The Return of Gaytos

Do a Google Image search for “Kratos and see how long it takes for you to see Josh. Not the “comic Josh” but the ACTUAL HUMAN JOSH in full Kratos regalia. Assuming the Google gods are still smiling upon me, he will be in the first 5 results. If, for some tragic reason, he is not, then you can see what I’m talking about HERE.

Had HijiNKS Ensue never been birthed from my geeky brain loins, Josh would still be internet famous for that costume. I remember shortly after he posted the picture it started to show up on gaming forums, photoshopped into various website banners and eventually in a “Zero Punctuation” video. Baffling.

Needless to say, I am MORE enthusiastic about the potential for Josh to ressuect the Gaytos Kratos costume, than I am for the actual release of “God of War 3.” Though you should download the HD trailer. It really was stunning, especially considering everything was rendered in game.

I also look forward to what “God of War” does to Josh. Not only does it alter his physical appearance drastically but it also puts him into a sort of dream state where he can’t tell reality from fiction. Like, he will call you to talk about what he did in “God of War” in the same way someone would share the highlights of their vacation.

And, before you ask: the red body paint IS edible.

Stacking The Odds

As I type this, the series premiere of Joss Whedon’s first foray into TV in 5 years, “Dollhouse,” is only hours away. I approach this show with so much trepidation, that I’m not even sure if I’m enthusiastic any more. Joss and Fox have such a sordid history, that I’ve been second guessing every aspect of “Dollhouse.

  • Is Joss going to make the show he wants to, or the one he thinks won’t get cancelled?
  • Is Fox going to let us see all 13 episodes, get attached and still NOT pick up the second season?
  • Is it actually going to be good?
  • Is it actually going to be great?

At least we can beging to answer the last two questions later tonight. The initial reviews were luke warm at best, then the pilot was reshot, and now the reviews are ranging from “TEPID!” to “MASTERPIECE!” TV Worth Watching calls it “…Whedon’s 4th TV Triumph.” Oh course the other 3 triumphs they are referencing were all cancelled too.

Post your hopes, and fears for Dollhouse in the comments, or wait until after the premiere and post your review-ish thoughts. No spoilers in the comments please.


To commemorate the network that so often crushes our geeky little hearts into geeky heart jelly, I offer the “LOLFOX: WERE IN UR TV CANCELING UR SHOWS” t-shirt.

See? It’s less evil if you pretend a silly kitty is cancelling Arrested Development and Firefly. Silly ol’ kitty.

Pride and BRAAAINS!


Pride and brains are certainly two qualities you would be wise to look for in a prospective mate, but in this case the comic titles refers to a zombified reimagining of Jane Austen’s classic “Pride and Prejudice” by Seth Grahame-Smith called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Fancy Bastard Jpmeldrum sent me this link and it might be the one AND ONLY way to get me interested in Jane Austen.

Gordon and the Whale explain the premise rather well:

So to clear things up, P&P&Z is not a story inspired by the original Pride and Prejudice.  Think of it like this.  In Seth Grahame-Smith’s mind, it’s almost as if this is the novel Austen wrote originally, it’s just that her uptight editors made her take the zombie part out.

“…and Zombies” isn’t even out yet and hollywood is already clambering for the movie rights.

The original book has been in the public domain forever, so this alternate reality zombification is totally without legal ramifications. I hope this kind of thing continues. If we take enough public domain classics and inject zombies, archelogists of the distant future will hopefully assume they are historical records. You know, Popeye entered the PD this year. Maybe it’s time for ZOMBeye the Undead Sailor Man!

(The first FB that draws that and posts it in the comments gets a Gold Geek Star)

[More HE Zombie Comics]

The Head of Many Nails

After seeing the trailer for “Coraline,” I was certainly intrigued. Artistically it was stunning, and the story seemed right out of “The Twilight Zone” or “The Outer Limits.” Finding yourself in a situation that seems too good to be true, only to learn that something sinister is calling the shots is Standard Creepy Horror Plot 11A. The more I thought about it, I wondered if it was too dark a premise for the kids that the movie was obviously marketing too.

The Nightmare Before Christmas” had a lot of dark and monstrous imagery, but the story was pretty tame (until the end when Oogie Boogie tries to murder everyone by gambling them to death). “Coraline,” on the other hand seems to have darker themes of evil doppelgangersand giving yourself over to evil in exchange for pleasure… that’s pretty wicked shit right there. This is why I was pleasantly surprised to hear that kids are interpreting “Coraline” as more of an action/adventure story while adults are picking up on the darkness and horror aspects. I guess kids aren’t yet ruined enough by harsh, real life experiences to see the things we adults consider to be staring us in the face. If “Coraline” manages to work on two levels and satisfy both age groups for entirely different reasons, then it must be a fantastic film. I’ll be checking it out on my next baby-less night out (they are few and far between).

Regarding the 3D aspect, I’ve heard from reputable sources that 3D is the ONLY way to view “Coraline.” Unlike the rereleased “Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D” that was actually “Nightmare of Glasses that Give you a Headache and the Movie Isnt really in 3D because it Wasn’t Shot That Way,” this film was actually intended to have a robust 3D experience from the get go.

Have you seen it? Were you a fan of the book? Share your opinion on “Coraline” in the comments.