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Cast: Joel, Eli, Josh & Denise
Rating: Explicit, NSFW, Not for kids
Show Notes:
This Week In Internet: Eli and Denise review the Killers concert complete with stinky bikers, Gay Divorce, Michael Phelps BongGate, Olympic Pole Dancing, Klingon Robbery, Extreme Corpse Sports
Topicsplode!: LOST, Taken (PG-13 Version), Warner wants 7 Batman Movies?, Dollhouse Grindhouse Ads, BSG DVR Ratings, Super Bowl Porn, Gamely buys Shack News, UK Comic Laws, Black Dynamite, Walk Hard
The Mail Sack: Making our own Con (The HEXpo), Taking the Podcast Pro, Adapting Books to Movies, The HE Book Club (The Reading Rainbow Coalition),Obama’s Best/Worst Qualities, Favorite Venture Bros. Villain, Joel’s Geeky RenFest Proposal