Starting today I am announcing three separate HijiNKS ENSUE contests with fabulous prizes.
CONTEST 1: Recreate an HE Comic
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands for PC on Steam
RULES: Recreate ANY HijiNKS ENSUE comic WITHOUT drawing it, painting it, etc. You can use photos, legos, video, audio, clay, GI Joes, whatever. The final product should be laid out like an HE comic with sequential panels (unless your chosen medium negates this rule; ie video). Speech balloons are optional but encouraged.
SUBMISSION: Post your entry online and email a link (not the actual product) to comics (at) hijinksensue (d0t) com with the Subject line: HE CONTEST 1
DEADLINE: Friday Night 10/30/09 SUNDAY NIGHT 11/1/09
CONTEST 2: Hottest Fancy Bastard
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands for PC on Steam
RULES: This one is all Josh. Let me stress that. THIS ONE IS ALLLLL JOSH. Take your fanciest, most alluring FB photo…
SUBMISSION: email it to dopefish3d (at) gmail (d0t) com with the Subject line: HE CONTEST 2. Josh will pick the winner based on his own criteria. Men and women are encouraged to submit but in the end he’s going to pick whoever HE likes best. (I have nothing to do with this).
DEADLINE: Friday Night 10/30/09 SUNDAY NIGHT 11/1/09
CONTEST 3: HE Pumpkin Carving
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Terminal Reality’s Ghostbusters for Xbox 360 (donated by Eli)
RULES: Carve an HE themed Pumpkin. That’s the only rule. Oh, and that it has to be awesome. That’s the other rule. Eli and Denise will choose the winner.
SUBMISSION: Post your photo online and email a link to elivorio (at) gmail (d0t) com with the Subject line: HE CONTEST 3.
DEADLINE: Friday Night 10/30/09 SUNDAY NIGHT 11/1/09
Winners announced HERE
Okay, so what you'll want to do is send Eli and Denise something to do with cats, Josh something to do with burly men made of bacon, and the HE comic…that's gonna be tough.
What if I draped by self in bacon? Smothered myself in cats, and…..Not sure where this is going.
go on….
frack, due to my assishness we would totally win halloween A SECOND TIME if we did the Groundhog Day strip video…
Mother bitch! I'm totally entering, but not until Halloween night. Prizes be damned.
In the light of the Hottest Fancy Bastard competition, I find it amusing that this post is tagged with 'reader appreciation',
Hahahaha, I have to try one of the contests, altough I have think of something coolio. xP
Ok…I'm going to try to do the Pumpkin contest, not sure how that is going to go considering I've never done anything more complicated than your basic JACK O LANTERN. I'm definately doing the Hottest Fancy Bastard just because…I guess I'm an attention whore
And the gf is recreating a comic.
Oh also my gf would like to know when exactly is the time deadline for the contest to recreate a comic. She's not sure she will have time to finish and wants to know if she has time on friday night after work to get it done. Perhaps until midnight since that means everyone will have literally till Halloween to get in their submissions.
Im not going to look at them until Saturday
cool good to know
A thousand ideas float in my mind, but 3/4 of them require more FBs, wich are hard to find in Argentina.
the others just plain suck.
Anyways i will be really pleased of seeing some comics in video or lego form, and some shweet pumpkin carvings.
L4D and pumpkins was wrong to begin with. Its like too negatives, can´t exist. :U