HijiNKS Ensue Podcast Vidcast Simulcast Castcast

Me and Josh tested out Ustream.TV tonight. We seem to have figured out how to record the podcast and simulcast video on Ustream. Looks like we’ll be broadcasting the video feed of the podcast on tomorrow.


You’ll be able to watch us record it live and unedited and ask questions and chat and such. If it seems like a good idea, we’ll make it a regularish thing.

I’ll post times and such tomorrow so you can make sure to be at a computer if you want to participate.

Been working on the “Vault of Secret Awesome” for the past couple of days. This is the special site with bonus content (art, behind the scenes stuff, desktops, videos and audio) for readers that donate to help keep HE alive.

If you have already donated, you’ll be receiving a password via email to access the content. The password will change each month, but June and July will use the same password since the month is half over.

We recorded a mini-cast tonight that will show up on when it launches next week.

Posted in Comic Blog and tagged , , .


  1. "Actually its just a lawnmower." LMFAO! That tickled me in just the right spot. My wife probably thinks I'm insane because I just laughed so loud.

    Actually, my wife thinks I'm insane for many a reason but this just added fuel to the fire.

  2. Maybe it is because I am dumb, but I don't see how to sign up for a login on the forum. What am I missing. Also please don't become another pod cast the that is video, I listen in the car. It is the only time I have to really enjoy the damn things with out some infidel bothering me so don't mess that up.

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