The new “Dark Phoenix Saga” is when Jean Grey goes nuts and starts posting naked pictures of herself on Twitter.
This will probably be the last comic this week (ie no comic on Friday) since I only have a few days left before HE Book 1 (pictured below… maybe you should preorder it) has to be finalized and sent to the printer. Thanks for understanding (and for preordering the book… please. go. do it now).
- Disney/Marvel: What Does Disney Actually Get?
- The Pros and Cons of Disney’s $4 Billion Purchase of Marvel
- She-Hulk/Donald Duck Team-Up Finally Possible (Inevitable?): Disney Buying Marvel
- Disney buying Marvel
- The House Of Mouse Eats The House Of Ideas: Disney Buys Marvel
- RE-UPDATE!! Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America, The Fantastic Four, And Friends Have All Been Owned By Mickey Mouse!!
Impressive. Most impressive. Wait, that's a different production company, but equally as universe controlling.
And why not? I don't think Zac Effron could do a worse Cyclops than the one we got…
Oh yes he could…oh yes it could be worse.
Actually, we don't HAVE a Cyclops… remember the whole "him dying at the beginning of Movie 3"?
Not even Cyclops deserved to die like that. A very Tasha Yar way to die.
lol amen.
A.W.E.S.O.M.E! some of the last couple of days "Disney/Marvel" mash-ups have been very sad – this really ties the room together =)
That hat on Ice Man really kicks the whole comic up a notch.
I don't know who I like better…Tween Storm or Tween Wolverine. Love it!
The Jonas Brotherhood of Evil Mutants actually looks like the Jonas Brothers. I don't know if I should be impressed or slap you.
What…no Art Director Professor X?
OK, so now explain how I'm supposed to go to sleep tonight, what with my eyes not being able to close anymore?
I haven't seen High School Musical or the X-Men movies, so I'm a bit confused here. I don't even know who the Jonas Brothers are. But i still see what you did there with the pun.
I really have to catch up on the loop with Western media, being stuck in animebloggerland does that to you. I'll always remember you, Walt Disney, just not for the films made after your death. Because that Lion King fiasco was totally not your fault, it was your brother's.
Now we look forward to Marvel films which actually capture the original audience of Marvel comics, children, instead of grimmer and grittier movies based on Ghost Rider.
No thats bad for most of us as that would suck. I didn't get into comics tell i was 20 and reading comics from 15 – 20 years ago is really boring. This purchase saddens me as it probably means Marvels few good titles well get dumbed down for kids.
Keep in mind, this is also the company that owns ABC and Touchstone, and those are definitely not "dumbed down for kids." Funny webcomic reimaginings aside, the Disney company is as grown up as Viacom (Nickelodeon and Comedy Central) or Turner (Cartoon Network and TBS).
I don't, personally – look forward to those potential films, that is. That is, at least not in general, but I did actually let High School Musical taint my eyes (and ears) at one point, and it wouldn't have made X-Men III any *worse*… Also, Fantastic Four would make as much sense if Dr Doom was actually Dr. Donald Duck and not Dr. Christian Troy.
Out of curiosity, what exactly was the Lion King "fiasco," and how could it have been Roy Disney's fault, since he'd been dead since the 70s?
Google "Lion King + Kimba The White Lion"
Ah, that. That was all Katzenberg, though; if by Walt's brother, you mean Roy E. Disney, he's Walt's nephew, and has about as much influence there as Stan Lee does at Marvel.
@All of Ya'll:
My bad, all this time I thought it was Roy. E. Disney who made The Lion King happen, at least now i know who the real culprit is.
That and I'm not even sure what I'm saying anymore, maybe Marvel being bought by Disney IS a bad thing, it's too soon to be sure.
Awesome. I hadn't seen this before, and it rocked my face. I especially love the idea that no one at Disney had ever even heard of Osamu Tezuka.
You are a brilliant, brilliant man. That is all I have to say.
HAHAHAHHAHAHA… thank you, I`ll laugh for hours now.
I was as shocked as all of you were on reading the news. they say they'll keep letting Marvel do their own thing with their characters, but I'm still on edge about. Today's comic took that edge off, especially Wolverine's funky dreads 'n bell-bottoms. Now, only time will tell if this is but a vision of the future (and not the Timothy Zahn novel)
I thought he had bell bottoms on!
Let’s not forget that Disney also bought the Muppets. “Pigs in Space vs. Galactus” That’s what I want to see!
Wow, this might be my favorite HE so far! You did a bang up job on all the characters, even if I'm terrified of the Jonas Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
The melding of the Jonas Bros shitty hipster attire and the superhero costumes is genius. Also I especially like black Wolverine.
AWESOME comic Joel !
Best mashup I´ve seen about Disney and MARVEL becoming "One company to rule them all "
Who knows, maybe this time the Cyclops MIGHT not suck !
Not that I care at all about HSM, but I wouldn't mind seeing Vanessa Hudgens as Storm.
Not in a movie, though, in my bedroom.
And not in a costume, but in my bed.
I wanna do Vanessa Hudgens, I guess is the point I'm trying to make here.
Probably sans constume as well I would imagine
Awesome. Plain Awesome.
This was exactly what I most feared from the merger. Dear god its worse than I ever feared.
Thanks to you, my soul just died a little bit more.
But let's face it, as long as Miley Cyrus doesn't play Jubilee, the world is at peace.
I don't know that she isn't Rogue, every time I see a clip of Miley Cyrus I feel like my soul is being sucked out.
OMG Dark Tweenix Saga
Summer Glau on Dollhouse, mmmm.…
this same idea was was here too:…
Oh! You were the one who did that. I think I was linked here by a LiveJournal comm, and didn't know where i was. I loled, and told friends.
I can NEVER un see that