Guest Comic By Len Peralta “Gaga Giveaways”

Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made a thing! Check out our Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt which you can purchase now over at Sharksplode.

Gallifrey University Fighting Time Lords Shirt - Doctor Who parody, geeky tees, funny t-shirts, nerdy shirts

I am closing out some current t-shirt and print designs. Please check out this blog post since the stuff on closeout probably won’t be available again any time soon.

NEWS! I will not be attending HeroesCon this weekend. Read more HERE. Sorry, Charlotte Fancy Bastards.

GUEST COMIC WEEK CONTINUES WITH RECKLESS ABANDON! In celebration of my 30th birthday I’m taking the week off and recharging from Phoenix Comicon (which was amazing btw). How can you help celebrate my 1/3 life crisis? Oh I don’t know… maybe donate, get something off the wish list or buy something from the store or Sharksplode? Sure. Why not.

Today’s gagaguest comic comes from Len Peralta! Len is an amazing geek illustrator who has worked with Paul and Storm, w00tstock, Jonathan Coulton, John Hodgeman, Rifftrax and Wil Wheaton. He is also the creator of the “Geek A Week” trading cards and the “50 vs. 50 Project“. If you like knowing what awesome geeks are up to, follow Len on twitter.

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  1. A brilliant take on the phenomena known as GaGa. And Len's art and humor fit right in here. Love the headset, is that product going to be available soon?

  2. Josh's face from the first panel and Joel's from the last are EPIC. And with the meat cell phone case, we all know it wouldn't stay raw for very long on the iPhone. By the end of the day you could have a very nice steak.

  3. Ahh…A quiet evening alone while the other half is out with his sister. What to do? I know. I'll make myself some dinner and catch up on webcomics. *sees this one first* Well…so much for dinner…

  4. Have i missed anything? Her album sales are down. She had to basically give away the album to acquire sales. She wants to make headlines by getting naked. What are you upset about? She probably wouldn't give you the time of day if you bumped into her on a street corner.

    • Who's upset about what now? I think the only thing you missed was the point of the comic and possibly commenting on it 9 months ago when this story was still relevant.

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