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(pic courtesy of reader: Chuck Demiakumu)
Cast: Joel, Eli, & Josh
Rating: Explicit, NSFW, Not for kids
Topics and Links:
- Margaret Cho knows what it’s like to be a gay man
- VHS Challenge is a GO!
- Landalf the Black, or Gando the Brown
- Shirt/Store Updates
- Battlestar talk
- Happy Birthday You Fancy Bastard
- Potential celebrity moment fail
- Star Wars Deal or No Deal
- Another BSG Theory (and another one)
- Will Arnett + Amy Poehler = Baby Comedy
- Gary Coleman on Divorce Court
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- Carne de Buggs Bunny
- Late Night with Fake Adam Sandler!
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- Batman ARG (makes me say arrgh!)
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- Cinematic Titanic Live
- Meatloaf Siting
- Eli Eats Glass, sadly doesn’t die
- Video Game Industry Insiders
- Spiraling album presale!