A 21 Face-Rubber Band Salute

You actually have to pull the face-rubber bands while they’re on your face to properly (and respectfully) launch them.

A lot of you are too young to remember Captain Lou Albano, but to us children of the late 70’s and early 80’s he was a pop-culture fixture. The 1980’s stood in such stark contrast to the 2000’s in that a big, fat, hairy, sweaty dude with rubber bands stuck to his face could be a pop icon. It’s not like Captain Lou has constantly been on my mind for the last 25 years, but his recent passing unlocked a flood of memories of being 8 years old and him being EVERYWHERE. He was freakin’ MARIO for Toad’s sake. The Super Mario Super Show seemed less like a scripted children’s show and more like a late night public access affair (but with a MUCH lower budget). Captain Lou portrayed what seemed to be a pre or post mushroom kingdom Mario that lived and worked as a plumber in a big city (presumably New York) with his brother-in-overalls Luigi. I lean towards “pre “because he wasn’t constantly waking from night terrors shivering and screaming about carnivorous fungi and flame belching, man-sized lizard people. In between Mario’s Earthbound hijinks, they would show Super Mario Bros. cartoons that seemed to be set in the universe of Super Mario Bros. 2. It was never clear how the cartoons and the live-action show were supposed to be related but 8 year olds typically don’t ask those sort of questions. We just watched the show, ate our Ninja Turtles cereal and occasionally did “The Mario” for hours on end.

In remembering how Captain Lou affected my childhood, I would be remiss to leave out Hulk Hogan’s Rock N’ Wrestling cartoon. Captain Lou didn’t actually voice himself in this short-lived animated ridiculousness (neither did any of the other WWF wrestlers for that matter) but I absolutely LOVED this show. The idea that all of my favorite wrestlers were driving around in giant Cadillacs and monster trucks and having adventures and doing good deeds appealed to my… gullibility.

So, rest easy Captain Lou. I don’t know if you were a great man, or even a good one but you entertained me as a child and for that I am grateful.

The Day After Next Independence Day

What are they going to call the sequel to Independence Day? ID4 2? ID5? Independence Day II: Never Wear White After Labor Day? Assuming it actually gets made I’m on board just as long as it makes exactly NO sense like the original did… didn’t.

UPCOMING APPEARANCES: I’ll be in Austin, TX signing HE Books at Rogue’s Gallery Comics on Saturday Oct. 24 from 1-3pm, and at the Ka-Baam!! Improv Comedy Show Friday 10/23 and Saturday 10/24. I will also have books for sale there. More info on these events HERE.

I am eyeing a few more TX appearances for November. Dallas on 10/14 and Lubbock on 10/7. Comment if you are interested in me actually doing those things.

I will also be at Emerald City Comic-Con in Seattle, WA in March. More info on that as it gets closer.

BOOK NEWS: I’m back from Baltimore and the books are in my garage, which means they will begin shipping this week. Since I have so many sketches to do, shipping may be slow and steady but it will be consistent. When you get your book, how about you post a pic of you with it on Twitter [follow me? why not] with the hash tag #HEBook.

Oh, you haven’t preordered the book? Well the preorder is over and now its just the ORDER (minus the pre). All preorders will ship first, but new orders will ship fast, so get up on it and book yourself in the thing.

Whatever Dad… I’m Outta Here

Baltimore Comic-Con was an amazing success! Thanks to everyone that came out to say hi and show their support for the comic. I knew a handful of Fancy Bastards were going to be at the show, but I had NO IDEA so many of you less vocal/non-commenting types would be there. I sold almost all of the books I brought and a ton of T-shirts (Groverfield was a smash hit).

Special thanks to @mechamenchi for being my right hand man all weekend, and to @mutant_enemy127 for helping out on Sunday. I really couldn’t have done so well without the help I received from these guys.

In addition to talking with a good number of long term FB’s, I think I managed to win over quite a few new recruits for the cause. The unbelievably positive response I got from complete strangers that had never heard of HE until the con was unexpected to say the least.

Additional thank you’s go to Danielle Corsetto for being my “big webcomic sister,” Jessi for helping to wrangle Danielle all weekend, Brent Corsetto for being genuinely kind and uncommonly awesome, every FB that came to the reader meet-up and made me feel so appreciated, everyone that bought a book, and especially to FB Adam and his wife for their overwhelming generosity and kindness.

Now GORGE YOURSELVES on con pics, books sketches, cosplayers and PETE FROM 30 ROCK!

[this comic is taken from a sketch commissioned at the con by @mutant_enemy127.]

The Last Starfighter Initiative

Got to keep it short and sweet today because it’s my last day to prepare for Baltimore Comic-Con. If you’re going to be in the area, come see me at table 129 Saturday and Sunday. Just look for the giant ass HE banner.  I’ll be on Twitter like crazy during the con so follow me to get up to the minute minutia.

hijinks-ensue-godspeed-you-fancy-bastard-book-300x300Remember that the BOOKS ARE HERE and will begin shipping as soon as I get back from Baltimore. ORDER YOURS NOW and your wait time will be reasonably short.

So how was Stargate: Universe? Pretty good. I don’t want to go into the plot or do a full review (though a reader correctly pointed out that it’s “spaceship far from home” premise is reminiscent of Voyager), but it was quite serviceable sci-fi with decent acting, effects and which required no previous knowledge of the Stargate… well, universe. Basically just just have to take for granted that there are ancient Stargate wormhole portal devices and our military has been using them for some time for various reasons. The rest is new content and concepts. (Really, the original kick ass Stargate movie is enough to keep you up to speed on all the major concepts)

My recommendation is to check out the 2hr pilot, “Air.” If it makes your sci-fi-sense tingle, stick around. Even if you didn’t like previous Stargate series, you might find something new to enjoy with SG:U.

To Obscenity And Beyond

This comic reminds me of the time Josh IRL showed up to my wife’s college graduation party wearing a Penny Arcade “Jesus is F’ing Metal” shirt. This particular party featured all of her aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas and great grandpeople. I met him at the door and sent him to his car to turn it inside out. I felt like an assistant principle. Josh is a prime example of unabashedly being yourself to the fullest extent all the time, and I love him for that.

Wifetron and I took DaughterUnit to see The Toy Story 3D double feature last weekend. She’s only 2 (the daughter, not the wife) and has never been to the theater before, but she was surprisingly captivated and entertained throughout most of the first movie. By the intermission she was dancing in the isles and ready to go home. Note to the movie theater industry: if you only have 1 size of 3D glasses that have to fit my giant head and her tiny head, one of us is going to be disappointed. I ended up having to build a contraption out of a head band and rubber bands to hold the glasses on her head but it was worth it. She had a blast.


They’re HERE (HERE, HERE, and HERE)!
They will start shipping (beginning with the Ultimate Fancy Editions) when I get back from…


Baltimore Comic-Con

…Is where I will be this weekend. Read more about it, and my other upcoming appearances in Austin HERE. I will have books, buttons, T-shirts and sketches. Come say hi or I will feel sad forever.

Prepping for this Con (my first real con appearance) has kicked my ass this week (hence the super late comic). I still hope to have three new comics this week, but I still have to get a 6ft X3ft banner printed and a build a stand for it. Monday after the Con there will probably be some sort of sketchbook comic. I’m considering changing the update schedule from “Mon-Wed-Fri” to “3 Times a Week.” Then maybe your expectations will be properly set for my inevitable tardiness.


Am I sick? Dying? Dead? If you haven’t been following my recent health tragedies you can catch up HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. I am pleased to say that my normal back pain (due to a bulging disk) is all but gone. My spinal headaches caused by the spinal tap are cleared up and only an occasional dull headache on the left side of my head persists. My back still hurts from them actually sticking needles in my spine 4 or 5 times, and I still generally feel like shit due to having spent the last 4 weeks on the couch, but some light exercise should clear that up.

Thanks to your generous DONATIONS, one of my medical bills is almost completely paid off. I have a bill for $1400 (CT scan and spinal tap) and another for $1700 (hospital stay and blood patch) and so far, the Fancy Bastards have donated over $1200. I am constantly amazed by what a selfless and supportive group of people you all are. In addition to donations I have received dozens of emails and twitter replies encouraging me to get better. Believe me when I say that those go a long way toward aiding my recovery.


I did an interview with my friend Corn Mo for Digital City. His band, 357 Lover, is releasing a new album called “Diorama of The Golden Lion” and it rocks intensely hard.