30 Days of Twilight

A zombie’s motivation is always so clear and direct. That’s why they make great characters in young adult fantasy fiction.

I don’t know much about Twilight (the books or the movie) so I won’t make any sweeping judgments other than to say it seems like something I wouldn’t be all that interested in. I like my vampires combustible and be-fanged and from what I’ve read, Twilight’s are neither.

I’m always facinated by what captures the imaginations of the nation’s youth. These mega-trends (Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Harry Potter, Twilight, etc) tend to spawn countless imitators that try to capitalize off their success. Though the Twilight series will never reach Harry Potter numbers, the franchise is doing quite well with far less in the way of originality and writing talent (again, this is just what I’ve read) than it’s wizzardly contemporary. The movie isn’t even out and the soundtrack has already topped the charts. I guess you could argue that twilight is banking on the Potter-starved masses to gravitate towards anything with young characters and fantasy elements. I wonder if Harry Potter opened their eyes to the great works of fantasy that were already available (Tolkien) or just opened the gates for dumbed down teen-pire love stories.

Regardless, I really like drawing zombies.

My Uncle The Astronaut

Molested by an astronaut. There’s your answer. What else could explain why Fox would launch a cerebral, high concept scifi show produced by Joss Whedon (Dollhouse) in the very same 9pm Friday time slot that obliterated their last cerebral, high concept scifi show produced by Joss Whedon (Firefly)? Moon-pedophiles.

Before you ask, it’s a little know fact that network executives have a goatee from birth.

I hate to say it, but given all the recent delays, rewrites and production problems, I’d almost rather they just canned the show now and let me say goodbye before I really get hooked. I would like to point out that Dollhouse is premiering on Friday the 13th. That’s how I likes my omens. Good and ominous.

How about a shirt that says Friday Night on Fox : Where TV Shows Go To Die”?


I made the shirt.

I wasn’t too happy with the final design, so I took it down for revisions.

Computer, Activate the EHB

I’m almost always oblivious to the fact that everyone didn’t grow up as engrossed in Star Trek as I did. I have to stop myself from making obscure TNG, Voyager and DS:9 references dozens of times a day.

“Oh man! You just got owned! Chaka, when the walls fell! Oh Snap!”

See? That’s a great burn, but no one knows what I’m talking about.

“That fuckshit just cut me off! What’s he trying to do? Execute the Picard Maneuver?!

No one gets me.

Anywho, that’s why I have such mixed feeling about CNN’s new “hologram” technology that they showcased during the election results coverage. It’s like they want us to believe they’ve traveled into the future, stolen advanced technology and brought it back to impress us. The visual trickery they are employing is closer to bullet time than holograms, anyway. They are basically using a mix of green screen, bullet time and camera syncing to achieve the illusion of a hologram. The person interviewing the photonic being can’t actually SEE them at all. Therefore this is balls and no one should pay attention to it.

I’m glad to see that I wasn’t the only one that noticed that Anderson Cooper doesn’t know his “Trek” from his “Wars”. When Chief “Lady Lumps” Correspondant, Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas, referred to the hologram effect as “being just like Star Wars,” Cooper followed up with “yes, it’s just like Star Trek. We’ve beamed you in.” To which Mr. I.Am responded, “No, I mean…(must correct SciFi Faux Pa. No, Will.I.Am, there will be another time, pick your battles wisely).”

Can I coin the term SciFaux?

Don’t Fuck This Up, America

Alright, America, if this comic doesn’t set things straight once and for all then I’ve lost all hope in you. Do you want me to spell it out? You like Voltron. Obama is Voltron. Vote for Obama.

PLEASE, don’t fuck it up this time.