirts, sketches, prints and books for stacks and stacks of monies. I will be giving out free “Sci-Fives” all weekend [the hand gesture, not the t-shirt].

Joel Watson of Geek webcomic HijiNKS ENSUE at New York Comic Con 2011

Sam Logan of Sam and Fuzzy understands my struggle. It isn’t enough to just juxtapose two elements of pop culture and wait for the delicious LOLs to roll in. You have to find a reason WHY the juxtaposition is funny. The equation must have a result other than “I know both’o thems things.” It’s not enough to say, “What if Batman was in Starfleet?” Because he would… wait… what IF Batman WAS in Starfleet?! I… I have have to go start a new comic.

Sam Logan has the unique distinction of being one of the 4 or 5 Canadians I know. He also makes essentially the best Harry Potter T-shirt the word has ever seen, and draws caves like nobody’s business. Not to mention he is one of my favorite convention buddies in all of comicdom. I take immense pleasure in improving his merchandise, and helping his create horrifying characters [scroll down to the blog post] and t-shirts that no one would ever want.

COMMENTERS: Following Sam’s example, come up with your own terrible pop-culture mashup. Puns are encouraged. Actually being funny for the right reasons is not.

Guest Comic By Paul Southworth Of Not Invented Here

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts,  nerdy shirts

NYCC Guest Week has started!

I am going to be at New York Comic-Con with Blind Ferret at Booth #1821 this weekend  (10-13 to 10-16). Come say hi with your mouth and purchase things with your money. I will be giving out free “Sci-Fives” all weekend [the hand gesture, not the t-shirt].

Joel Watson of Geek webcomic HijiNKS ENSUE at New York Comic Con 2011

Paul Southworth of Not Invented Here starts off guest week right by trying to convince us all that people actually watch videos of other people playing Internet blocks Minecraft… wait, what? That’s a real thing? Well, holy shit. You learn something questionable every day.

Paul has one of the most unique art styles in webcomics. I’ve always envied his ability to create characters with uniquely shaped body types and non-standard proportions. He isn’t confined by realism and that allows him to draw characters that are actually fun to look at. His style is like a curvier Gendy Tartakovsky. It’s something my brain absolutely will not let me do. Now he has gone so far as to show me what MY OWN CHARACTERS would look like if I knew how draw them correctly. That miserable sonuvabitch.

A million years ago I did a guest comic for Paul’s now concluded comic Ugly Hill. You can see more great HijiNKS ENSUE Guest Comics by other awesome artists HERE.

COMMENTERS: Do you do this Minecraft video thing? Feel feel to post yours or your favorites in the comments.

Guest Comic By Brian Patterson Of d20 Monkey: “The World According To L.A.R.P.”

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our University of Gallifrey Fighting Time Lords Shirt over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again any time soon.

NEWS! I will not be attending HeroesCon this weekend. Read more HERE. Sorry, Charlotte Fancy Bastards.

GUEST COMIC WEEK ROCKETS INTO TOMORROW! In celebration of my 30th birthday I’m taking the week off. How can you help celebrate my 1/3 life crisis? Oh I don’t know… maybe donate, get something off the wish list or buy something from the store or Sharksplode? Sure. Why not. Whatever.

Today’s foam tipped and cardboard shielded guest comic comes from Brian Patterson of d20 Monkey! The last time Brian sat in for me it was one of the best received guest comics in HE history (HEstory, or HijiNKS ENSUstory), so of course when the need arose I asked him to take the reigns once more. I do apologize to any of you Fancy Bastards that can’t control the boners produced by panel 3. If boners persist for more than four hours, please see a physician.

Guest Comic By Len Peralta “Gaga Giveaways”

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again any time soon.

NEWS! I will not be attending HeroesCon this weekend. Read more HERE. Sorry, Charlotte Fancy Bastards.

GUEST COMIC WEEK CONTINUES WITH RECKLESS ABANDON! In celebration of my 30th birthday I’m taking the week off and recharging from Phoenix Comicon (which was amazing btw). How can you help celebrate my 1/3 life crisis? Oh I don’t know… maybe donate, get something off the wish list or buy something from the store or Sharksplode? Sure. Why not.

Today’s gagaguest comic comes from Len Peralta! Len is an amazing geek illustrator who has worked with Paul and Storm, w00tstock, Jonathan Coulton, John Hodgeman, Rifftrax and Wil Wheaton. He is also the creator of the “Geek A Week” trading cards and the “50 vs. 50 Project“. If you like knowing what awesome geeks are up to, follow Len on twitter.