Recommended Daily Allowance

My Patreon passed the $1750 milestone (THANK YOU SO MUCH, FANCY PATRONS), so my new podcast “Potter & Daughter” will debut in February. The first 3 episodes are edited and ready to upload. Expect the first one during the week of 2/9/15. You can learn more about it here.

COMMENTERS: What food will they find clutched in your cold dead hands when they drag your body of the crevasse that was once your couch?

The Game Is The Game


Over the weekend my Patreon passed the $1750 milestone, so my new podcast “Potter & Daughter” will debut in February. You can learn more about it here.

COMMENTERS: Tell us about a time you saw a kid do something or heard them say something that made you weep for humanity. 

Azúcar y Especias

NEWS ITEMS: The book sale is going very well, by which I mean you have bought most of the books that I own for about what I paid for them, so I don’t have to burn them. Putting them in the hands of Fancy Bastards as opposed to destroying them is preferable. The ones I don’t own will be donated by Explosm to a charity that sends comics and books to soldiers. [UPDATE 01/29/15: BOOK 2 IS SOLD OUT!]

I did a fun podcast called Compulsory, which deals with makers and artists and why they’re compelled to do what they do. I got really exited and talked a bunch and only let the host ask 3 questions. Sorry if it sounds rambling, but I have a lot to say when someone asks me about my weird job.

Over the weekend my Patreon passed the $1750 milestone, so my new podcast “Potter & Daughter” will debut in February. You can learn more about it here.

COMMENTERS: Tell us about your best hook ups. Who do you know who knows a guy, who dates a guy, who used to go to school with a girl who’s aunt had box seats you could borrow at the professional something something whatever matches? What about sweet employee discounts from friends and relatives?

First Of All I Wanna Thank My Connect

NEW ITEMS: The book sale is going very well, by which I mean you have bought most of the books that I own for about what I paid for them, so I don’t have to burn them. Putting them in the hands of Fancy Bastards as opposed to destroying them is preferable. The ones I don’t own will be donated by Explosm to a charity that sends comics and books to soldiers. [UPDATE 01/29/15: BOOK 2 IS SOLD OUT!]

I did a fun podcast called Compulsory, which deals with makers and artists and why they’re compelled to do what they do. I got really exited and talked a bunch and only let the host ask 3 questions. Sorry if it sounds rambling, but I have a lot to say when someone asks me about my weird job.

Over the weekend my Patreon passed the $1750 milestone, so my new podcast “Potter & Daughter” will debut in February. You can learn more about it here.

Behold, A Temptress


Books are $5 each. Buy 2 of them and I’ll give you a free mystery mini print.  Grab them HERE. 

POTTER AND DAUGHTER IS NIGH! The Harry Potter podcast I’ve been recording with my daughter is dangerously close to getting released (when my Patreon reaches $1750). Read more about it here.

COMMENTERS: For me it’s the Samoas (or Caramel Delights, as they are called now). I’ve already made two boxes disappear and I expect two more will go missing in my care before the cookie dust has settled. For my wife, it’s the Thin Mints. She too has left multiple green box carcasses in her wake. Do you have a similar affliction?