Use code “cyborgmonday2014” to get 15% off today (12/1/2014) ONLY!
If you are a Patreon Fancy Patron, you can get a 20% off code HERE.
There are 5 new HijiNKS ENSUE T-shirts, 6 new HijiNKS ENSUE Hoodies, 2 new HijiNKS ENSUE prints, and all of my books are 50% off (and they are going to be unavailable after Jan 31, 2015 so, you know… GO GET THEM)!
I have been working on this new store (the image mockups, the web design, the backend, the integration with my fulfillment partners and printers, shipping, plugins, etc.) and the new shirt and hoodie designs 12-15 hours a day for at least the last 5 days straight. I say “at least” because I honestly don’t know anyway as that time and space and the confines of mortal existence have all become meaningless as my mind has been slowly unmade.
This past week as been a blur Continue reading→