We’ve talked about this 40 or 1000 times but now I’m doing it. We need QUESTIONS from THE READERS for THE HIJINKS ENSUE PODCAST.

Please post your questions in the comments of this thread. I won’t respond here. Rather, I will save them and read them during the show. Then, here’s the tricky part, we’ll answer them!
Feel free to add on to each other’s questions and such. I want to make the Podcast more interactive and get some audience participation.
What can you ask? Anything, everything, whateverthing!
If you are a regular reader/listener you know what we normally talk about. Here are some topics we have extensive knowledge on:
- TV – Lost, Battlestar, Firely, The Buffyverse, The Office, 30 Rock, Arrested D., Star Trek, ALL 80’s and 90’s shows, any scifi or geek show…even Sliders
- Movies – Upcomming movies, trailers, geek favs from days gone by, you name it
- Gaming – we have two co-hosts in the gaming industry. Ask them about that.
- Comics – I’m reading Astonishing X-Men, Buffy and Angel. Eli is reading everything else.
- HijiNKS Ensue – Questions about the comic? Let me know.
- Technology – Macs, Apple, Steve Jobs, Macs, iPhones, Macs… you know.. techology.
- Life – relationships, jobs, sex, personal stuff, etc. We might not answer these, but there’s no harm in trying.
As a bonus, you may also request the manner in which the question is answered. For instance, you can request that your question be answered by Yoda addressing Frodo. Or that Eli’s grandma answer it. Or that Josh answer it in Sexy-German(tm). Ask me to answer the question in the song styling of your choice (I probably won’t do it). Get creative.
If you want to be a part of the HijiNKS Ensue Podcast, here’s a way to get started. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.