Guest Star Galactica

Here’s the 2nd installment of this week’s “Lo FiJiNKS” comics. The preorder for the book is going amazingly well. Much better than I expected. Big thanks to everyone who has preordered so far.

As of this posting there are only about 35 Ultimate Fancy Editions left!


What other scifi vet would you like to see guest star on Dollhouse? I hear there was talk of having Summer Glau on at some point. I would like to see Eddie Olmos emote the hell out of that Dollhouse, personally.

Everything I Know About James Cameron’s Avatar Movie

Alternate Title: VH1’s Flavatar Of Love

[reddit-me]I’ll be running these Lo FiJiNKS (thanks to @dubilla and @pupdog for the name) mini comics this week while I finish up a few things for the book. What book? Why, HijiNKS Ensue Volume 1: Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard of course. The preorder started at 1am central today and already half of the limited Ultimate Fancy Editions are sold. If you want one, you better jump on it.

San Diego Comic-Con was last week. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend, but I have been immersed in all the delicious geek news leaking out of the con. It seems like everyone is going bat tits crazy for James Cameron’s new 3D sci-fi epic Avatar. He showed 25 minutes of it at the con and the reactions ranged from “MINDBLOWING!” to “JUST SORT OF BLOWING!” I still really have no idea what it’s about other than dudes exploring an alien planet in virtual reality alien suits of some kind. If you are interested in the story, the new 3D tech Cameron developed or the reactions from fans, you can get pretty much all of it HERE.

Were you at the con? Anything you want to share? If not, what was your favorite Comic-Con 2009 announcement?


HijiNKS Ensue Volume 1: Godspeed You Fancy Bastard


I’ve been working on this book cover for a week straight, so it’s the most I can muster today as far as comics go.

Here’s the deal: Starting Monday, July 27th you will be able to preorder the first HijiNKS Ensue Collection, Volume 1: Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard. I am super excited and crazy terrified about this news. I am also a little dizzy, slightly nauseous and I might be suffering from Braxton Hicks contractions and spontaneous ear wigs.

What’s in the book?

  • All of the HE comics from 2007-2008 in full color
  • “Directors Commentary” on each comic
  • A forward by Bill Barnes of Unshelved (it’s incredibly mean)
  • Early sketches of the HE characters
  • Never before seen comics from my Highschool Newspaper days

If the Preorder goes well, the books should ship in mid to late September. The first books is always the hardest, so please bear with me on the preorder and shipping times.

Many of  you have emailed and twitters to ask me how The Experiment is going. I’m glad I can finally answer with a resounding “Not So Good!

I’m going to level with you. I am pretty much out of funds to keep doing HE as my full time job. It only brings in about half the income my family needs to make it each month and the freelance gigs and such just aren’t coming fast enough. This book is either going to be the end of The Experiment or the beginning of the next phase. I’m all about beginnings, so that’s what I’m shooting for.

How can you help keep HE alive?

It’s going to cost me $6000-7000 to have the initial run of the books printed (HELLOOOO VISA!), but those books represent enough potential income to buy me a few months to figure out the next phase of The Experiment.

I’m offering the book in a few flavors for your purchasing enjoyment:


  • The book, signed and numbered
  • A special limited print of the cover image, also signed and numbered
  • A “Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard” bumper sticker
  • Upgrade to “Artist Edition” for just $10 more and I will sketch in the book, essentially ruining it

This edition of the book is for you Super Fancy Bastards that want to help with the printing costs of the book. The price includes a $10-$15ish donation. No other Vol. 1 books or prints will ever be numbered so these are one of a kind editions. If I can sell all 150 of these I can pay for ALL of the books I am printing (and sleep at night).

Artist Edition: $35

  • I will sign, personalize and sketch in your book. You can specify which character you would like sketched (but don’t get crazy)

Regular Awesome Edition: $20

  • A book, with all that other stuff, minus the fancy stuff

So, there you go. I don’t want to sound desperate, but this is either the end of the most amazing, rewarding job I’ve ever had or the beginning of something even more amazing. If you enjoy HE and want to see it continue, PLEASE preorder the book, make a donation or pick up shirt or print. I love making these comics for you and I don’t want to stop. Now that I’ve done it for 2+ years, I really don’t know how I could go back to a regular 9-5. This is my calling.

Godspeed You Fancy Bastards,


The Bravest Little Hobbit Of Them All

I know it’s just a rumor, but do you think Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) would make a good Bilbo Baggins? He already has all that experience being tootled by a gay wizard, which is a definite plus. Personally I think he’s at least 2 feet too tall for the role.

If not Radcliffe, then who would you cast? Do you have high hopes for The Hobbit movies?

The Old Bait And Switch

[NEW TO HE? Check out The Experiment, The Vault and The Store]

I’ve got a really simple solution for anyone upset that Fox may bring Futurama back without Billy West, Katey Segal, John DiMaggio, Tres MacNeille, Phil LaMarr, Maurice LeMarche, Lauren Tom and David Herman.

Just don’t watch it.

Fuck it. Pretend the show was never renewed and go back to however you felt a few months ago before they announced Futurama’s 2nd resurrection. Fox is a tricky nemesis. They lull you into a false sense of confidence by renewing Dollhouse, then BAM! They’ve smashed you in the nuts with a 40 lb. paving stone and fired all the Futurama voice actors.

There’s no point in my enumerating all the ways in which this decision reaches heretofore unknown depths of douchebaggedness and cockery. It’s obvious that this unFuturama will be an utter abortion of entertainment without the original voice cast. Can you imagine how embarrassing the show will be when Fry or Bender open their mouths to deliver a line and the sound of some pathetic imposter comes out?

Wait a second. This worked before, didn’t it? When John K. was fired from Ren and Stimpy! They found a voice actor to take over the part of Ren and the difference was hardly noticeable. Some would say the replacement was better than the original. Who was that? Can they get him? OH RIGHT! It was Billy West. Well eff that plan, I guess. The real problem is that Futurama had the uncanny fortune of featuring ALL OF THE BEST VOICE ACTORS IN HOLLWOOD. They are truly irreplaceable. Futurama is still quite canceled, dead and buried as far as I’m concerned. [unless this is all a publicity stunt]