C2E2 Wrap Up and Pics

I’ve been dreading doing a massive con-report ever since I returned from C2E2 in Chicago. Why? Because so much awesome crap happened! Luckily I waited so long that someone else did all the heavy lifting for me. Fellow webcomicer and hotel roommate to the stars (or just me), Tom Brazelton did a very thorough job of summing up the best (or at least most notable) parts of the weekend. I was with or near him most of the time so you can just assume that we had roughly the same experiences.

Since Tom did all the grunt work, I will simply help paint a clearer picture of the weekend’s event with a few photos and videos.

[Me and my boothmate Gordon from Multiplex]

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C2E2 in Chicago This Weekend!


C2E2 is THIS WEEKEND!!! April 16-18

I will be at booth WC-B in the Webcomics Pavillion with Gordon McAlpin of Multiplex. We will be a few tables over from Girls With Slingshots/Something*Positive and right across from Shortpacked, WereGeek and Erica Moen/Lucy Knisley.

You’ll also be able to find (right in that same area) Theater Hopper, Explosm, PVP/Halfpixel/Webcomics.com, Least I Could Do/ Looking for Group and Topatoco featuring: Questionable Content, Pictures for Sad Children, MS Paint Adventures, Overcompensating, Wigu, Wondermark!, GunShow , SMBC, Nedroid and (one would assume) hundreds more!

There are a billion comic book and media types that are going to be there as well. A solid billion. I’ve counted.

I will also be a part of the Webcomics Town Hall panel which will take place Friday night in Room E450 from 7:15pm to 8:15pm.

That took me an hour to research and write. That should tell you how amazing this con is going to be. I hope to see you there!

2 Year Experiment-versary, New Olmos Shirt and BIG NEWS!

That’s right, you Fancy Bastards. As of last week I have been professionally unemployed as a webcartoonist for 2 years! WTF, right? Absolutely no part of that makes any sense. I wrote more about it in THIS BLOG POST [under the comic]. Again, I just want to say thanks for making this incredibly unlikely anniversary possible.

If you are fairly new to HE and The Experiment and would like to show your support, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

Battlestar Galactica/UN "So Say We All" T-Shirt

As part of the next phase of The Experiment, I am now producing HijiNKS ENSUE 4 times a week. I know it’s going to be rocky at first upping my output like this but I really think it is imperative to the survival of the comic that I get as close to one comic a day as possible.

UPDATE: I spoke too soon. While it is still my goal to produce HE at least 4 times a week, so far it has proven impossible due to travel, cons and other obligations. WAY TO FAIL!

I am also happy to announce that I was asked by Olmos Productions, Inc. to design a new shirt for them based on the meeting that took place last year between the cast of Battlestar Galactica and delegates of the United Nations. Please check it out HERE and send the link to any scifi/BSG blogs or forums that you frequent.

Comicpalooza In Houston, TX March 26-28!!!

Comicpalooza Houston TX March 26-28

Don’t forget Houstonian Fancy Bastards, Comicpalooza is this weekend!

Guests include: Nicholas Brendon, Bruce Campbell, Dichen Lachman from Dollhouse, Peter Mayhew, Ray Park, a million comicbook pros and a hundred million more people of various influence and interest!

I will be doing a webcomics panel with Randy, Malki! and Phil Foglio. Check HERE for exact date and time of the panel.

What am I bringing? Tons of Book 1, Groverfield shirts, Edward shirts, Sci-Five shirts, stickers, buttons,Snowflake” prints, and I’m debuting two new 11X17″ prints: “The Proposal” and “Space Jesus”!

I really hope to see you there!Continue reading

Limited “Riker?” Shirt & 5 Shirt Closeout Sale

The “Riker? I Hardly Know Her!” shirt was going to be my next big production run, but the reaction to it was split between “I’m a Trekkie and I love it!” and “I’m not a Trekkie and you’re dumb!” So if you get the joke, and you think it’s funny, teh shirt will be available for purchase until February 20th in the HE Store.

Riker? I Hardly Know Her! T-Shirt

Riker? I Hardly Know Her! T-Shirt

Also I’m cleaning house in the HE Store, so until Feb 20th these 5 shirt designs will be on sale for $18 then retired for theĀ foreseeableĀ future. You can probably find a 15% discount code if you check out my Twitterfeed.

UPDATE: All discontinued shirts have been moved HERE. Email store(at)hijinksensue(dot)com if you would like to inquire about ordering one.