The Dietary Habbits Of Procyon Iotor

…Or the common North American Raccoon.

I have no idea why I did this comic, so don’t ask me. Raccoons and iPods? Whatever. The multi-hair-colored young lady in panels 1 and 2 is long time friend of HijiNKS Ensue, Stacy. She is soon to be an Apple Genius at our local Apple store but hasn’t yet completed the ritual blood rights or the “Sacred Hunt.” They send you out into the mall and if you don’t come back with the half eaten heart of a PC user you have to battle 7 food court employees including the manager of Sbarro. He’s enourmous and armed with a calzone. My only regret, art-wise, is that I wasn’t able to showcase all of her facial piercings in this limited pixel format. Sorry Stacy. I tried.

I don’t have a strong opinion about the new 3G iPod Shuffle or the feaux-controversey surrounding it’s total lack of buttons. If you like it, buy it. If you hate it, don’t. I do find it interesting, however, that every SNL sketch and Onion story that mocks Apples disdain for all things button seems to come true. Soon enough, purchasing an iPod will actually REMOVE buttons from your other devices. It will litterally have negative buttons.

Novelty Cake Toppers

COMIC SCHEDULE FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS: Comics this week will be Tuesday and Thursday. Guest comics will run next week while I get everything in order for New England Webcomics Weekend.

I got a chance to meet Danielle Corsetto at STAPLE this weekend in Austin, TX. All of the girls in this comic are from her most EXCELLENT comic “Girls With Slingshots.” I highly recommend it. STAPLE seemed like a fun, non-threatening con, and based on Danielle’s endorsement I think I will exhibit there next year.

I was visiting family in Austin, but my wife and I managed to sneak away and finally see “Watchmen.” There was WAY more dong than I expected, but I thought it was tastefully done. Floppity, yet tasteful. I am waiting for someone on YourTubes to put out the “ALL DONG” special edit of the film.

I really enjoyed the movie. It was slow at times, but it seemed appropriate. The story and characters carried a lot of weight and it would have seemed phony if they sped through the narrative. I’m anxious to read the comic now and see what I think after taking it all in. I got the feeling from the movie that I knew where the “comic issues” began and ended. The tension seemed to rise and fall about 12 times during the film. Did I mention the dong? There was a lot of it.

Extinction Level Event

After Monday’s near miss, it’s only a matter of time before we are gently nudged into oblivion by an asteroid. Despite what the movies tell you, no amount of Bruce Willis or President Morgan Freeman can save us. The last one missed us by 41,000 miles. 41,000 miles is the width of a galactic taint hair. As a species we are doomed and I, for one, welcome our new Gay Mole Men Overlords. I would get on their good side now. If they intend to keep the species going, they are going to need some breeding stock.

Short post, because I’m leaving for Austin for the weekend to visit family. I’ll be walking around STAPLE for a while on Saturday. Say hi if you see me there.

I also want to mention that as of today, reader donations and artwork auctions have fully paid for my flight, and hotel expenses for Webcomics Weekend. Thank you so much, guys. This means more to me than you know.


Who You Gonna Cast?

UPDATE: Ok, so maybe this movie isn’t happening after all.

Thanks to Fancy Bastard Patrick Kovacich for suggesting “Perfect Strangers” as the worst possible pinball machine ever.

I think the idea of a Judd Apatow produced “Ghostbusters” 3 is perfect. I really hope be brings together the Apatow Dream Team to make this one a gem. They also need the “butthole pleasures/alligator fuckhouse” indian dude from “40 Year Old Virgin” to play… Gozer. Sure.

Fanboy herecy or the perfect continuation of a beloved geek franchise? Send in the comments!

A Crisis Of Faith

Get it? Faith? Eliza Dushku? BAM! ZING!
[Also, I should point out that Joel and Shepherd Eli are making a “W” sign on their chests in panel 3.]

I really hate to fan the flames here, but Dollhouse just isn’t doing anything for me. I feel torn between my need to support and trust Joss Whedon and my other need to be entertained by the TV shows I watch. I don’t want to get into specifics (no relatable characters, Eliza’s acting chops, etc etc) and I’m not ready to cast final judgment because all of the problems I see in Dollhouse have the stink of FOX all over them. And from what I’ve read, they’ve given up on screwing with the show and stopped interfering.

That means one of two things:

  1. They are through with the show, so they don’t care what happens to it between now and when the 13 episode commitment runs out
  2. they realize their decisions to put on Friday Night O’ Death, second guess Joss and air the episodes out of order are the real problems and their meddling isn’t improving the show or its ratings

In a recent interview, Eliza addressed the slow start and asked that we hold out until episode six. At that point, Whedon’s vision will become clear and we’ll all get the shiny feelings that we’ve been lacking so far. Honestly, I’ll be watching no matter what until it gets canceled. I feel like I owe Whedon that much.

If this is the last hurrah for Joss in the medium of television I won’t be too heartbroken. The next frontier of entertainment is high quality shows, shorts and movies produced for the internet (paging Dr. H.?) and I know he will be one of the pioneers if not the leader in that field.

If you are Whedon Zombie and currently watching Dollhouse, you are probably feeling the same confusion/frustration that I am. The pilot was weak and boring, the 2nd ep. was fun and quite entertaining but the 3rd went right back to blah and made me care LESS about everyone on the show.

Are you going to stick it out or are you too worried about falling in love only to be heartbroken by cancellation again? Care to add your own Whedon Scripture? COMMENT AWAY!